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German new government: mention of wolves in the coalition agreement


date:  20/12/2021

Supporting coexistence with wolves is a target for the new German government. In the coalition agreement (German only) signed between Germany's Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) 7 December, they state their aims for ensuring that wolves and grazing livestock can coexist through establishing dialogue platforms and enhanced monitoring: “Our goal is to make the coexistence of grazing animals, humans and wolves as good as possible so that as few conflicts as possible occur despite the still increasing wolf population. We will set up an institutionalised dialogue on "grazing livestock and wolves" with all organisations and associations involved in these issues. We will revise the monitoring standards to realistically reflect the number of wolves living in Germany and want to enable the federal states to manage the population in a regionally differentiated manner in accordance with European law.” On a national level, the responsibilities for large carnivores and grazing will be divided between the new environment minister Steffi Lemke and agriculture minister Cem Özdemir, both from the Green party.