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Commissioner’s monthly update

April 2022

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Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

Good morning,

I am writing this newsletter in historic times. We, the European Union, stand by Ukraine and its people after the Russian military aggression, which is an act of war and constitutes a violation of international law, undermining European and global security and stability.

In solidarity with our Ukrainian partners, we have decided, on 3 March, not to engage in further cooperation projects with Russian entities and took the relevant measures. I have decided to suspend the preparations of grant agreements under the Horizon Europe programme that involve Russian research organisations. The signing of any new contracts was put on hold. I have asked my services to suspend any payment to Russian entities under existing contracts. We are strongly committed to ensuring the continued successful participation of Ukraine in Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Training programmes.

On 8 March in Marseille, European research ministers unequivocally condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I announced the suspension of our scientific cooperation with Russia and with Belarus, after the assessment of the situation.

We launched the ERA4Ukraine platform - a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine. Among our initiatives on the portal are the new ‘European Research Council for Ukraine’ initiative, access to Science4Refugees, an existing EURAXESS initiative that provides internships, part-time and full-time jobs to refugees, EU solidarity with Ukraine and MSCA – Researchers at risk. Read more here.

In support of Ukrainian pupils, students and educational staff I issued two statements on the measures undertaken. Ukrainian pupils, students and education staff will receive the highest level of flexibility in the implementation of Erasmus+ projects, allowing them to cancel, postpone or move activities.

We also provide support for Ukrainian children and teachers through European platforms. The School Education Gateway will facilitate the exchange of experiences and information on supporting the integration of young Ukrainian refugees into the education systems of the Member States. Our largest school community in Europe – eTwinning – will also offer its support to the teaching staff of the young Ukrainian refugees.

The French Presidency called an extraordinary informal Education Ministers’ meeting on 16 March, to address the high number of arriving school-age Ukrainians. I was able to share practical solutions with Member States on how to help the teaching community with easy access to education resources on both platforms.

I also participated in the Informal Council Meeting of Culture Ministers, organised by the French Presidency in Angers, on 7 and 8 March. The ministers issued a declaration in support of Ukrainian artists, journalists and all professionals in the cultural sector, which I wholeheartedly endorsed.

I am glad that we have been able to respond so quickly. The above measures were included in the Commission CommunicationWelcoming those fleeing war in Ukraine: Readying Europe to meet the needs“, adopted on 23 March.

Young people have been vocal in their support for peace, equality, and opportunity. We can help strengthen their voices and put their vision of a united and peaceful Europe to practice. At the "Conference on the Future of Europe and young Europeans" on 2 March, I held a keynote speech stressing the importance of involving young people in decision-making processes.

I kicked off the joint meeting of the EIT and EIC Working Group, which will oversee joint activities, identify new and existing opportunities for collaboration and ultimately strengthen the European Innovation Area. The meeting highlighted core focus areas such as raising support for women entrepreneurs and fast track access to relevant advisory services.

On International Women’s Day I hosted a roundtable with European Parliament President Roberta Metsola and prominent women featured in our initiatives. I announced a brand-new social media campaign #SHEULeads as part of the European Year of Youth. The initiative will highlight the achievements of determined young women to inspire others.

I was delighted to host the first Digital Education Stakeholder Forum on 22 March. It was an excellent and inspiring opportunity to jointly reflect – policy makers, stakeholders and representatives of the civil society – on what we have achieved so far and what next steps we want to undertake to reach high quality, effective and inclusive digital education in the EU.

I attended the high-level event on civic engagement in EU Missions in research and innovation taking place on 21 March. I underlined that our EU missions can only reach their potential if citizens are actively involved. More info on EU Missions and citizen engagement activities, here.

On 29 March, the Commission and Tunisia signed the agreement granting the Republic of Tunisia the association status to Horizon Europe (2021-2027). More information here.

