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Banking and finance

Finance Newsletter

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In this issue
In the spotlight
Women in finance

Irene Tinagli, Chair of the European Parliament’s ECON committee, talks about some of the issues that are high on the committee’s agenda.

The EU taxonomy

What is the EU taxonomy and how can it contribute to the goals of the European Green Deal?

Capital Markets Union

The European Commission is working to develop clearing and supervision in the EU and reduce exposures to systemic non-EU CCPs.

Commissioner’s corner

Ms McGuinness gives keynote speech at ESA’s high-level conference on financial education and literacy.

EU Finance news in brief

A survey has been launched to study the feasibility and features of a potential EU ESG benchmark label.

Ukraine: EU agrees to exclude key Russian banks from SWIFT
2 March 2022
Bank recovery and resolution: European Commission approves resolution schemes for the Croatian and the Slovenian subsidiaries of Sberbank Europe AG
1 March 2022
Joint statement on further restrictive economic measures
26 February 2022
Commission launches a targeted consultation on options to enhance suitability and appropriateness assessments
21 February 2022
Commission extends time-limited equivalence for UK central counterparties and launches consultation to expand central clearing activities in the EU
8 February 2022
Targeted consultation on improving the EU’s macroprudential framework for the banking sector
30.11.2021 – 18.03.2022
Deadline 18/03/2022
Targeted consultation: options to enhance suitability and appropriateness assessments
21.02.2022 – 21.03.2022
Deadline 21/03/2022
Targeted consultation: review of the central clearing framework in the EU
8.02.2022 – 22.03.2022
Deadline 22/03/2022
Visual of the month
Sustainable finance

Lost in acronyms? Here’s something to help!

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