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The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)


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Autumn Edition
Issue 03 / September 2023
Dear EMAS Community,

As the European summer comes to an end, we reflect on a season marked by record-breaking summer temperatures averaging 19.63°C in Europe --  significant 0.83°C above the historical average, as reported by the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service. Moreover, this summer we have seen an increase in extreme weather events, underscoring the urgent need to address the ongoing climate crisis.

To tackle this crisis, we need more companies, organisations, and other stakeholders to commit to becoming part of the solution. EMAS organisations have consistently proven to be catalysts for change, demonstrating creativity and ingenuity in developing sustainable and economically viable business strategies while transparently communicating their approaches through their environmental statements.

We're pleased to note that the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) -- effective from the start of this year -- mandates sustainability reporting for all large public-interest companies starting in 2024. On July 31, the European Commission adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), incorporating two references to EMAS into the final framework, find the press release here. Firstly, ESRS 1 allows for the inclusion of a reference to the EMAS environmental statement within the sustainability statement. Secondly, the criteria concerning soil sealing in Annex 2 explicitly mentions EMAS, recognizing its importance in addressing environmental impacts.

The CSRD Working Group continues its efforts to define practical implementations for responding to CSRD requirements through EMAS and to promote EMAS during the CSRD's transposition into national law.

We also welcome another policy update from this summer that promotes environmental excellence with EMAS. On July 24, 2023, the European Commission partially recognized Austria's ECOPROFIT (ÖKOPROFIT) environmental management system as EMAS-compliant, offering an incentive for ECOPROFIT-certified companies to transition to EMAS, particularly benefiting SMEs by reducing administrative burdens and costs.

Now we invite you to explore this issue of the EMAS Newsletter, among others featuring news on AI-driven solutions for EMAS organisations, insights from pioneer company ReLearn in the waste sector, and how EMAS organisations can contribute to shifting Earth Overshoot Day.

Until next time!

Special announcement
Upcoming EMAS webinar
This autumn, we're thrilled to announce an upcoming EMAS webinar!

In collaboration with the Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform and part of the Circular Week 2023: "People: your best resource in environmental management. How to involve them?" We invite you to join us on October 26th at 10 am to gain valuable insights into engaging your staff, top management, and other stakeholders in your environmental management system. Our agenda includes Circular Flanders on "Driving Organizational and Behavioral Changes," the CEO of Seppo discussing "The Power of Gamification," Club EMAS introducing EMAS and its stakeholder involvement requirements, and firsthand experiences from organisations like ST Microelectronics, La Page Original, and VO-Group, sharing insights on stakeholder and employee engagement. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your environmental management strategies. Register here.

AI-Driven Solutions for EMAS Organisations: Talking to ReLearn a pioneer-company in the waste sector

How can AI technology reshape the future of work for EMAS organisations? We spoke with ReShape on how to tackle big problems like the waste crisis while making environmental monitoring and reporting less burdensome, through education, community commitment, and AI.


Click here for further information


On July 24, 2023, the European Commission made a decision (EU 2023/1533) partly recognising key aspects of the Austrian ECOPROFIT (ÖKOPROFIT) environmental management system for its compliance with EMAS requirements.

Click here for further information 

Useful links: (EU 2023/1533) & ECOPROFIT (ÖKOPROFIT)


Earth Overshoot Day and EMAS: Moving the Date for a Sustainable Future

On August 2nd, it was Earth Overshoot Day, marking the point where humanity exceeds the planet's yearly regenerative capacity of natural resources. How can EMAS contribute to #MoveTheDate?


Click here for further information

EMAS for Sustainable Tourism

EMAS for Sustainable Tourism campaign has been launched, making it easy to plan an unforgettable yet sustainable summer holiday.

Click here for further information

Sustainable Production and Consumption
News from the web:
People: your best resource in environmental management. How to involve them?
26 October 2023, 10.00 am – 12.30 pm Online

People play a crucial role in driving environmental change within organisations. EMAS aims to help companies reduce their environmental impact and build trust with their communities by being transparent about environmental performance and engaging with stakeholders, including staff. Staff members, who understand processes and are on the ground, have the potential to make companies more resource-efficient and promote a transition towards circularity, extending their influence beyond corporate boundaries.

Join the EMAS webinar, learn about the importance of involving staff, top management, and other stakeholders in your environmental management system, and get inspired by the experiences and ideas of other EMAS organisations!


date 26/10/2023
European Urban Resilience Forum – 10th Anniversary Edition
18 – 20 October 2023 Cascais, Portugal

The 2023 European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) in Cascais, Portugal, on October 18-20, invites participants to shape a climate-resilient future for cities and regions. The forum offers a platform to discuss a shared vision for implementing European resilience. Participants will reflect on the past decade of resilience forums, assess performance, identify challenges, and share good practices, aiming to find opportunities for more effective and faster action in the future.


date 18/10/2023 - 20/10/2023
2023 Circular Week: Put economy in circular motion
23 – 29 October 2023 Online, Onsite in Warsaw, Poland

Circular Week, an international series of events dedicated to sustainable development and the circular economy, will take place this year from 23 to 29 October. Each day of Circular Week will be dedicated to a different area of the circular economy. Panel discussions, workshops and webinars will explore challenges and opportunities for the development of circularity in specific sectors of the economy. There will also be networking sessions connecting up stakeholders, virtual and stationary trade fairs for circular companies, and round table sessions.


date 23/10/2023 - 29/10/2023
ECOMONDO – The green technology expo.
7 – 10 November 2023 Rimini Expo Centre, Italy

The reference event for technologies, services and industrial solutions in the green and circular economy sectors. This year and for the first time, four European Executive Agencies of the European Commission will jointly take part in Ecomondo 2023. Together, these EU Agencies (CINEA, EISMEA, REA and HaDEA) manage the key EU funding programmes for the green and digital transition in Europe.


date 07/11/2023 - 10/11/2023

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