Read the online version | ISSN: 2600 - 5123

The Public Procurement Gazette

Newsflash No. 1 | January 2024

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100 days of public procurement notifications under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation

The notification obligations for high-value public procurements under the Foreign subsidies Regulation (FSR) began 100 days ago, on 12 October 2023.

In the area of public procurement, subsidies from third countries can give the recipients an unfair advantage in obtaining public contracts in the EU. The FSR therefore allows the European Commission to investigate financial contributions granted by non-EU countries to companies active in the EU, to ensure fair and undistorted market conditions.

The European Commission has so far received more than 100 submissions (meaning notifications, or declarations that there is nothing to notify). However, there is still a need to spread awareness of the FSR, and of the roles and obligations of economic operators and contracting authorities.

Read the full article for a thorough understanding of the FSR’s implications in public procurement.


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ISSN: : 2600 - 5123 | Catalogue Number: ETAG22001ENN