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  04 October 2023  

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries


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In this issue
Healthy seas: Commission leads common efforts to improve state of Baltic Sea

On 29 September 2023 Commissioner Sinkevičius hosted the second edition of the ‘Our Baltic' Conference to address pressing environmental challenges in the Baltic Sea.

A win for the ocean: High Seas Treaty signed at United Nations

The High Seas Treaty, also known as the agreement on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction or 'BBNJ', was signed in New York on 20 September, in the margins of the United Nations High Level Week.

Fight against illegal fishing: Commission identifies Trinidad and Tobago as non-cooperating country

On 25 September the Commission decided to identify the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as a non-cooperating country in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing, giving it a ‘red card'.

EU and Kiribati agree on a new fisheries protocol to their sustainable fisheries partnership agreement

On 2 October 2023, the European Union and the Republic of Kiribati signed a new fisheries protocol to the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement for a duration of five years.

Sustainable fisheries in the North-West Atlantic – NAFO decisions in line with scientific advice

The 45th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) took place in Vigo, Spain, from 18 to 22 September 2023.

State aid: Commission adopts amendment to rules on small amounts of aid to the fishery and aquaculture sector

The European Commission has adopted an amendment of the so-called 'de minimis' regulation for the fishery and aquaculture sector (‘Fishery de minimis Regulation').

Technical measures regulation implementation report: your opinion counts! Participate in the stakeholder consultation (deadline 24/11/2023)

After more than 4 years of implementation and following the legal requirement of Article 31.1 of Regulation 2019/1241, in 2024, the Commission will report for the second time, to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Technical Measures Regulation.

Protecting environment and health: Commission adopts measures to restrict intentionally added microplastics

The Commission has taken another major step to protect the environment by adopting measures that restrict microplastics intentionally added to products under the EU chemical legislation REACH.

Launch of the new season of the #TasteTheOcean campaign

On 18 September, the Commission launched a new season of the #TasteTheOcean campaign, bringing sustainable fish and seafood to the tables of 9 EU countries for the following 4 weeks.

Eight EMFAF projects kickstarted their work to develop the next generation of blue skills

The “Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy” call made available nearly EUR 7.5 million to contribute to the development of the next generation of blue skills and to provide opportunities for attractive and sustainable maritime careers.

OCEAN by Euronews
Euronews OCEAN Season 5, Episode 9 – Cleaning Europe's rivers: Meet the teams trying to turn the plastic tide

Approximately 10 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year — often originating on land and carried into the sea by rivers. But increasingly, people across Europe and around the world are taking matters into their own hands to stop the flow of plastic litter well before it reaches the sea.

Stories of the month
From plastic waste to stadium seats

In the heart of Seville, Spain, football fans can enjoy the comfort of their new stadium seats thanks to the joint efforts of the Gravity Wave project and the famous Real Betis football club. The seats were made from plastic waste from the Mediterranean. 

Wavepiston and BlueInvest: powering ocean energy solutions

Wavepiston, a visionary Danish startup, is committed to providing unobtrusive, robust, and cost-effective solutions for harnessing the vast potential of ocean energy.

Tackling marine litter through circular innovation

In the heart of the Bay of Biscay, where the azure waters meet the Spanish Basque Country, the BLUENET project set sail to tackle lost fishing gear, upcycling the ominous 'ghost-nets'.

Revolutionising fish nutrition for the sake of biodiversity

Since before WW2, the Polish Anglers’ Association (Polski Związek Wędkarski) has been concerned with the environmental status of inland waters, and river restocking is done under their auspices.

Stories on social media

Twenty-two-year-old environmentalist Fionn Ferreira is tackling microplastics pollution with his magnet-based method, which extracts microplastics from water quickly.


We are blue schools! An inspiring WestMED story from Spain: "Som Escoles Blaves" project promotes ocean literacy & Blue Skills, making waves from the classrooms up!


Plastic pollution & ghost nets threaten the health of our waters & seas. In the Central Baltic Sea, EU-funded project Re:Fish is taking action to reduce plastic pollution

Map of the month
Marine litter

On 16 September, on the occasion of World Cleanup Day, people around the world united to clean up their parks, streets, and beaches. In Europe, the EU Beach Cleanup 2023 campaign culminated on this date. The map shows the median number of cigarette related litter items per beach per year along 100 m segments of the European beaches.

EU Algae awareness summit
date 05/10/2023 - 07/10/2023
venue Maison de l’Océan, Paris
Coastal Cities and Regions at the forefront of the innovative energy transition of the blue economy - REGISTRATION IS OPEN!
date 11/10/2023
venue SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Hall 300
The European Climate Stocktake - EU and global progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement
date 27/10/2023
venue Charlemagne Building, Brussels, Belgium
Targeted stakeholder consultation on the Technical Measures Regulation (fisheries) 2023
Deadline 24/11/2023
Funding opportunities
Towards an Intergovernmental Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS)
Deadline 06/10/2023
Standards and Best Practices in Ocean Observation
Deadline 07/11/2023
Regional flagship projects supporting a sustainable blue economy in EU sea basins - submerged munitions in the Baltic Sea
Deadline 18/01/2024
Publications and studies
Fishmeal and fish oil
CORDIS results pack on marine biodiversity
EU Copernicus Ocean State Report 7
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This newsletter is published by the European Commission's Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

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ISSN: 2315-084X | Catalogue Number: KL-AM-23-009-EN-N