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  28 May 2019  

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Read the presentation on ISA² Interim Evaluation Study

On 7 May 2019, ISA² organised a final workshop session on the interim evaluation of the programme. The aim of the event was to present the results of the evaluation study conducted by the Centre for European Policy Studies. The presentations from the workshop are now available.

ISA² Interim Evaluation
New study on 'Blockchain for Digital Governments' published

The study "Blockchain for digital government - An assessment of pioneering implementations in public services" has been published by the ISA² ELISE Action. The publication analyses 7 blockchain-based services developed in Europe, with an active participation of public authorities from both national and local levels.

Are you a data visualisation enthusiast? Submit your contribution to EU DataViz 2019

The organisers of EU DataViz 2019 are looking for speakers and exhibitors interested in sharing their experiences, knowledge or successful project in the field of data visualisation. The call for contributions is open until 16 June 2019. EU DataViz 2019 is taking place on 12 November 2019 in Luxembourg.

EU DataViz 2019
ISA² Solution of the month: NIFO
Video: NIFO in a nutshell

Watch the interview with Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez on the National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO). In the short video, he explains what the objectives of NIFO are and how users from Europe and beyond can benefit from joining the NIFO community.

Get to know NIFO, the observer of digital government and interoperability in Europe
Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez

Among ISA² actions, NIFO is a bit unusual. Its goal is not to develop software or a data specification. NIFO is providing policy makers, researchers and practitioners with the latest developments on digital government and interoperability across Europe. Read the blog post by Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez to learn more.

User Testimonial: Tomáš Kroupa
Tomáš Kroupa

Tomáš Kroupa, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic: We have used the NIFO questionnaire as a checklist for our ongoing national interoperability initiatives. While having focused quite rigorously on the legal interoperability already before NIFO, it helped us initiate more activities in the area of organisational, technical and semantic interoperability as well.

Nataliya Rozbroj Jasinskaja, EU Open Data Expert
DCAT-AP - a key for European data publishers to reach data consumers and create a European open data ecosystem

The DCAT Application profile for data portals in Europe is a result of European efforts for standards-based harmonisation of dataset and data catalogue specifications. It aims at creating a European data ecosystem by increasing the discoverability and reuse of open government data and improving the interoperability of data portals.

Nataliya Rozbroj Jasinskaja
Bucharest, 11 June 2019
Sharing & Reuse Conference 2019
Sharing & Reuse Conference 2019

The second edition of the Sharing & Reuse Conference is organised by the ISA² Programme under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about open source policies and strategies, and their implementation in EU countries. The European Commission will also announce the winners of the Sharing & Reuse Awards 2019.

28 May 2019
Webinar: Mastering Joinup to your advantage

This webinar aims to provide you with all the needed background information, key concepts, and guidelines for effectively using Joinup to your advantage. You will also get a glimpse of some interesting and upcoming improvements. The webinar will start today at 11:00 AM.

Brno, 5-6 June 2019
URBIS Smart City Fair
URBIS Smart City Fair

URBIS Smart City Fair will offer a unique space for sharing ideas and practical designs on how to develop the concept of a smart city in central Europe. In the Digital City track, Jean-Paul De Baets will have a keynote speech on the ISA² Programme. You can also visit our stand in the expo area.

Bucharest, 13-14 June 2019
Digital Assembly
Digital Assembly

The Digital Assembly 2019 is a forum for stakeholders to take stock of the achievements of the Digital Single Market Strategy, draw lessons and to exchange views on the contours of a future digital policy. It is co-organised by the European Commission and the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

11 June 2019
Webinar on the governance models, ecosystems and benefits of APIs for public sector organisations

The ELISE Action has launched a webinar series called 'Rapid Studies', looking at various aspects of the digital transformation of government in relation to geospational data and technologies. The next webinar will look at issues of governance, data ecosystems and the broader benefits of Application Programme Interfaces (APIs).

Brussels, 13 June 2019
EU Datathon 2019
EU Datathon 2019

The EU Datathon 2019 aims to promote the reuse of open data from across the EU. This year, 99 teams submitted creative ideas and 12 teams have been shortlisted to develop their app that they will present at the final conference. During the event, visit also the Semantic Interoperability stand supported by ISA².

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