Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0768
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Issue 604


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In this issue
Aquatic biosensors glow like fireflies as they detect disintegrating plastic debris

Monitoring the degradation of plastic waste in both fresh and saltwater environments could be done quickly and effectively using glowing ‘biosensors’ built on bacteria, finds new study. Almost 26 million tonnes of plastic is generated in Europe each year. Plastic finds its way into lakes, seas and the ocean via littering and waste disposal and through sewerage and water treatment systems, and now accounts for 80% of all marine debris. Click here to read more

New research supports the need for streamlining best practice in anaerobic digestion

A robust assessment of GHG emissions from anaerobic digestion for biogas in France finds that its potential carbon savings depend on many variables, as reflected in the EU legislation. This study suggests that, in France, the potential of anaerobic digestion (AD) to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions depends on two factors: 1) it must be accompanied by post-fermentation gastight digestate storage; and 2) the efficiency of soil carbon storage at baseline (lower baseline soil carbon storage leads to greater GHG mitigation). Click here to read more

Cancer drugs in freshwater impact survival of water fleas — an important fish food

Two human cancer medicines found in freshwater ecosystems at low concentrations can cause mutations in aquatic organisms. Researchers exposed water fleas to chemotherapeutic drugs, observing serious impact on DNA and life history over time. In 2019 the European Commission adopted a ‘strategic approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment’, citing a need for further monitoring and research of environmental impacts. Pharmaceuticals are frequently found in freshwater rivers and streams. Click here to read more

Register now: Zero Pollution Talks - "Zero Pollution and Foresight: building a Zero Pollution future"

On 11 July 2023, 10:30 – 11:30 CEST, the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform will host the second in a series of Zero Pollution Talks. The topic for the event is "Zero Pollution and Foresight: building a Zero Pollution future". The ZP Talks are designed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, raise awareness, and address a wide range of issues and topics related to zero pollution. This event will look at the topic of strategic foresight in EU policy-making, specifically focusing on how to embed foresight in developing transition pathways and preparing for future challenges. Register

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Science for Environment Policy is published by the European Commission's DG Environment and edited by the Science Communication Unit (SCU), at the University of the West of England, Bristol. This service is provided by Ecorys.

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ISSN: 2600-0768