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  September 2023  

Joint Research Centre (JRC) - Newsletter

The Joint Research Centre provides independent, evidence-based knowledge and science, supporting EU policies to positively impact society

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Your monthly update from the Joint Research Centre

Dear readers,

On September 13, President von der Leyen gave the last State of the Union speech of this mandate, entitled “Answering the call of history”.

The President’s speech underlined the continued importance of delivering on the European Green Deal, announcing new initiatives on Clean Transition Dialogues with industry and a European Wind Package, as well as a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture. In addition, the Letter of Intent outlines initiatives on a 2040 Climate Target and Water Resilience. I am confident our science and knowledge will provide invaluable support to these initiatives.

President von der Leyen also underlined “the birth of a geopolitical Union” and that “we have started to make ourselves more independent in critical sectors”. Regarding China, she said that competition should be fair, but also insisted on the need to cooperate on topics where we can and have to work together. In short, her approach is to “de-risk, not decouple”. At the JRC we have been responding quickly to the new demands stemming from this increased emphasis on European economic security. Our work on raw materials is also significant – for example, we provide raw materials country profiles, giving essential background to the EU Raw Materials Partnerships.

On enlargement, President von der Leyen said that we cannot – and we should not - wait for Treaty changes to move ahead. The main new initiative here is the pre-enlargement policy reviews. JRC's capacity for integration as a horizontal science service will certainly play a role here.

On digital, President von der Leyen said that Europe has “set the path for the digital transition” and that we became “global pioneers in online rights”. JRC has a broad portfolio of activities in this area, including the work of the new European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency.

The economy and competitiveness was a common theme throughout the speech – for citizens, farmers, businesses including SMEs, and industry. President von der Leyen has asked for a report on the future of European competitiveness – and this is another development for us to follow. I was also happy to see the biotech and biomanufacturing initiative in the letter of intent, and this will be an important area for JRC in the years to come.

All in all, I am happy to see the strong alignment between the scientific evidence provided by the JRC and the priorities highlighted in this and last year’s State of the European Union speeches. You can dive into some more detailed examples in the articles below.

Happy reading,

Stephen Quest

JRC Director-General

One year from the State of the European Union 2022 speech
JRC contribution to EU success

JRC actively supports the Commission across its political priorities and in response to challenges and crisis. Find out how JRC research contributed to many Commission's headline policies since SOTEU 2022.

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This month's science story
Solidarity with people displaced from Ukraine: Communication, fighting disinformation are key

A new JRC report shows that fighting disinformation and efficient communication are key for sustaining solidarity with displaced people. It also shows that support for persons displaced from Ukraine remains high.

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Latest updates
New European Bauhaus: Horizon Europe EU Mission in the pipeline

A proposed sixth Horizon Europe Mission will aim at transforming neighbourhoods for the better, making them beautiful, sustainable and inclusive.

Same pack, different ingredients? Dual quality down in branded EU food

The share of EU food products bearing the same or a similar packaging but having different composition has declined. While these products accounted for a 31% share of the tested samples back in 2018/2019, in 2021 their share dropped to 24%.

Wildfires in the Mediterranean: monitoring the impact, helping the response

The JRC’s monitoring helps assess the damage and extent of the fires to support firefighting efforts.

Wildfires in 2023: 41 % of the burnt area in the EU within Natura 2000 protected sites

This year’s fire season, which sparked the largest wildfire ever recorded in the EU, has been devastating for humans and the environment.

Global Food Crises – mid-year update 2023: hunger and malnutrition levels remain alarmingly high

Almost 238 million people across 48 food crisis countries face high levels of acute food insecurity, affecting nearly 1 in 5 individuals of the analysed population.

Annual report 2022

The JRC's Annual Report 2022 gives a concise summary of the activities, accomplishments and resources related to the JRC’s work carried out in 2022. The report features a balanced structure in two parts - the 1st covers a selected few key areas of activities and the 2nd gives examples of concrete science-for-policy achievements contributing to the Commission priorities - taking the reader through the activities of the year and giving an insight into the strategic dimension of the JRC's work.

DIGCLASS International Workshop: Social Class Analysis in the Digital Age - New Approaches and Perspectives

The DIGCLASS team at the Centre for Advanced Studies (Joint Research Centre – European Commission) in sunny Seville is pleased to announce an international workshop titled "Social Class Analysis in the Digital Age: New Approaches and Perspectives". This workshop aims to explore innovative contributions to social stratification and inequality research in the context of the digital revolution.

date 05/12/2023 - 06/12/2023
venue Seville, Spain
40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition

EU PVSEC is the world-renowned science-to-science, business-to-business and science-to-industry platform focussing on the global PV sector. Coordinated by the JRC, its rich scientific programme has been gathering the international PV community to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations in photovoltaics for the past 40 years.

