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  13 June 2023  
European Commission

Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform Newsletter

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In this issue
Zero Pollution Action Plan Celebrates Two-Year Anniversary

On 12 May, the Zero Pollution Action Plan celebrated its 2nd anniversary, completing 1 flagship and 10 actions, and making significant progress on 8 other flagships and 23 actions towards its 2050 vision to reduce air, water, and soil pollution. For further information:

Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform in Practice
European Environment and Health Atlas completes key Zero Pollution action

On 3 May 2023 the European Environment Agency launched the European Environment and Health Atlas marking successful delivery of a key Zero Pollution action. The atlas plays a vital role in monitoring the European Union's ambition for zero pollution.

Zero Pollution: CoR adopts opinions on air quality and waste water directives

On 10 May, the Commission for Environment Climate change and Energy (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions gathered to vote on the opinions on the revisions of the Ambient Air Quality Directive and the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, paving the way for zero pollution ambitions in cities and regions. Final approval is foreseen at the plenary session of 5-6 July after a debate with the participation of Commissioner Sinkevičius.

Latest News
Marine Monitoring: Progress in Zero Pollution and Biodiversity

The European Commission's April 2023 assessment of marine environment monitoring programmes reported by Member States details progress made and gaps under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, with recommendations for improving monitoring efforts.

Zero Pollution: One million signatures urge EU to save bees and farmers

In April 2023 the European Commission welcomed the European Citizens’ Initiative and called on the European Parliament and the Council to find swift agreements on submitted legislative proposals that will benefit bees and Zero Pollution Ambition.

New Rules on chemicals for Zero Pollution

On 20 April, the Delegated Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals (CLP) entered into force, introducing new hazard classes for endocrine disruptors and persistent chemicals, set to pave the way for Zero Pollution.

EU promotes Zero Pollution for waste and chemicals at UN COPs

From 1-12 May, the EU took part in the UN Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, joining global efforts to reduce hazardous waste, eliminate persistent organic pollutants and control toxic chemical and waste trade.

Consultation: have your say on the “polluter pays” principle for Zero Pollution

On 12 May, The European Commission has launched an open public consultation to gather views and evidence from citizens and stakeholders on the implementation of the "polluter pays" principle for Zero Pollution. Have your say until 4 August.

Upcoming events
Zero Pollution Stakeholder Workshop: “Reducing health inequalities through Zero Pollution”

On 14 and 15 June 2023, the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform will host a workshop on reducing health inequalities through zero pollution. Since workshop registration is now closed, we invite you to learn more about the event and participate online on both days using the links below.

date 14/06/2023 - 15/06/2023
See also Online streaming link
Zero Pollution Talks Launch: Zero Pollution & the European Year of Skills

On 27 June 2023,15:00 – 16:00 CEST, the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform will host the first in a series of Zero Pollution Talks on "Zero Pollution & the European Year of Skills". Further information and registration are available through the link below:

date 27/06/2023

This newsletter is a joint initiative of DG Environment of the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions. For more information on the Zero Pollution Action Plan, please see here and on the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform, please see here.

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