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European Natura 2000 Award

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In this Issue
2024 edition of the Natura 2000 Award
Call for applications open!
The new call is open and applications for all categories will be accepted until 23:59 CET, 29 September 2023. It’s time to get the recognition you deserve!

Apply now!

Yesterday was Natura 2000 Day, and what better moment to launch this initiative that celebrates the best of Natura 2000. Natura 2000 Day marks the creation of the European Natura 2000 network 31 years ago and it was celebrated across Europe not only by the launch of this new edition of the Award, but also with a brand new Natura 2000 Viewer and a series of 18 BioBlitz challenges in Natura 2000 areas all over Europe.

Click on the Apply Now! link to visit the Natura 2000 Award website and find out how – and why- to apply. You can choose to read the Natura 2000 Award website in the language of your choice. The application form will also be made available in all EU languages.

Who can apply?
Eligible applicants
The Commission is happy to receive applications from anyone involved in the management of actions linked to the Natura 2000 network. This includes public authorities and NGOs, as well as businesses, educational establishments, hunters’ associations, landowners, etc.

Please forward this information to colleagues and organisations in your network who could be interested. You can also find visuals on the Award website to help get the message out about Natura 2000. 

What are the benefits of applying?
Application benefits
There are numerous benefits of applying for the Award which include notably a Europe-wide promotion of your efforts and successes. Do you want decision makers to see what you have achieved? Would you like the wider public to hear what you have been up to? This is the way to do it!

Finalists will be entered into the public vote to choose the winner of the Citizens' Award which will be widely promoted across Europe. Finalists will also be offered a professional-level training on how to use social media for their own communications needs. This is in addition to an invitation to attend the Award Ceremony in Brussels.

The six winners also receive a small financial prize to put towards their ongoing nature conservation activities, as well as support in organising an event to celebrate their win and promote their achievements to local and national audiences.

Visit the Award website now and discover all the benefits of applying, as well as feedback from previous winners on their experience.

Selecting your Award category
Unsure of which category to choose?
The Natura 2000 Award recognises successful initiatives in five categories.
  1. The Communication category is aimed at any kind of communication or promotional activities that explicitly focus on raising awareness or bringing lasting positive changes in attitudes or behaviour towards Natura 2000. They can be large-scale, or small- scale actions, and their target audiences can be specific or general.
  2. The Conservation on land category is aimed at conservation activities on Natura 2000 sites that improved the conservation status of terrestrial species or habitats protected on the site(s) in question. Applications submitted under this category would typically focus on best-practices or particularly successful conservation achievements. 
  3. The Cross-border cooperation category is aimed at any collaborative endeavours that positively benefit Natura 2000. These collaborations can be between different partners coming together over a common theme or problem, or they can be true cross-border collaborations across institutional, regional or national borders. They must show a concrete impact on at least one Natura 2000 site.
  4. The Marine conservation category is aimed at conservation activities that take place on coastal or marine Natura 2000 sites that improved the conservation status of marine or coastal species or habitats protected in the site(s) in question. Applications submitted under this category would typically focus on best-practices or particularly successful conservation achievements.
  5. The Working together for nature category is aimed at applications featuring a concrete positive impact on Natura 2000 through the creation of social or economic benefits for local people or communities, and / or through the resolution of conflicts bringing together stakeholders who were not originally inclined to work together.

Find out more information about the categories here.

Do you have a question?
Natura 2000 Award webinar
The European Commission will organise a webinar at 14:30 CET on 15 June 2023 specifically aimed at anyone who wants to know more about the Award and the call for applications. The webinar will include an overview of the Award and a Q&A session.

Register here to participate. You can also contact the Award Secretariat for any questions you might have.

Join us on social media by following the hashtags #Natura2000 and #Natura2000Awards.

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ISSN: 2467-4346