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European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2012 Launched

The Commission launched its 2012 edition of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards. It rewards the success of public bodies and public-private partnerships in promoting enterprise and entrepreneurship.

date:  08/03/2012

One of the subjects for the 2012 edition will be SME funding for those entrepreneurs that want to extend their business and enter new markets.

In the current economic context, SMEs are acknowledged to contribute to growth and their job creation potential is impressive.85% of all new jobs in the EU are provided by SMEs. Public authorities support SMEs with a large number of initiatives.

The most impactful measure will be chosen by an expert jury and receive its award during the 2012 SME Assembly in November in Cyprus.

European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship said: "Every year the European Enterprise Awards bring to the fore successful initiatives from all over Europe that have created win-win situations for business and communities. We need to multiply these concrete success stories and make Europe more business-oriented and business-friendly. This is essential for job creation and recovery of European economy."

There are five different award categories:

  •     Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit
  •     Investing in skills
  •     Improving the business environment
  •     Supporting the internationalisation of businesses
  •     Responsible and inclusive entrepreneurship.

The competition comprises of two stages; applicants first have to compete at national level. Each country can then select two entries to be nominated to the European competition by July 16, 2012.


The objectives of the European Commission’s annual European Enterprise Promotion Awards are to:

  • Identify and recognise outstanding initiatives that promote enterprise and entrepreneurship;
  • Showcase and share examples of best entrepreneurship policies and practices;
  • Create a greater awareness of the role entrepreneurs play in society;
  •     Encourage and inspire potential entrepreneurs.

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