Read the online version | ISSN: 20221025103755


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CERIS is the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security. Our quarterly newsletter aims to update you on all CERIS-related activities.

DG HOME publishes EU Security Market Study
The European Commission has published a study on EU Security Market, with the objective to get a better understanding of the EU civil security market and its dynamics. This comprehensive study is a first of its kind.
CERIS workshop on the use of Artificial Intelligence for security purposes

On 23 March 2023, the European Commission organised a workshop on the current and future use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for security purposes. This workshop was carried out in the framework of the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), with the active involvement of the EU agencies Europol and eu-LISA. The 90 participants included security practitioners, policy makers and researchers as well as representatives from industry and civil society.

CERIS workshop on Europol’s new role in Horizon Europe

The meeting was a response to the security research community's interest in practical aspects of Europol’s amended Regulation and its new engagement rules in Horizon Europe activities. Some 40 ongoing Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects represented by researchers, engineers, police officers and industry dived into discussions on just opened cooperation paths, but also the prospect of result validation and possible deployment to front lines, especially via Europol Innovation Lab’s products and services.

CERIS Workshop on methods and examples of piloting and validation of innovative border management solutions

On 9 March 2023, close to 70 policy makers, security practitioners and representatives from research and technology organisations, industry and different EU agencies (e.g. eu-LISA, Frontex) met to discuss different methods and best practices for testing and validation of innovative solutions in the field of border management, customs control and maritime surveillance. During this CERIS workshop, the participants shared with each other their lessons learned and came up with recommendations.

CERIS SSRI workshop on 'Capability-driven approaches across security sectors'
On 2 March 2023, a CERIS event brought together close to 100 policy makers, security practitioners, researchers and industry in Brussels. The aim of the workshop was to promote a Capability Driven Approach, to strengthen the forward-looking and early identification of needs and solutions in the field of internal security and law enforcement.
CERIS FCT Workshop: Spotlight on the Fight against Child Sexual Abuse

On 21 February 2023, the European Commission held a CERIS workshop under the general theme of Fighting Crime and Terrorism (FCT), in Brussels, to discuss the priorities, roadmaps, and best practices of EU-funded security research projects focusing on the fight against Child Sexual Abuse (CSA).

CERIS BioTerrorism workshop
On Thursday 26 January 2023, the Innovation and Security Research Unit of DG HOME invited some 30 experts to discuss the risks of recent biotechnology developments, including the increasingly likely threat of release of a genetically modified deadly pathogen by a non-state actor.
CERIS DRS annual event – state of play of disaster-resilient societies research
On 8-10 November 2022, DG HOME held a CERIS event on the State of Play in the area of Disaster Resilient Societies. The event was gathering more than 30 projects funded by Horizon 2020 and the Internal Security Fund in the areas of societal resilience, CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear), health risks, and technologies for first responders and standardisation.
First meeting of the CERIS expert group takes place in Brussels

On 14 October 2022, the 65 members of the Commission expert group on the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) met each other for the first time in Brussels. DG HOME explained the policy context and the objectives of the expert group. The group took note of the Terms of Reference, agreed on the Rules of Procedure, and discussed its mandate.

Awards for innovative projects in civil security presented by DG HOME
On 5 October 2022, DG HOME awarded the Security Innovation Award 2022. This award highlights the importance of EU-funded research in the field of Civil Security, and rewards great examples of Security Research Uptake.
DG HOME releases factsheet on the importance of security research
To show the importance of security research, DG HOME and DG RTD created a factsheet on the impact of security research as well as some of the future challenges and current issues, such as market uptake of research outcomes.
Commissioner Johansson visits EU-funded security research project

On 7 February 2023, the European Commissioner for HOME Affairs Ylva Johansson visited the Port of Antwerp, where she went to see a demonstration by BorderSens, an EU-funded security research project. BorderSens works on detection of illicit drugs and precursors by highly accurate electrosensors.

DG ECHO launched call for Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness (KAPP)
On 13 February 2023, the European Commission (DG ECHO) has opened a call for proposals related to the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN), which might be of interest to a number of H2020 projects, in particular in the area Disaster Resilient Societies/DRS (including CBRN).
Upcoming CERIS Events
European Forum on Risk Governance and Societal Resilience, an event organised within the CERIS framework

A cluster of Disaster-Resilient Societies (DRS) projects will disseminate new findings and practical information of direct relevance to municipal authorities and first responders in the framework of the European Forum on Governance of Major Risk & Societal Resilience organised in the framework of CERIS to facilitate this dissemination and interactions among the scientific community and city’s representatives.

date 16/05/2023 - 17/05/2023
venue Espaces Vanel 1 All. Jacques Chaban-Delmas, 31500 Toulouse, France
Organiser CERIS
Contact CERIS secretariat
Other Events*
63rd ESReDA Seminar: Resilience assessment - Methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures

Researchers, practitioners and decision-makers discuss the methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures, focusing on successes and/or failures to stimulate new ideas and identify future needs in resilience research.

date 24/10/2023 - 26/10/2023
Organiser * This event is not carried out by CERIS, which is therefore not responsible for its organisation or content.
All CERIS Events


This newsletter is published by the European Commission's Directorate General for
Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME).
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ISSN: : 20221025103755