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Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert

Newsletter No.122 | September 2023

Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert
Table of content
Assessing green public procurement – report from the OECD

The 2023 edition of ‘Government at a Glance’ features a summary of the implementation of GPP in OECD countries. Data was collected through a 2022 Survey on Green Public Procurement which covered four pillars: policy and strategic framework, public-private interactions, evaluation of impact, and capacity building and support.

‘How to procure a smart city district? The Re:Špitálka project’

Interview with Lukáš Grůza, from the Department of Strategic Development and Cooperation of the Brno City Hall, Czech Republic. Mr. Grůza works as the project manager of the Smart District Špitálka and an evaluation specialist. Previously, he was responsible for coordinating Smart City activities across the city.

GPP Good Practice Examples
Sustainability and circularity as a starting point for ICT procurement - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Netherlands

The Dutch government’s “Procurement with Impact” strategy aims to make ten business categories circular by 2023. As part of this initiative, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy initiated five public procurement procedures in 2021 to purchase all ICT hardware for the national offices and employees of the central government. The Ministry launched a pre-market consultation to identify which sustainability and circularity goals and requirements would produce an additional impact whilst being accepted by the market. The subsequent sustainability, circular and CSR goals were translated into specific tender requirements and award criteria.

National framework contract for innovation in energy efficient public lighting - Consip Spa, Italy

In line with Italian municipalities' aims to enhance public lighting quality and energy efficiency, Consip SA, an Italian public company that operates as a central purchasing body, carried out a framework agreement for suppliers that could manage and maintain Italian public authorities’ public illumination and traffic light systems. The aim was to create a framework contract that consolidated services such as electricity supply, facility operations, lighting system maintenance, energy upgrades, and smart city features.

EU GPP Helpdesk Webinar

On the 27th of September, from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST, the next EU GPP Helpdesk webinar will take place on "How to acquire circular, nZEB and green building skills". During the webinar, expert presentations will be given and experiences from across European cities will be shared. Find out how public procurement can be used as a strategic tool to support the upgrading and retraining of the construction workforce.

Procura+ Conference

The Procura+ Conference invites public authorities to showcase their work on sustainable, innovation and circular procurement to over 250 attendees from Europe and the world. Interested organisations can do so by filling in the Call for Contributions by 6 October 2023. The Conference will take place in Lisbon from 13-14 March 2024. The call is open to all public authorities working with public procurement.

Portugal: ECO360

The ECO360 - National Strategy for GPP 2030 is a document that sets out the vision, objectives and key drivers for its implementation in Portugal. It promotes the inclusion of green criteria in public procurement procedures by entities under direct and indirect state administration, and the state's business sector. The strategy aims to see 50% of the country’s public administration bodies and public business sector adopt green criteria in their public procurement by 2025, rising to 90% by 2030.

EU GPP Helpdesk Survey

The GPP Helpdesk has launched a short survey to gather feedback from our subscribers on both the News Alert in general and the case studies in particular. We want to hear about your experience with the news alert. Don't miss the opportunity to give us your feedback!


The GPP News Alert is an initiative of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment.

Editor: EU GPP Helpdesk


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