With best wishes for the month ahead,

Mariya Gabriel

My portfolio updates
EU Chief Scientific Advisors recommendations on cancer

On 02 March, in support of the Commission’s work under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to improve early detection through screening, the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA) released a Scientific Opinion on cancer screening in Europe. In the Opinion, the Advisors provide recommendations on how to improve the existing screening programmes on breast, colorectal and cervical cancer and advise to extend them to lung and prostate cancer.

Commission appoints top scientists as members of the European Research Council’s governing body

The Commission appointed three new members to the governing body of the ERC, the Scientific Council. Warm welcome to Professors Chryssa Kouveliotou, László Lovász and Giovanni Sartor. These scientists are appointed for an initial period of four years, replacing three members whose mandate expired. The new members took office on 2 March 2022.

ERC for Ukraine
The grantees of the European Research Council have posted already 380 job offers in response to the ERC’s appeal to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technician and lab managers, who flee the war in Ukraine.
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Gender Equality in Sport

On 15 March, Commissioner Gabriel received an action plan with concrete recommendations on how to achieve a more equitable gender balance in sport from the High-Level Group on gender equality in sport. The report is both, precious input into the political debate and a practical tool-kit for sport stakeholders.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme Postdoctoral Fellowships

Under the 2021 call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships, a total fund of €242 million provides experienced researchers holding a PhD the opportunity to work on projects in all research fields, while receiving training and supervision to further enhance their skills. On 23 March, the Commission announced that 1,156 researchers had been selected.

Visit to Rome, presentation of activities in Italy related to the EYY

Commissioner Gabriel travelled to Rome on 24 March to participate in the official launch event of Italy’s activities under the European Year of Youth 2022. She participated also in an interactive session of exchanges between institutional actors and young citizens.

Embedding European perspectives in teacher development

The Eurydice network presented its report ‘Teachers in Europe’ during the French ministerial conference "Embedding European perspectives in teacher development" on 3 March. During the conference, the essential role of teachers in the successful creation of the European Education Area was discussed. The conference focused specifically on European mobility for teachers and future teachers, and the emergence of a community of European teachers.

Open Research Europe

One year ago, we launched Open Research Europe (ORE), the European Commission’s open access publishing platform for all Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe funded researchers across various disciplines. The Commissioner looks forward to working together with the academic community to develop ORE further in the years to come.

Calls and collaborations
Commission seeks candidates for the ERC Scientific Council
The independent Standing Identification Committee, which was set up by the European Commission in 2020, has begun the search for candidates for membership of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC). Nominations are accepted until 6 May 2022, 12:00 noon CET.
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European Capital of Innovation Awards: 2022 edition kicks off
The Commission launched the eighth edition of the European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital). Supported by the European Innovation Council (EIC) under Horizon Europe, the contest will award six prizes in total for the two categories: the European Capital of Innovation and the Rising Innovative City. The Awards recognise the role cities play in shaping the local innovation ecosytems and promote innovation. Cities can apply by 30 June 2022 (17:00:00 CET).
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Applications for the EU Prize for Women Innovators 2022 are open

On International Women Day, the Commission launched the ninth edition of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. The Prize celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe’s game-changing innovations, to inspire more women to follow their footsteps. The EIC will award three prizes of €100,000 each to the most inspiring women innovators across the EU and Associated Countries, including Ukraine. To mark the European Year of Youth, the EIC will be awarding a further three prizes of €50 000 each to promising ‘Rising Innovators’ under the age of 35. Apply by 18 August 2022

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The European Startup Village Forum: Call for Pledges

The Startup Village Forum aims to promote knowledge exchange and cooperation activities and to work as an open space where institutions and stakeholders can meet, discuss and shape action for startup-driven innovation in rural areas. A call for pledges has been launched to gather the commitment of public and private organisations to support the objectives of the Forum through the implementation of activities on the ground. This call is open for pledges that can offer financial but also in-kind support, such as provision of co-working spaces, IT infrastructure or expertise, coaching, mentoring or training, aiming at creating startups and job opportunities in rural areas.

