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  European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME)  

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Upcoming CERIS event

CBRN-E Research & Innovation Day

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming CERIS event on CBRN-E Research & Innovation Day, taking place in Strasbourg on 21 March 2024.

Dear members of the CERIS community,

The next CERIS event will be focused on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) issues, and will take place within the CBRNE R&I Conference in Strasbourg on the 21st March 2024, details of which can be found here. This event will be animated by EU-funded projects (Horizon Europe, ECHO Prevention, European Defence Fund (EDF) and others) as well as by CBRNe actors (policy-makers, first responders, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)/industry, civil society) who will come together to discuss and exchange experiences and expertise. A draft agenda is enclosed. It covers context-setting keynote speeches from European Commission Directorates with an interest in this area and will then proceed within four thematic panels, namely:

a)     CBRN Risk Governance  - From knowledge of multi-hazard risks and vulnerabilities to preparedness and response,  Societal (CBRN) Resilience,

b)     Technologies for 1st and 2nd responders, Detection and monitoring of CBRN threats,

c)      Anticipating tomorrow’s crises, preparedness, training and adapting response means, and

d)     Interoperability (including technologies, training, guidelines-standards).

Registration is mandatory for the event but different categories of fees are considered for projects or individuals. Please follow the procedure shown in the attached tutorials (either for Projects or Individuals).  On-going projects and delegates who can cover their costs on a project are required to pay a fee using a code indicated in the registration page (the use of the code will automatically modify the registration fee for the day), while individuals not related to any projects but involved only in the CERIS event benefit for waived fees using another code as indicated in the page (the use of the code will put the amount to zero). If you wish to benefit from participation in the rest of the conference, exhibition and demonstrations, you will need to cover conference costs by yourself.

We hope to meet as many of you as possible in Strasbourg!    

date 21/03/2024
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This newsletter is published by the Innovation and Security Research Unit of
the European Commission,
Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME).
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Catalogue number: DRAE23001ENQ

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ISSN: 2811-9630