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Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert

Newsletter No.121 | June 2023

Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert
Table of content
How to stimulate demand for circular construction skills through public procurement

Public procurers have an important role to play in the transition towards a more circular built environment. The EU-funded BUS Go-Circular project has developed a guide and training materials to help public procurers and policymakers better understand how they can leverage their purchasing power to stimulate demand for circular construction skills. Read this article to discover the seven actions that public procurers can take to boost circular construction skills.

A Better World Starts with Public Procurement

Interview with Fredo Schotanus, professor of Public Procurement at Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E) in the Netherlands. He is also co-founder of the Utrecht University Centre for Public Procurement (UUCePP) and is active as a principal consultant for Significant Synergy. He studies procurement that takes price, quality, people and the environment effectively and efficiently into account.

GPP Good Practice Examples
Including green criteria for window cleaning services

As part of the City of Copenhagen’s 2025 Climate Plan, the city has committed to including stricter demands for emission-free delivery in its goods and services contracts. In 2022, these requirements were applied to the procurement of window cleaning services for buildings under the jurisdiction of its Child and Youth Administration.

EU GPP Website Updated

The GPP Helpdesk page has a new look! The website has been updated and is now featured among DG Environment's Green Business initiatives. It hosts information on how to pose a query, voluntary GPP criteria, recent news, upcoming events and webinars, good practice case studies... and more. Discover the updated page here.

EU GPP Helpdesk webinar

The 2nd EU GPP Helpdesk webinar of 2023 was held on the 15th of June on “How to choose the appropriate social clauses in tendering procedures”. During the webinar, experts and practitioners analysed the current use of social considerations in tenders, the most used types of social clauses and during which stage of the procurement cycle such criteria are applied. Don't miss to watch the recording of the seminar and read the presentations.

Procurement Dialogues

DG GROW has launched the initiative “Organisation of workshops in the 27 Member States to develop a dialogue on the use of strategic public procurement”. The project, led by PwC and ICLEI Europe, brings together key stakeholders to provide input on national and European procurement policy objectives and creates synergies between Member States.

New Italian Code

A new Italian Public Contract Code and entered into force on 1 April. The code is part of a reform within the country’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The reform is focused on simplification of administrative processes, acceleration of awarding, execution and payment procedures, digitization and increased interoperability of platforms, and protection of workers and companies. Read the Sapiens Network’s review of the new code.

BBWT: Deadline extended

The Big Buyers Working Together project aims to support collaboration between public buyers across Europe to promote greater use of strategic public procurement for innovative and sustainable solutions. Don’t miss your opportunity to submit your recommendation through the Needs Assessment questionnaire (deadline extended). Based on the survey, 10 Communities of Practice will be defined.


The GPP News Alert is an initiative of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Environment.

Editor: EU GPP Helpdesk


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