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Development of the 'European Food Price Indicator'

This call for tender is for the development and communication of food price composition indicators, based on extensive data collection and analysis.

Deadline:  15/09/2019

The study aims to specify how consumer expenditure on food is distributed between the different stages of the food supply chain (farmers, processors and retailers). It should primarily show patterns of price composition at EU country level, and cover the most often purchased basket of products.

The indicators should also show, to the extent that this is feasible, the relationship between the output value and input costs.

The call for tender should contain communication activities with stakeholders as well as the wider public, to disseminate the knowledge to actors in the business and to consumers.

The food industry supplies life-sustaining food products of high quality to all European citizens, but it is also an important economic sector in the EU. The majority of the enterprises in the food supply chain are small and medium sized.

The initiative for the call for tender comes from the High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain.

The project aims to increase public awareness on the distribution of the added value and other components across the food supply chain. It shall allow operators (mostly small and medium-sized enterprises) to compare the average costs and margins of economic operators between various EU countries, allowing them to identify best practices and replicate them in the local context.

If you are interested in this call, please access the tender documents

The documents are always publicly visible and downloadable. If you register to the call by adding your email address and a password, you will be able to ask questions and you will be automatically informed about all changes that may be published (such as additional documents or answers to questions).

The deadline for receipt of tenders is 15 September 2019 at 23.59 (CEST). 

More information

Contract notice

Forum for a better functioning food supply chain

Related Growth Website

Food industry