Here you will find all the information about plenary, oral, visual presentations and speakers.

date 18/09/2023 - 22/09/2023
venue Lisbon, Portugal
Sustainable and Impact Investments International Conference

Join us for the The Sustainable and Impact Investments International Conference on November 30th and December 1st International scholars, practitioners and policy makers involved in the social impact finance field are welcome.

date 30/11/2023 - 01/12/2023
venue Online
63rd ESReDA Seminar: Resilience assessment - Methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures
Researchers, practitioners and decision-makers discuss the methodological challenges and applications to critical infrastructures, focusing on successes and/or failures to stimulate new ideas and identify future needs in resilience research.
date 25/10/2023 - 26/10/2023
venue JRC Ispra
Integrating Disaster Risk Data in Policy: the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Annual Conference 2023

Join us on the Disaster Risk Reduction Day (13 October 2023) to learn about the Joint Research Centre's (JRC) and Copernicus work on crisis management and the risks and opportunities of the future.

date 13/10/2023
venue Online
JRC Karlsruhe Open Day

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre - opens the doors of its Karlsruhe site to the European citizens and local communities on 14 October 2023.

date 14/10/2023
venue Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Competences for medical applications of nuclear science

The JRC is organizing an Experts & Stakeholders Workshop on competences and skills needed for medical applications of nuclear science to take place at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre site in Petten, The Netherlands.

Should you be interested in participating, please contact the meeting assistants for further information and details on the registration procedure. Upon registering, you will also be asked to indicate whether you wish to attend on-site in Petten or remotely via Webex.

date 24/10/2023
venue Petten, Netherlands
The Costs of Non-Europe and the Accomplishment of the European Integration Project: Economic, Legal, and Political Opportunities and Hindrances
This workshop, organised by CefES-DEMS, JRC and RCEA-Europe, focuses on the benefits of EU-level legislation and explores the meaning of European identity and the role of European integration.
date 05/10/2023
venue Milano, Italy
Science Meets Regions final event

The Preparatory Action “Advancing Evidence for Policy at Local and Regional Level” is entering its final phase. This final event will conclude the project and will look beyond Science Meets Regions activities to include other Science for Policy projects carried out by the Commission.

date 27/09/2023 - 28/09/2023
venue Brussels, Belgium
2023 edition - JRC Week on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards

The JRC Week on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards is an event during which over 100 practitioners in a wide range of fields come together to learn about indicator frameworks that summarise complex and multidimensional concepts, such as innovation, sustainability, poverty or inequality.

date 26/09/2023 - 29/09/2023
venue Online
Calls and collaborations
Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) opens its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, industry, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and more in general to the public and private sector.

Scientists will have the opportunity to work in the following fields:

    nuclear safety and security (Euratom Laboratories); 
    biosciences/life sciences;
    physical sciences;

There are five open calls at the moment:

Call for proposals: FCTEST, Fuel cells and electrolyser testing facilities

Call for proposal: Hopkinson Bar facility, European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA)

Call for proposal: BESTEST, Battery Energy Storage Testing for Safe Electric Transport

Call for proposals: GasTeF, Gas Tank Testing Facility

Call for proposal: Reaction Wall, European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA)

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Keep up to date with the latest news
The latest JRC news, in your country

Do you follow the work of the JRC, but could benefit from more country-specific information? Follow us for the latest scientific information, specific to your country. The JRC provides a 'Science Flash for You' for all EU countries, translated into your country's official language, with knowledge on these issues and more. If you're interested in receiving these updates, drop us an email indicating the country bulletin you would like to receive to to jrc-institutional-comm@ec.europa.eu

Job opportunities
Come work with us

Looking for a job with the JRC? Check out the latest vacancies on our website. Right now we have several open positions in a diverse range of research fields, from microsimulation modelling to biometrics fingerprint recognition.

Apply to access our labs
Training and Capacity Building at JRC Laboratories

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) opens for the purposes of training and capacity building its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and more in general to the public and private sector.

Offering access to visiting researchers is part of JRC's strategy to provide training and capacity building to strengthen their capabilities to obtain, develop, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity within the running and use of similar Research Infrastructures.

After following a training and capacity building course at the JRC, scientists are more familiar with the JRC laboratories which can improve the suitability of their proposals for the Open Access to Research Infrastructures programme.

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