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  30 September 2019  

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Interim evaluation shows good performance of ISA² Programme

The European Commission published the results of the interim evaluation of the ISA² Programme. The outcome adopted on 23 September 2019 has the form of a report to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. Overall, the interim evaluation concludes ISA² has been performing well so far, while it also identifies three areas for possible improvement.

Interim evaluation
Digital Government Factsheets available in html and as linked open data

To support interoperability principles of openness, transparency and reusability, the National Interoperability Framework Observatory has published the latest edition of the Digital Government factsheets in both linked open data and HTML open formats. This way, it is significantly expanding the reach and impact of the information gathered in the factsheets but also its potential reuse.

Digital Government Factsheets
Fidel Santiago, European Commission
How to link data spaces for citizens? Join us at SEMIC 2019 to discover the role of semantic interoperability!
SEMIC 2019

‘Space’ can have various meanings, such as ‘a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied’ or ‘the freedom to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one’. Both definitions can give us an idea on what trans-European data spaces may represent in digital public services. At SEMIC 2019, we would like to explore the link between semantic interoperability and trans-European data spaces.

ISA² solution of the month: EU Public Licence
EUPL in a nutshell

Watch the video interview presenting the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) in a nutshell. It is a unique open source licence created by the European Commission and available in 23 EU languages. The EUPL is also legally consistent with the copyright law of all EU countries, and compatible with other open source licences.

Multilingual and interoperable - EU Public Licence is the choice for software integrators

Among ISA² solutions, the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) is very specific. Its goal is to provide a modern licensing tool to all software licensors in Europe: European institutions, national administrations and even to private developers. Read more about the use of the EUPL in the blog post by legal expert Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz.

Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz
User Testimonial by Martin Serrano Orozco

The use of the EUPL helped the team achieve the objective of having a fully open source-based project. I would highly recommend the use of the EUPL in research projects as it creates a community with a strong philosophy of sharing and compatibility, said Martin Serrano Orozco, Senior Research Fellow / Internet of Things & Stream, National University of Ireland – Insight Centre for Data Analytics.

Martin Serrano Orozco
Brussels, 7-10 October 2019
European Week of Regions and Cities 2019
European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

Annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement EU cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Do not miss ISA² sessions on Citizen-centric services by Digital Innovation Hubs and Joinup, and visit our stand in the expo area!

9 October 2019
Access to Base Registries Webinar
Access to Base Registries Webinar

The aim of the webinar is to share and discuss best practices among EU countries related to the creation of their registry of registries. The organisers will also collect feedback concerning the progress of the second phase of the ISA² action Access to Base Registries.

10 October 2019
Webinar - Going beyond bars and lines: practising non-standard data visualisation
Series of webinars on data visualisation

Join the last data visualisation webinar! It will be the opportunity to discover visualisation in data analysis, to get to know different data types and visualisations that fit to them, and to learn how to introduce lesser known chart types to readers.

Videos & Publications
Organising interoperability for borderless digital public services
Organising interoperability for digital public services

The organisational and integrated public service governance aspects of interoperability are a crucial element in the development and delivery of digital public services. Ongoing work under ISA² is focused on providing guidance on the implementation of these concepts.

Organising interoperability for borderless digital public services
Best moments from Sharing & Reuse Conference 2019

This year's Sharing & Reuse Conference held in Bucharest brought many insightful presentations on sharing and reuse of IT solutions and open source, as well as the announcement of the Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019 winners. Watch the conference highlights!

Organising interoperability for borderless digital public services
APIs for CPSV-AP based Catalogue of Services

This new report looks at how public administrations should deal with automating data exchange using APIs and what important factors they need to take into account. The report was published in the context of the ISA² action Catalogue of Services.

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