Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0768
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Issue 581


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In this issue
Migration between Italian provinces may be influenced by air pollution levels

Traditional studies of factors affecting internal migration commonly focus on socioeconomic conditions such as income and employment, however, a growing body of research suggests that environmental factors may be significant. This study presents the first empirical analysis of the influence of air pollution on migration between provinces in Italy. The results suggest that local environmental conditions can have effects on intranational population movement. Click here to read more

The ongoing digitalisation of agriculture: identifying key research areas

The adoption of digital technology in agriculture is a rapidly advancing field. Further research is needed to inform investment decisions and policy formulation that ensure associated economic, social and sustainability benefits are achieved. This study consulted a range of stakeholders to produce a structured list of research priorities. Click here to read more

Using thermal energy storage in buildings to support a renewable energy grid

Energy storage capacity is a key issue for large-scale renewable energy grids. Electric battery storage presents scaling challenges and, in some cases, thermal energy storage (TES) may be a more appropriate technology. This study assessed the potential for TES to meet thermal energy requirements for residential and commercial buildings in the United States. The researchers report that TES can be an effective and competitive system and propose key areas for future research. Click here to read more

Wind-farm projects: local government faces dilemmas when resisting plans alongside citizen-action groups

National initiatives for wind-farm expansion can lead to local governments collaborating with civil society to oppose specific projects. This study presents two such cases and assesses some of the key strategic issues facing the local authorities as they contest the proposals. The researchers identify four key dilemmas and argue that a consideration of these can help in understanding how such situations occur. Click here to read more

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Science for Environment Policy is published by the European Commission's DG Environment and edited by the Science Communication Unit (SCU), at the University of the West of England, Bristol. This service is provided by Ecorys.

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