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  24 November 2021  

EU Business & Biodiversity platform


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One week to EBNS 2021!

EBNS 2021 will kick off in exactly one week! Join us on 30 November - 1 December at the fully virtual event. Register today to take part in the discussions on how we can scale up business action for nature.

Business Statement at EBNS 2021

Under the leadership of Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, Chairman of EpE and CEO of BNP Paribas, and the Partners of the European Business Statement, CEOs are cordially invited to the “CEO-only” session at the EBNS 2021 to discuss a “European Business Statement.” A draft statement has been prepared by the EBNS 2021 partners, and it will be delivered formally to the EU Commission on 1 December in the presence of Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for the Environment and Laurent Burelle, AFEP Chairman. The EBNS partners aim for this statement to be ambitious and grounded in business reality, and therefore, CEOs are invited to this session to review and discuss the statement before it is formally delivered. The session will take place on 30 November, from 17:00 to 18:00 CET. To attend, please RSVP by Friday, 26 November at

Results of the Finance@Biodiversity Community's Workshops on Engagement with Companies

In 2021, the Finance@Biodiversity Community has focused its collective learning and experience sharing on the subject of ‘Engagement with companies’. This covers both the engagement of investors with publicly listed companies, and the engagement of banks with their clients. The F@B Community developed four workshops together with its members, in response to their needs, and it is now developing a guidance paper based on the workshops. The preliminary results are already available in the official minutes for each session.

B@B webinar series on biodiversity data - Recordings available on YouTube

If you missed any of the webinars on biodiversity data the B@B Platform organised in October, you can now watch the recordings of the entire series on YouTube. This webinar series provides an overview of recent developments in the field of biodiversity data for businesses and financial institutions. The three first webinars present examples of currently available and well-performing data sources on biodiversity impacts and dependencies, as well as innovative and promising biodiversity data collection techniques. Each of the webinars includes concrete examples on how businesses have applied biodiversity data. The final webinar focuses on remaining challenges and invites businesses to participate in a debate on how the accessibility, infrastructure and quality of data can be improved.

Experts needed for scoping of the IPBES Business and Biodiversity assessment

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) seeks experts to participate in the external review of the draft scoping report for the IPBES business and biodiversity assessment. Governments, interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders can participate in the external review of the draft scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment. The external review will be open until 15 December 2021.

Deadline To be announced.
Business for Nature policy consultation - Deadline extended until 26 November
Business for Nature invites businesses from all sectors, geographies, and of all sizes to respond to a policy consultation and share their views on: 1) Reducing negative direct impacts; 2) The role to be played by SMEs; 3) Addressing environmentally harmful subsidies; 4) Mechanisms to incentivize sustainable use and penalise negative impacts; and 5) Legislation on deforestation and conversion free supply chains.
Deadline To be announced.
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