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  13 December 2018  

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Have your say! Participate in public consultation on ISA²

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the ISA​² Programme. It aims at gathering feedback on the programme that reached now its midway point. The consultation is available in 23 EU languages and open until 1 March 2019.

Apply for the Sharing & Reuse Awards
Sharing & Reuse Awards

The European Commission invites you to take part in the 2nd edition of the Sharing & Reuse Awards Contest. Have you been successfully working on digitalising public services? Share your experience by applying to this contest by 28 February 2019!

Interinstitutional Register of Delegated Acts celebrates its first anniversary

The Interinstitutional Register of Delegated Acts was launched on 12 December 2017. Since then, it has offered a one stop-shop for anyone interested in the lifecycle of delegated acts. The technical solution of the project was developed with support of the ISA² Programme.

New version of the European Parliament Crypto Tool available
Crypto Tool

A new version of the Crypto Tool was released. The tool ensures a secure exchange of data of mobile voters and candidates and prevents double voting. The new release will be used during the European Parliament elections in May 2019.

ISA² Mid-Term Conference: check out slides, videos & photos!
Speakers' presentations

Videos recordings

Conference Photo Gallery

Alice Vasilescu, LEOS Community Manager
One year with the LEOS team: what I learnt about community growth, Agile and user-centric design
LEOS team

As we are approaching the end of 2018, I would like to share with you what I have learnt this year while working on LEOS. ​LEOS is an open source software designed to help those involved in legislation drafting by facilitating efficient online collaboration.

Videos & Publications
Why turn fiscal data into Linked Open Data?
EU budget as LOD

Watch the teaser on a project of the EU Open Data team making EU budget data available as RDF data. This way it is possible to turn the data into Linked Open Data. The project is supported by ISA².

New study on the Single Digital Gateway published

A study was done to provide the technical basis for the implementation of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. Read about the proposed IT architecture, the business, functional and technical requirements and the interoperability questions that will need to be addressed.

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