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The Public Procurement Gazette

Smarter, faster and more affordable for better outcomes

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A European Solar PV industry alliance: the role of the public buyer

On the 11th of October the Commission formally endorsed a new Solar Photovoltaic Industry Alliance, with the aim of scaling up manufacturing technologies of innovative solar photovoltaic products and components in the EU. This will contribute to accelerating the deployment of solar power across the EU and improving the resilience of the EU's energy system. The Alliance is one of the concrete initiatives of the EU Solar Strategy, adopted in May 2022 as part of the REPowerEU Action Plan, which will help the EU reach over 320 GW of newly installed solar photovoltaic capacity by 2025, and almost 600 GW by 2030. DG GROW C2 is working together with Dutch Pianoo to establish an EU level buying group on sustainable Solar PV so that this important work can be connected to the work of the Solar Alliance.

The Commission Staff Working Document on Vulnerabilities of the Global Supply Chains of Medicines is now available!

We are pleased to inform you that the Commission Staff Working Document entitled “Vulnerabilities of the global supply chains of medicines - Structured dialogue on the security of supply of medicines supply” is now published!

Participate to the 1st European Hospital Procurement Barometer!

Are you a professional in public procurement in the healthcare sector? If so, you can participate to the first edition of the European Hospital Procurement Barometer! This initiative is organized by Resah, a French public Group Purchasing Organization, with the support of the European Heath Public Procurement Alliance. Deadline to complete the survey: 4th November 2022!

The new call for tenders to support the work of the Big Public Buyers Collaboration Network is out !!

The main objective of this call for tender is to improve the business environment of innovative SMEs and make public procurement an attractive option for these economic operators through an enhanced uptake of strategic public procurement in Europe. Such uptake is achieved through collaboration between big buyers in strategic public procurement with a view to driving the market for innovative goods, services and works. The call for tender includes two different lots: - Lot 1: Setting up and management of working groups of public buyers: supporting buyers in joint preparation of calls for tender, joint market engagement, cooperative drafting of statements / terms of reference (budget: 3 m €) . - Lot 2: Training and knowledge development on procurement of innovation for both operational (onsite) and senior managers (online only) (budget: 1.4 m €) New deadline to submit a bid : 7 November 2022

Events and Announcements
Don't miss the Annual Symposium of the Big Buyer Initiative!

How do public buyers contribute to sustainable solutions in zero-emission construction sites, heavy-duty electric vehicles, circular construction and digital healthcare? On November 9th in Brussels, the EU-funded Big Buyers Initiative will host its annual symposium to highlight its work. And a new Big Buyers project will soon follow!

date 09/11/2022
Registration Interested in joining? Register here!
Get ready for the webinar "Building Information Modeling and Public Procurement - two allies”
Save the date!

With this webinar we would like to announce the community of practice ‘Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Public Procurement’. This new community will serve as a community of practice comprising of large-scale public authorities and public procurers for construction and infrastructure projects to share lessons learned and best practices when it comes to implementing BIM through public procurement. For example, by exchanging use cases of public projects using BIM for procurement and lifecycle management of built assets and infrastructure as well as on the introduction of open BIM.

Beyond announcing this new community focused on BIM in public procurement, the webinar will provide room to discuss:

  • the needs of procurers and bidders;
  • how we can advance sharing of good practice;
  • enable community building by providing a first impetus for the ‘BIM in Public Procurement’ community.

See also Register here!
Funding opportunities
Looking for a way to fast track to innovation procurement? Check out the InnoBuyer project!

Are you a buyer or innovation supplier and do you wish to fast track to innovation procurement? The InnoBuyer project brings together procurers and innovation suppliers to jointly co-create solutions to a common challenge proposed by the procurer, with coaching and financial support. Want to know more? Join the Observer Group of the Big Buyers Initiative and remain up to date with the most recent news!

EU4Health call for proposals - support for public procurement in the health sector and crises preparedness

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a need for coordination and cooperation at a European, national, regional and even local level in the health sector. The pandemic has unveiled already-existing weaknesses in EU countries’ supply chain and public procurement. The aim of the call is to support EU countries in organising a thorough assessment of public procurement in the health sector at national and/or regional level . The call is expected to: - Develop new/ improved national and regional strategies on public procurement; - Make current practices more resilient and efficient all over the Union; - Increase preparedness for future health crises. The total budget amounts to € 5 million The deadline for applications is 21 February 2023, 17:00 (CET).

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