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Register for our webinar! Level(s) and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)


We’ll be hosting a special webinar to highlight why revisions to the EPBD make 2024 the perfect year to start using Level(s)! 

As part of the revised rules – adopted in April - buildings professionals will need to disclose the global warming potential (GWP) of new buildings on energy performance certificates, using a calculation measure drawn from Level(s). The updated rules will come into effect from 2028, for new buildings with a useful floor area larger than 1,000 m2. From 2030 they will apply to all new buildings.

Why attend?

  • Learn what the changes to the EPBD will mean for you and how to use Level(s) to meet the new requirements
  • Stay one step ahead of evolving EU regulations with presentations from experts who are implementing the directive at Member State level

Who should attend?

  • Construction sector developers, design teams, procurers, investors seeking to align with EU sustainability regulations
  • Product manufacturers, construction companies and individuals involved in building sector sustainability, from design to demolition
  • Financial market participants, advisors, and stakeholders interested in sustainable investing
  • National ministries and civil society members focused on sustainable development and environmental policy
  • End-users of the information disclosed in the Energy performance certificates

Date and time

19 June 2024 from 10:00 to 11:30 CEST

Register your place!

Catch up on our Level(s) and the EU Taxonomy webinar

Did you miss our recent webinar on Level(s) and the EU Taxonomy? It was attended by over 300 building professionals!

If you missed it, you can now watch the recording to learn more about the EU Taxonomy. The webinar explained how Level(s) indicators can support you to align with the Taxonomy and how changes in EU legislation impact reporting requirements in the building sector.

This webinar is perfect for construction and real estate professionals, sustainability experts, finance professionals, and representatives of national ministries and civil society organisations involved in sustainable development.

Watch the webinar here.

Watch back the Level(s) online conference

If you missed the Level(s) online conference in December 2023, we’ve got great news! The conference recording is available for you to dive into the world of Level(s) and explore its transformative impact on assessing environmental performance in buildings.

Unlike the webinars mentioned above, which focus on specific topics of interest, the online conference provided a more general overview for those interested in using the Level(s) framework, including newcomers to the community.

In particular, the conference explored how:

  • Level(s) works and its applications at each stage of a building’s lifecycle to assess and monitor sustainability performance;
  • Level(s) helps to align construction practices with EU policies;
  • the eLearning programme prepares you to start using Level(s) in your working environment;
  • the calculation and assessment tool (CAT) makes it easier to complete your sustainability performance assessment.

Discover the power of the Level(s) eLearning programme and the CAT: watch the recording here.


Did you know Level(s) can help you comply with revised EU energy performance rules?

As mentioned in the ‘Events’ section of this newsletter, Level(s) will soon be hosting a webinar on the revised directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD).

In a move towards net-zero emissions, the European Council formally adopted the revised EPBD on 12 April. As part of the revised rules, GWP calculations, based on the corresponding Level(s) indicator 1.2, will soon be required for energy performance certificates. In this way, Level(s) is an essential tool to help you comply with these revised energy performance rules for buildings.

The updated rules will come into effect from 2028, for new buildings with a useful floor area larger than 1,000 m2. From 2030 they will apply to all new buildings.

Ultimately, the directive aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy poverty in the EU.

To find out more about this latest incentive and to start using Level(s), read our article on the EU Build Up portal.

Commission launches #WaterWiseEU campaign to transform water use and management

The European Commission’s new #WaterWiseEU campaign is all about fixing the water cycle, using water efficiently, and making sure we all have access to clean and affordable freshwater.

Water use is an important focus of the Level(s) framework, particularly under macro objective 3, ‘Efficient use of water resources’, and macro objective 5, ‘Adaptation and resilience to climate change’.

These macro objectives can help you assess and monitor three aspects of water performance on your building projects:

·       Efficient water use: Implementing water-saving technologies and practices in buildings to reduce consumption.

·       Water quality and reuse: Promoting the use of greywater systems and rainwater harvesting to minimise freshwater use.

·       Resilience to climate change: Enhancing buildings’ capacity to manage water-related risks such as flooding and drought.

If you are interested in learning more about how to use Level(s) to improve water performance in buildings, check out modules 3 and 5 of the Level(s) eLearning course.

You can also learn more about the #WaterWiseEU campaign here and spread news about the campaign by using these materials.

The Level(s) Interview

The Level(s) Interview: Brigitte Jacquemont


In this edition of The Level(s) Interview, we speak to Brigitte Jacquemont, Policy Officer in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy, Unit B.3, Buildings and Products.

Brigitte has been deeply involved in the revision of the directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD) and will be presenting on this topic at the upcoming Level(s) webinar on the EPBD.

In this interview, Brigitte tells us about the background to the revised directive and its relevance for the Level(s) community.

What does the European Commission aim to achieve with the revised EPBD?

The EU building sector is one of the largest energy consumers (approx. 42%) in Europe, responsible for more than one third of energy-related emissions.

The decarbonisation of the building sector is essential both to reach the Union’s energy and climate targets laid down in the Fit for 55 Package, and to reach the REPowerEU objective to secure independence from fossil fuel imports.