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Call of interest for a New pilot action on Partnerships for Regional Innovation

The Partnerships for Regional Innovation build on positive experiences with smart specialisation strategies to enhance the coordination and directionality of regional, national and EU R&I policies to implement Europe’s green and digital transitions and to tackle the innovation divide in the EU. The joint Pilot Action will involve up to 24 European participants (Member States, regions or groups of regions). The deadline for applications is 25 April 2022

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ERC Consolidator Grants

313 winners of the European Research Council’s latest round of Consolidator Grants, backed with some €632 million from Horizon Europe, will tackle major questions across all scientific disciplines. Congratulations!

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Call for Teacher Academies opened

A new call for proposals for projects under Erasmus+ Teacher Academies opened on 15 March, and will remain open until 7 September 2022. Selected projects will create European partnerships of teacher education and training providers to develop a European and international outlook in teacher education. These Academies will embrace multilingualism, language awareness and cultural diversity, develop teacher education in line with the EU’s priorities in education policy and contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the European Education Area.

Creative Europe - European literary works

A call opened on 1 March, to support projects that will translate, publish, distribute and promote works of fiction. This yearly call wants to strengthen the transnational circulation and diversity of European literary works and reach new audiences. Apply here

Creative Europe - European Cooperation Projects
This call has been extended until 5 May, and seeks to improve access to European culture and creative works, while promoting innovation and creativity. Applicants should be transnational projects involving cultural and creative organisations from different countries.
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#BeActive Awards 2022
Published on 15 March, the #BeActive Awards 2022 aim to reward and give visibility to projects and initiatives that have successfully promoted sport and physical activity across Europe in four categories: the Local Hero award, the Education award, Across generations award, and the Aorkplace award. It contributes to the HealthyLifeStyle4All initiative and to the promotion of substainable and green sport. Depending on the prize, projects can focus on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities. They can also support and promote ties across generations through the practice of sport and physical activity. Besides rewarding specific organisations, the award of prizes will also give visibility and support the dissemination of innovative ideas, initiatives and best practices throughout Europe.
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Clean Hydrogen Partnership: Call for proposals 2022

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership has launched its hydrogen research call for proposals – €300.5 million will be made available for proposed projects in an unprecedented drive to support the creation of cutting-edge hydrogen technologies. First deadline: 31 May 2022

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Horizon Europe: calls launched in March 2022

A series of calls have opened in March under Horizon Europe, covering important topics like climate adaptation and resilience, health, sustainable rail system, clean energy technologies and many others. More here

Horizon Impact Award

The call deadline is fast approaching for the 3rd edition of the Horizon Impact Award – a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects whose results have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. Horizon Impact Award puts the spotlight on projects and the people behind them that have contributed towards transformative impacts on the economy, society and policymaking – leading to advancements across different fields. I look forward to seeing many excellent examples of how EU-funded research contributes to shaping a better world.

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European Capital of Innovation Awards: 2022 edition kicks off

The Commission launched the eighth edition of the European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital). Supported by the European Innovation Council (EIC) under Horizon Europe, the contest will award six prizes in total for the two categories: the European Capital of Innovation and the Rising Innovative City. The Awards recognise the role cities play in shaping the local innovation ecosytems and promote innovation. Cities can apply by 30 June 2022 (17:00:00 CET).

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Upcoming calls and events
New round DiscoverEU

A new application round for DiscoverEU will open on 7 April, and give the selected participants the opportunity to explore Europe´s diversity and learn about its culture and history with a travel pass and the new DiscoverEU discount card for cultural visits, learning activities, sports, local transporation, accommodation, food and more.

Capacity building Sport and Youth

A new call will open on 7 April to support sport activities and policies in promoting common European values and the personal and social development of individuals. Certain thematic areas are in the forefront this time, including the involvement of disadvantaged groups, the integration of migrants and post-conflict reconciliation. Apply here

4 May: five new calls to open for Youth!
On 4 May, a series of calls will open for young people, ranging from funds towards the mobility of young people and young workers, youth participation activities and small-scale partnerships in youth. The fifth call will focus on solidarity projects.
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