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EU Platform on Coexistence between People & Large Carnivores

E-Newsletter | 2019/2 (10 January 2020)

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Over the course of 2019, the EU Platform has continued its work with the regional platforms in different member states. This collaboration allows the groupings of stakeholders on the EU level and on the regional level to learn from one another, from the processes followed and the actions decided upon. Following a joint-workshop with the Grosseto Platform in Italy in May, we organised a second joint EU-regional platform meeting with the Harghita Platform in Romania. The situation in Harghita was very different from Grosseto. While in Grosseto, the main impacts discussed were those on livestock farming, the Harghita platform has examined how the growing bear population can be managed decreasing conflicts between humans and bears. Bears entering villages or being hit on the roads are becoming an increasing problem and present a direct danger to people. However, the Platform collaboration has shown that solutions do exist and can be implemented with the agreement of a range of different interest groups. The involvement of all relevant policy levels is however a prerequisite.

With the new European Commission in place and plans for the new Common Agricultural Policy and discussions around the EU Biodiversity Strategy after 2020 proposed as part of the New Green Deal, the EU large carnivore platform is looking forward to an interesting 2020. Our collaboration with a range of different stakeholders in many different locations across the EU will continue with our first regional workshop in Austria planned for January, where we will discuss how livestock can be protected against large carnivores in the challenging Alpine environment. We therefore look forward to a busy year. I would like to use this opportunity to wish all our readers all the best for 2020.

Jurgen Tack
Scientific Director of the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO)
Co-chair of the EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores

Update on regional platforms and local platforms on large carnivores

The EU Platform aims to engage with similar regional groupings which focus on conflict around large carnivore presence in different areas in the EU. The two EU-funded projects on the establishment of regional platforms on people and large carnivores work together with stakeholders to discuss issues around large carnivore coexistence on the national, regional or local context. Three regional platforms have been established in Italy, Romania and Spain, while three further platforms are being established in Germany, France and Sweden.

In Grosseto, Italy, six interactive workshops were held and joint actions have been agreed and are currently being implemented. These include a communication plan to raise awareness about the collaboration and access to support for livestock keepers in the area and a joint effort from different sectors to collect data on wolf presence in the province.
In Harghita, Romania, six platform meetings have taken place, also resulting in a list of prioritised actions. The platform is currently discussing which actions might be implemented.
In Avila, Castile and Leon, Spain six meetings have been held and a list of actions is near completion.
In Lüneburg Heath, Lower Saxony, Germany, two meetings have been held at the beginning of November and early December.

Regional workshop Harghita County, Romania: Coexistence between people and large carnivores: Presentation of regional platform agreed actions

The Harghita Platform was established in 2018 as part of a regional platform pilot project funded by the European Institutions. After engaging in an intensive facilitated, participative process involving six workshops over a period of around so many months, the members have succeeded in agreeing a range of joint actions. The actions agreed on by Harghita platform include measures concerning intervention and population regulation quotas, research on bear population involving hunting associations in the field, communication and education (related to spreading correct information and tourism), as well as the management of damages.

During the workshop, participants discussed the approach of stakeholder platforms as tool adaptable for local needs as well as the local situation and international examples regarding the involvement of hunting organisations in bear management, damage prevention systems and the control of recreational and tourism activities. The resulting workshop statement highlights the importance of dialogue between the stakeholders involved as well as the need improve decision-making responsibilities and empower local and regional authorities.

Update of the FAQs on the EU Large Carnivore Platform website

As part of the communication tasks carried out by the EU Platform, the Frequently Asked Questions on the website have been updated to integrate the latest information on the distribution and conservation status of large carnivore species. New information, for example on processes for dealing with wolves behaving unusually and how to define a “bold” wolf is included.

As a further novelty, “common misconceptions” about large carnivores have been included. These are topics on which incorrect information is commonly spread. The purpose is, amongst other things, to allow those communicating on large carnivores to check facts and ensure that information published is correct.

New overview of large carnivore management measures across the EU

Large carnivore management measures (authorities, compensation, prevention and stakeholder platforms) can now be compared. A map has been added to the large carnivore platform website with an EU-wide comparison of how different member states tackle these issues. The information is more complete for some member states than others, and will need to be updated over time as member states make changes to their management planning. Please contact the Platform Secretariat if you have additional information or corrections.

LIFE projects launched

Three new LIFE projects were launched in September/October 2019 that deal with coexistence and large carnivores. LIFE BOREALWOLF in Finland aims at decreasing social tensions by raising awareness and mitigating negative impacts of wolf presence. In the Alpine region, LIFE WOLFALPS EU will work on a management approach across local and national levels and explore the context of conflict hotspots to develop best practice solutions. The goal of minimising human interference and subsequent conflicts within LIFE ARCPROM will be based on activities concerning monitoring, intervention, livestock protection and capacity building.

Hearing “Revaluation of the wolf population in the EU”, European Parliament

A joint Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Petitions (ENVI - PETI) Committees public hearing (video), with the association of the Agriculture Committee on 5 December 2019, 10:30 to 13:00 focused on the wolf population within the EU. The basic objective was to have a better understanding on the status of wolf populations in EU and furthermore, to consider possible changes to the current management of the wolf population in Europe.

Platform participation at events
Biocultural Regions: Biocultural Diversity – A powerful tool in achieving EU sustainability goals, 8 October

This session, organised as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, focused on the importance of linking cultural and biological diversity initiatives. Valeria Salvatori gave a presentation explaining how the work of the Harghita Platform contributes towards supporting extensive livestock managers in the area. The discussions were followed by a tasting event.

Upcoming events
Regional workshop as side event to ‘Livestock protection in the Alpine region’ (21-23 January 2020)

The EU Platform is organising its first regional workshop of 2020 as a side event to the conference on Livestock protection in the Alpine region organised by LIFE EUROLARGECARNIVORES. Taking place in Heffterhof, Salzburg, the workshop offers an opportunity to exchange knowledge with various experts and practitioners in livestock protection and to learn more about the latest findings of science, research and practice as well as EU funding. On 22 January, the EU Platform regional workshop, hosted by WWF and ELO, will focus financing of protection measures through European funds.

Date 21/01/2020 - 23/01/2020
Case study in focus
Practical Support under the Rural Development Programme | Slovenia

Slovenia has included measures for coexistence of animal husbandry in areas with large carnivores in their Rural Development Programmes in the agri-environment measures since 2000. A wide range of stakeholders was involved in the design of the measure. A payment is received per acre of grassland as compensation for costs of extra work required to protect the herd against attacks by large carnivores. The measure is open to farmers and stockbreeders carrying out livestock management on grassland in areas with large carnivores. The payment varies depending on the implementation of one or more activities such as mobile protective electric fences, shepherding or use of a herding dog. The measures have led to a decrease in livestock damage caused by large carnivores.

For more information see the description of the case study on the EU Platform website. A report describing ten good practice case studies is also available.

About this Newsletter

This newsletter is issued twice a year and produced by the EU Large Carnivore Platform Secretariat (adelphi consult GmbH and Callisto) on behalf of the Platform members. It aims to present the Platform’s work to the public.

The newsletter does not necessarily reflect the official view of the Platform members or the European Commission.

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