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Digital frontrunners in P/CVE work: How early prevention, trend monitoring, individual interventions, and counter messaging are used online by practitioners

For the RAN C&N Working Group meeting on ‘Digital frontrunners in P/CVE work: How early prevention, trend monitoring, individual interventions, and counter messaging are used online by practitioners’ we are looking for first-line practitioners who are interested in attending.

date:  16/06/2022 - 17/06/2022

venue:  Riga, Latvia

Organiser:  RAN Practitioners Staff

RegistrationClick here to register

ContactAlwyn Voogd, Rik Scheele or Ruth He...

Please note that this is a face-to-face event taking place in Riga, Latvia, and requires travel. Your travel will be arranged by RAN, but do keep in mind that it will take up more time agenda-wise than the digital meetings we got used to in the last 2 years. By registering, you confirm your availability and willingness to travel for this meeting.

Target group

For this meeting we are looking for:

  • Practitioners from the C&N constituency who have experience with online P/CVE work (for example in alternative narrative campaigns, disinformation, media literacy, etc.).
  • Practitioners from all other RAN Working Group constituencies who have an online intervention project.

We especially want to encourage professionals from the different RAN Working Groups to register, as we want to foster exchange between professionals from a range of different fields.

Topic of the meeting

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an accelerated shift from the offline to the online world, by the whole of society as well as by extremists. As a result, the urge to develop and improve online P/CVE practices has greatly increased, in particular pertaining to work in areas such as:

  • Early prevention: for example, boosting resilience to dis/misinformation and fake news through programmes that enhance media literacy and foster critical thinking.
  • Trend monitoring:  exploring the narratives that are being circulated and investigating the patterns of at-risk behaviour online.
  • Individual interventions: engaging and providing support to at-risk or radicalised individuals, i.e. approaching them online through gaming.
  • Counter messaging: offering (positive) alternatives for extremist narratives online.

The goal of this meeting is to give an overview of the current state of affairs regarding online P/CVE tools and practices used among first-line practitioners in EU countries. To accomplish this goal, this meeting aims to bring together the digital frontrunners of different RAN constituencies to exchange knowledge, gain an understanding of existing tools and their effectiveness, and discuss the next steps in further developing and implementing online work.

While other Working Groups have been discussing online or hybrid P/CVE practices in their respective lines of work, this C&N Working Group meeting aims to cultivate a holistic view by taking into account the perspectives of practitioners from different lines of work.

The meeting builds on previous RAN C&N meetings:

It will also draw upon activities of other RAN Working Groups:

  • RAN Y&E (March, 2022): ‘Mind the gap: Social media literacy to the next level for educators and youth professionals. How to bridge the gap between the online and offline world?’ (paper to be published online)
  • RAN FC&S (March, 2022): ‘Hybrid interventions and digital awareness in family support’  (paper to be published online)
  • RAN Rehabilitation (February, 2022): ‘Exploring digital/hybrid exit and rehab work’ (paper to be published online)
  • RAN Specialised Paper (February 2022): ‘Hybrid Youth and Social Work
  • RAN Local (May 2021): ‘Online P/CVE approach for local authorities’
  • RAN Health (November 2020): ‘Mental Health support online’

Relevant questions

Questions that will be discussed during the meeting include but are not limited to:

  • What are the current online practices regarding early prevention, trend monitoring, individual interventions, and counter messaging in P/CVE?
  • What are the main challenges of online P/CVE work?
  • What are the main components of an effective online intervention?
  • Which existing online infrastructures can be used?
  • How can the target group be reached in their own online spaces? What are these spaces?
  • What are the needs of the different first-line practitioners to carry out successful online P/CVE programming in their respective line of work?

Deadline and practical information

If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please answer the questions in the following registration form.  

Please note that as the goal is to exchange experiences as much as possible, we can only invite participants who have experience with online P/CVE work within their respective line of work. Please indicate in the registration form what your experience with this topic is.

Deadline: Please fill in the form by Friday 13 May at the latest. We will invite participants (and contributors) based on the answers given in the survey.

Please keep in mind that we can only invite a limited number of participants to this meeting to ensure valuable exchange and interaction, so participation is not guaranteed.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Alwyn Voogd, Rik Scheele or Ruth Heringa (RAN Practitioners Staff).