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The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)


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Summer Edition
EMAS Newsletter – Issue 02 / July 2023 Summer Edition Dear EMAS Community,

As the season of sunshine, endless days, and adventure approaches, we bet that most of your thoughts already wander to relaxing at the beach rather than focusing on the work at your desk.

To fire up your vacation spirit, we have some exciting news to share about EMAS and the world of sustainable tourism. As you plan your well-deserved summer vacation, our newly launched EMAS Tourism Campaign invites you to explore exceptional places that have embraced eco-friendly practices and committed themselves to preserve the beauty of our planet. From travel agencies and transportation to accommodations and holiday activities such as water sports, recreational pursuits, and even amusement parks, you can choose options certified by EMAS. Be sure to check out the EMAS Tourism Campaign on our website and get inspired for a memorable and environmentally conscious summer getaway. 

On another note, the beginning of June was marked by the EMAS Social Media campaign, held in conjunction with the EU Green Week. Several EMAS organisations participated, leveraging Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram to share motivating EMAS hero stories of their businesses. The posts tell of new projects implemented to further enhance energy efficiency, the significant amount of waste avoided and carbon dioxide emissions reduced through EMAS, and for example, the Polish organisation ERGO Hestia showcased their “Bike Forever” program, aimed at encouraging their customers to choose bicycles over cars. To delve deeper into the achievements and initiatives shared by the EMAS community you can simply search for #ECOchallenge and #EMAShero on the social media platforms you are using.

We also want to share some exciting news concerning EMAS and biodiversity. Biodiversity is one of the key areas of EMAS and the importance of its conservation for our economy cannot be underestimated. However, quantifying and effectively integrating biodiversity into corporate strategies can be challenging. To facilitate this task, the “EMAS and Biodiversity” guide has been revised this year by the Lake Constance Foundation and the Global Nature Fund. Companies learn how this complex topic can be operationalized for various business areas and challenges, as well as possible targets and measures, are addressed. 

At last, we want to draw attention to three interesting topics:

We celebrate the approval of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) from the European Parliament on June 1. The directive will require large EU companies and global companies with significant EU presence to monitor and address environmental and human rights impacts along their supply chains. 

Furthermore, the European Commission has published a revised version of the European Sustainability Reporting Standard (ESRS) for public consultation. Comments can be submitted until July 7, 2023. The ESRS is used by companies to report on their sustainability performance, covering environmental, social, and governance aspects in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Third, we highly recommend watching the new TV magazine, “The Road to Green” produced by the EU. The series explores green solutions to current crises and how the European Green Deal is taking shape.

Now enjoy the articles and events featured in this edition and have a great summer! 

EMAS and Biodiversity

What are the benefits of biodiversity, what are the Kumming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, and why should companies be concerned with biodiversity? Moreover, the article talks about the publication of the revised EMAS and Biodiversity guidance and how EMAS is a tool for biodiversity management.

Click here for further information

ReSet the Trend and EMAS

The European Commission has launched the ReSet the Trend, #ReFashionNow campaign to engage Europeans in the battle against fast fashion and raise public awareness on the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. The campaign features inspiring stories of change from two EMAS companies in the textile sector.

Click here for further information.

date 26/06/2023
Webinar Summary: The EMAS Social Media Campaign 2023

Although this year’s campaign has already ended, it is still worthwhile to check the article as it provides valuable insights into how companies can discover an efficient and sustainable approach to using social media, thereby accelerating their impact. Additionally, it offers access to all the presentations, recordings, and other materials from the webinar.

Click here for further information.

EMAS and the Green Claims initiative

On March 22, 2023, the European Commission proposed a Directive on Green Claims putting forward new rules to stop misleading environmental claims and ensure trustworthy information on the sustainability of products. The rules support EMAS as a credible environmental management scheme.

Click here for further information.

News on Sustainable Production and Consumption from the Web

EU Parliament Votes to Require Companies to Introduce Climate Transition Plans – ESGtoday
AI is the secret to businesses cutting carbon emissions and costs at the same time – euronews.
The world desperately needs a fairer economy – here’s how we can make that happen – The
Why we need precise language to tackle greenwashing – Sustainability.
Commission consults citizens and stakeholders on the Directive on waste from electrical and
electronic equipment (WEEE) – News European Commision

8th International Cradle to Cradle Congress

The International Cradle to Cradle Congress 2023, the world's leading platform for Cradle to Cradle and Circular Economy, returns with its eighth edition. With approximately 1,000 participants, the event offers panel discussions, best practices, inspiring keynotes, and networking opportunities. High-ranking speakers from business, politics, and science will share insights on societal transformation.

Onsite in Berlin, Germany


date 08/09/2023 - 09/09/2023
World Water Week 2023

The World Water Week wants to raise awareness about the importance of water and promote sustainable water management practices. This year’s theme is Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World. The aim is to explore ideas, innovations, and governance systems needed to address the challenges of an increasingly unstable and water-scarce world.

Online, Onsite in Stockholm, Sweden


date 20/08/2023 - 24/08/2023
#EUCircularTalks – Packaging: Waste or valuable resource? Harnessing the value of packaging in the food system

The event focuses on the role of food packaging in the circular economy. It explores the proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) by the European Commission, its impact on sustainable packaging solutions, and how to view food packaging as a resource rather than waste. The specific date and time are yet to be determined.

Online, Onsite in Brussels, Belgium

Click here for further information

date 01/09/2023 - 29/09/2023

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