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Finance Newsletter

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In this issue
In the spotlight
Nicolas Véron
Nicolas Véron

Senior fellow at Bruegel and PIIE talks about Brexit, financial integration and CMU.

© Photocreo Bednarek - stock.adobe.com
Energy crisis in the EU

Measures aim to offer EU-wide response to the difficulties high energy prices are causing for consumers and companies.

© MMV - stock.adobe.com
Eurobarometer survey

How do European citizens use financial services across the EU27?

Commissioner McGuinness
Commissioner’s corner

Ms McGuinness’s opening remarks on package of measures to fight high energy prices.

© Brian Jackson - stock.adobe.com
News in brief

Political agreement on the review of the European long-term investment funds (ELTIF) regulation.

@EU_Finance podcast
The one about…

Energy: Aidas Palubinskas talks to FISMA Director General John Berrigan about the financial markets aspects of the recently proposed new emergency regulation to address high gas prices in the EU and ensure security of supply this winter.

John Berrigan on LinkedIn
EU Insurance sector

A speech at the recent ANIA Insurance Summit underlines the importance of continuing the dialogue between EU policy makers and the insurance sector.

Payments: Commission proposes to accelerate the rollout of instant payments in euro
26 October 2022
Statement by Commissioner McGuinness on the outcome of the first meeting of the High-Level Group on sanctions
24 October 2022
Commission makes additional proposals to fight high energy prices and ensure security of supply
18 October 2022
Call for applications for the selection of members of the Platform on Sustainable Finance
12 October 2022
Capital Markets Union: The Commission publishes its report on the review of the Securitisation Regulation
11 October 2022
Eighth package of sanctions against Russia adopted
6 October 2022
For your diary
Virtual events in the framework of the COP27
Online event
date 09/11/2022
EU legislative timetable
State-of-play of European legislation

Keep up to date with the EU legislative timetable in the area of financial services.

Visual of the month
© Ecorys
Digital finance

What is the EU doing to make instant payments the new normal in the EU?

Top tweet

A chance to (re)watch the Youth Dialogue with Commissioner @McGuinnessEU on the future of finance.

This is the European Commission's Finance Newsletter. It is hosted by the Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union.

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