With the EPBD recast and other EU initiatives, such as the recently adopted Energy Efficiency Directive, the Renewable Energy Directive, and the EU Green Taxonomy, we now have a very solid enabling framework to improve the building stock, to unlock multiple benefits (health, equality, resource efficiency, digitalisation) and to protect the climate.

In your role in the Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy, how have you been involved in developing, and now implementing, the revised directive?

DG ENER is working to accelerate Europe’s clean and just energy transition to be the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Buildings are at the heart of my unit's mission, and we have worked on several important initiatives in recent years as part of the Green Deal and Fit for 55, in particular of course the revision of the EPBD.

The revised EPBD, which entered into force on 28 May, is a key element to implement this Fit for 55 package.

Over the coming months and in 2025, DG ENER will provide plenty of guidance to Member States, which is intended to support them in the transposition of the new directive to the utmost extent possible.

The revised EPBD will require practitioners to disclose the life cycle global warming potential (GWP) of new buildings using a calculation measure drawn from Level(s) indicator 1.2. Why is this requirement so important for achieving a circular built environment?

The EPBD recast sets a new ‘gold standard’ for new buildings (Zero Emission Buildings), which must have excellent energy performance and zero on-site emissions from fossil fuels from 2028 (public) and 2030 (all).

To fully decarbonise the building stock, the new EPBD goes further and addresses carbon emissions over the full lifecycle of buildings, through mandatory calculation and disclosure of this information for new constructions.

This provision aims to inform citizens and businesses and raise awareness. It also marks the start of a forward-looking approach to address resource efficiency, circularity, and sustainability.

How can Level(s) support the buildings sector to align with the revised rules of the EPBD, including through its indicator 1.2?

The EPBD in Annex III provides some guiding principles for calculating the GWP and refers in particular to indicator 1.2 of Level(s). Indeed, we want to build on the work that has been done for the development of the EU framework and on the available resources.

Level(s) was developed to raise awareness on a whole life cycle approach and to allow stakeholders to gradually increase their skills on this subject. This will be a great support for Member States that have not included life cycle analysis of buildings in their legislation.

You are also developing a delegated act and guidelines for Member States on how to implement the life cycle GWP requirements of the EPBD. Could you tell us a bit more about this?

The new EPBD includes two main requirements on whole life cycle emissions. As discussed previously, the first one is the calculation and disclosure of GWP for new buildings. The upcoming delegated act will be based on Level(s) and will specify Annex III. For its preparation, we will draw on the experience of countries or practitioners having established good practices.

The second requirement is the notification of national roadmaps introducing whole life carbon limit values across Europe. As mentioned above, over the coming months and in 2025, the European Commission will provide guidance to Member States to support them as much as possible in the transposition of this provision.

Level(s) in the Spotlight

Just getting started with Level(s)? Take our eLearning course!

If you are looking to use Level(s) in one of your sustainable building projects, we recommend taking our Level(s) eLearning course.

This comprehensive training course provides a detailed overview of the Level(s) framework and gives you the tools and knowledge to start applying it in your work environment!

The eLearning course takes you through the six Level(s) macro-objectives, from macro-objective 1, greenhouse gas emissions along a building’s life cycle, through to macro-objective 6, optimised life cycle cost and value. If you already use Level(s), you can also use the Level(s)’s Calculation and Assessment Tool (CAT) to help you complete your sustainability performance assessments.

Sound familiar? The eLearning Course and CAT were featured prominently in the recent ‘Discover Level(s)’ online conference on ‘Learn how this EU common language can help you assess the environmental performance of buildings’, as mentioned further up this newsletter.

You can access both the eLearning course and the CAT on our website.


The Level(s) helpdesk is ready to respond to your queries

We are always here to support you on the Level(s) helpdesk. 

If you have any questions about Level(s) or need advice on how to assess and report the sustainability of your building projects, you can contact us anytime.

The helpdesk is managed by Ecorys Europe, a contractor working on behalf of the European Commission. The team is available to respond to enquiries in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Polish.

We aim to respond to enquiries within 15 working days. However, due to an increased volume of enquiries, response times may take longer than this. Rest assured we're committed to responding to queries as quickly as possible.
Visit the Level(s) helpdesk

Join more than 3,500 members on the Level(s) LinkedIn Group!

We are excited to announce that the Level(s) LinkedIn group has passed 3 000 members and continues to grow at an exceptional rate! Join now and be part of the future of sustainable building reporting.

The Level(s) LinkedIn Group is the ideal place to share your experiences of Level(s) with the sustainable building community. You will also be among the first to learn about Level(s) materials, events and publications. 

Since the group launched in March 2021, it has attracted members from across the construction sector. A warm welcome to all the members who have recently joined, and a big thank you to those who have been with us from the very beginning. Your dedication and contributions have laid the foundation for the vibrant space of today.

Thank you for being part of our family!

If you are not yet a member of the LinkedIn Group, make sure you join today to be a part of this growing and active community.

Join the Level(s) LinkedIn Group

What's your level?

Test your knowledge in our quiz

Following a common theme of this newsletter, this issue’s quiz is all about the EPBD.

To test your knowledge, take the quiz!

The figures in this quiz have been sourced from the EPBD text, which you can find online here.

Visit the Level(s) page

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