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European Commission European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials
EIP News flash
European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials calling for applications to renew its membership
DG GROW is calling for applications in view of selecting new members for both the EIP's High-Level Steering Group and its Operational Groups.

Call for applications

As the mandate of the group selected in 2013 comes to an end, DG GROW is calling for applications in view of selecting new members for both the EIP's High-Level Steering Group and its Operational Groups.

All organisations that are registered in the Transparency Register are welcomed to send in their applications, using the templates on the EIP' website by 31 January 2017. Member States and other public entities have received an invitation letter.

About the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials

The European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials is a stakeholder platform that brings together representatives from industry, public services, academia and NGOs. Its mission is to provide high-level guidance to the European Commission, Members States and private actors on innovative approaches to the challenges related to raw materials.

The EIP plays a central role in the EU's raw materials policy framework:

  • It reinforces the Raw Materials Initiative by translating the strategic policy framework into concrete actions and by mobilising the stakeholder community to implement them;
  • It has been instrumental in securing R&I funding: while Framework Programme 7 (the R&I funding tool for the period 2007-2013) only included approximately €180 million for raw materials R&I, Horizon 2020 (the R&I funding tool for 2014-2020) reserved €600 million for research on the challenges related to raw materials.

The European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) are a new approach to EU research and innovation. By bringing together actors from the entire research and innovation value chain they aim at streamlining efforts and accelerating market take-up of innovations that address key challenges for Europe.

More information


This is the newsletter of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials. It is hosted by the Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs .

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