Read the online version | ISSN: 2443-6151

Migration and Home Affairs


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Schengen broadens borders

Croatia is set to be part of the Schengen Area from 1 January, 2023. From that date checks on persons at internal land and sea borders between Croatia and the other countries in the Schengen area will be lifted.

Border security boosted; security against smuggling of cultural goods proposed

New rules that strengthen the use of Advance Passenger Information (API) data, a key action under the EU Security Union Strategy, and an Action Plan in trafficking cultural goods are proposed by the European Commission.

Commission action plan for migratory routes in Western Balkans

Measures to support Western Balkan partners, and action in the EU aim to strengthen cooperation on migration and border management with partners.

Welcoming refugees from Ukraine: Migration management

Since March 2022, DG HOME has coordinated the Solidarity Platform, which brings together EU countries, international partners, and EU agencies to ensure the implementation of the Temporary Protection Directive. The EU Migration Preparedness and Crisis Blueprint collects important information, such as the arrivals of refugees, to guide migration management response.

Smart Borders - new interoperable systems for travellers to Europe

New requirements for travel to Europe will come into operation by the end of 2023. All relevant information is on the dedicated website.

Commissioner’s corner
Global partners talk resettlement at High-Level Forum

A High-Level Forum to promote closer cooperation with partner countries and organisations to expand safe and legal avenues for those people in need of protection was held with international partners, the EU, Canada, UK and the US.

EU Internet Forum: Unified action needed in the fight against child abuse online and terrorist content online

On 7 December, Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson hosted the 8th Ministerial Meeting of the EU Internet Forum. The event addressed the challenges posed by the presence of malicious content and behaviour online, in particular child sexual abuse and terrorist and violent extremist content.

Project spotlight
Sniffing out mines for Ukraine: dogs trained
Knowledge dive
Security by design: urban spaces and their protection

A new handbook by the Joint Research Centre brings together scientists, experts and academia for a book that dives deep into how open public spaces can be planned and built in a more secure way, through security by design.


This newsletter is published by the European Commission's Directorate General for
Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME).
Visit our website: DG HOME.

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ISSN: ISSN: 2443-6151