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Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside Intergroup Webinar: Coexisting with Large Carnivores: Next Steps in Conservation and Management


date:  03/12/2020

The intergroup to which ELO and FACE provide the Secretariat, organised an online conference on 18 November on coexistence with large carnivores, with regard to the Commission’s awaited revised guidance on ‘strict protection’ 2020. The event was hosted by the President of the Intergroup, MEP Álvaro Amaro (EPP) andIntergroup Vice-Presidents MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido (European People's Party) and MEP Elsi Katainen (Renew Europe). Next steps in the EU’s policy framework on large carnivores and the related challenges and solutions towards improving coexistence were discussed from the perspectives of different stakeholders.

The intergroup also held a webinar on the F2F Strategy on 29 September as well as on the next EU Forest Strategy on 27 October.