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Finance Newsletter

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In this issue
In the spotlight
Charles Canonne
Charles Canonne

Interview with the financial attaché at the EU delegation to the UK.

©  Seventyfour - stock.adobe.com
Instant payments

Commission proposal means more choice for consumers, savings for businesses, and innovation opportunities for industry.

© stanciuc - stock.adobe.com
EU sanctions

Restrictive measures against Russia are working, but effective implementation is key.

Mairead McGuinness
Commissioner’s corner

Ms McGuinness gives speech on the future of financial services.

© Brian Jackson - stock.adobe.com
EU Finance news in brief

Commission requests advice from the European Banking Authority on green retail lending.

@EU_Finance podcast
The one about…

Instant Payments: Aidas Palubinskas talks with Eric Ducoulombier, the Commission’s head for retail finance, about how the EU is nudging the retail payments industry on instant payments, and how it will benefit EU citizens and businesses, including SMEs.

John Berrigan on LinkedIn
Capital Markets Union

The Commission’s recent proposals will help boost the growth potential of the economy, the resilience of capital markets and the EU’s strategic autonomy, while also helping implement the green and digital transitions.

New proposals on clearing, corporate insolvency and company listing to make EU capital markets more attractive
7 December 2022
Sustainable finance: Commission adopts disclosure rules for large banks on ESG risks
30 November 2022
Sustainable Finance: draft sustainability reporting standards for companies mark another step forward in the transition to a sustainable economy
23 November 2022
The latest assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing risks across the Single Market available
28 October 2022
EU legislative timetable
State-of-play of European legislation

Keep up to date with the EU legislative timetable in the area of financial services.

Visual of the month
Digital euro

If you missed our recent conference, you can watch it here!

Top tweet
EU sanctions

@EU_Commission has created an online tool for whistle-blowers


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ISSN 2363-4421