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  16 September 2019  

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Check out the programme of SEMIC 2019!

The draft programme of the SEMIC 2019 Conference on “Linking data spaces for citizens” has just been published. The 9th edition of the semantic interoperability conference will take place in Helsinki, Finland on 21 October 2019. SEMIC 2019 is organised by the ISA² Programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

Director-General of European Commission's DG Informatics, Gertrud Ingestad, will open the conference. Barbara Ubaldi, Acting Head of Division and Head of Digital Government and Open Data at OECD, will give a keynote speech. Afterwards, representatives of EU countries will present the work on the Linked Data Showcase pilot

The afternoon will be dedicated to sessions on cross-border examples of data exchange between public administrations, and new technologies.

Check out the highlights of the programme!

Do not miss this unique opportunity and register for SEMIC 2019 by 7 October 2019.

We look forward to welcoming you to Helsinki!

The SEMIC 2019 Conference Team

Stay tuned: #SEMIC2019 - @EU_ISA2

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