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European Commission
GPP News Alert
DG Environment
October GPP News Alert

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the October issue of the EU GPP News Alert.

In this issue you can read about the newest European criteria for green public procurement (GPP) of computers and monitors, published by the European Commission. The Secretary General of ACR+, Francoise Bonnet, also shares her views on how green procurement practices can be used to address waste. 

In terms of practical experiences, two good practice cases are presented in this newsletter. The first one is about a procurement carried out by the Municipality of Herning (Denmark), which trialled circular economy ideas when purchasing workwear. And the second experience is from Transport Malta (Malta’s transport authority) who recently undertook a number of large-scale initiatives to demonstrate the feasibility of using electric mobility in its port operations.

Information about the next GPP Helpdesk webinar, new guidance from CIVITAS, studies and political commitments relevant for green purchasing are also featured inside this edition of the GPP News Alert.

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920
E-mail: gpp-helpdesk@iclei.org
Web: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/gpp/index_en.htm

The GPP News Alert is an initiative of the European Commission, Directorate-General Environment published on a monthly basis.

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