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RAN REHABILITATION ‒ “Rehabilitation in an open setting”

02–03 June 2022 (lunch to lunch), Stockholm, Sweden.

We are looking for suitable participants for the RAN Rehabilitation Working Group meeting “Rehabilitation in an open setting”

date:  02/06/2022 - 03/06/2022

venue:  Stockholm, Sweden

Organiser:  RAN Practitioners Staff

RegistrationClick here to register

ContactMaximilian Ruf

Background and aim of this event

In recent years, RAN Practitioners activities in the rehabilitation context have focused on working with sentenced extremist offenders, either within the prison, or at least under penal conditions. However, this only captures a fraction of the work implemented by different organisations across the EU.

Many projects and organisations focus on voluntary approaches, working with individuals who approach them out of their own free will, or who are introduced by family members or practitioners.

In general, these individuals have no criminal record of extremist acts or have already served their sentence and complied with all conditions.
Building on this experience and on the discussions of the 2020 REHAB WG Meeting on fostering motivation as well as the 2016 EXIT Meeting on principles of exit work, this meeting intends to discuss the following overarching questions:

  • How can voluntary programmes and approaches in an open setting work with radicalised individuals?
    • What are the benefits and challenges when delivering tertiary prevention under these circumstances?
    • How can individuals be kept motivated (without external pressure)?
  • (How) Do voluntary programmes/open settings differ from the work with sentenced offenders?
    • Can additional potential for mutual learning be identified?
  • How do individuals usually get engaged with exit and rehab programmes in an open setting?
    • Which current transferral mechanisms/pathways exist?
    • Which further ways can be developed?
    • Can digital approaches offer a bridge for individuals who are currently not reached yet by rehabilitation programmes?

The objective of the meeting is to spur exchange among workers in the field of rehabilitation in an open setting. Apart from doing so in the room, the conclusion paper and expected new practices for the collection can secure further dissemination.

Practitioners we are looking for are:

Rehabilitation practitioners (exit, derad, probation) who have experience working within voluntary, open settings.


In order to find the best suited participants, we would like to ask you to briefly respond to the following survey.

Please note that due to limited available spots, participation cannot be guaranteed. You will be contacted individually by RAN Staff after the survey response deadline.


If you are interested in participating, kindly respond to the survey by 06 May.

We will invite participants based on this information. As we only have a limited number of places available for this meeting, we unfortunately cannot guarantee participation.

Please note, the meeting will be held online in English. 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Maximilian Ruf.