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Consultation on problems faced by service providers in obtaining insurance cover when providing services in another Member State on a temporary basis

Deadline:  16/08/2013

Policy Field

  • Internal Market, Services

Target group

All interested stakeholders. Contributions are particularly sought from service providers, mainly Small and Medium sized business (SMEs), with an interest in providing services in another Member State without setting up a ‘permanent’ establishment (subsidiary, branch, etc.) in the latter.


  • From 27.05.2013 to 16.08.2013.


Entrepreneurs and businesses should be able to provide services in other Member States on an unencumbered basis. They should be able to choose how they organise themselves when providing services beyond their national borders. They can set up a subsidiary or a branch in another Member State if they believe that there is adequate on-going business potential. Alternatively, they should be able to provide services across borders on a temporary basis where they remain established in their home country but where they provider services by a temporary presence in the customer’s country.

In many instances, businesses will be insured either because they have chosen to or because they are required to be insured. In the instance of the performance of a service in another Member State it is important to determine what the insurance requirements are in that Member State. Businesses should then be able to secure adequate insurance for their work in that other Member State.

The objective of this consultation is to determine the risks and obstacles individual entrepreneurs and businesses face when attempting to secure insurance cover for another Member State.

How to submit your contribution

Contributions are to be made via the online questionnaire.

  • Please click on one of the following language icons to view the questionnaire:
    bgcsdadeetelenesfritlvlthumtnlplptroskslfisv .

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the Specific privacy statement (19 kB) attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.

Contact details

Responsible services:

DG Internal Market and Services DG
Directorate E: Services
Unit E.1

Postal address:

European Commission
Rue Joseph II 59
1049 Brussels

Number of responses received to this consultation

This information will be available after the closing of the consultation period.

View the contributions

This information will be available after the closing of the consultation period.

In the interests of transparency, organisations are invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the Interest Representative Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct. If the organisation is not registered, the submission will be published separately from the registered organisations.

Results of consultation and next steps

The summary results of the consultation will be published on this page after the closing of the consultation period.

Protection of personal data and privacy statement

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