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LIFE Programme


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EU invests € 116.1 million to improve the quality of life of Europeans

New LIFE programme funding will unlock more than € 3.2 billion of additional support to 12 large-scale environmental and climate projects in ten Member States to support Europe's transition to a low-carbon, circular economy.

Save the date: LIFE Info Day!

The European Commission is organising an Information & Networking Day on the 2019 LIFE call for project proposals on April 30th 2019 in Brussels. Potential applicants will learn how to access co-funding for nature conservation, environmental technologies and climate action projects.

Share your views on deforestation and forest degradation

The European Commission is gathering information and views on potential EU action against deforestation and forest degradation. Stakeholders are invited to share their views by February 25th 2019.

LIFE projects foster a new plastics economy

LIFE projects are addressing the challenges posed by plastics throughout their lifecycle and across the value chain. They are showing how a circular economy for plastics could deliver considerable benefits for the environment and how circular thinking could unlock business potential and create new jobs. Read more in our new publication.


19/02/2019 - 25/03/2019

#EUSEW19 Networking Village: sign up to host your activities

Ready to network? The Networking Village is back for the 14th edition of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). It will take place in Brussels from 18 to 20 June 2019. Host a stand at the Energy Fair, pitch your idea or initiative at the Energy Lab or share your unique insights and innovative ideas.


13/04/2019 - 09/06/2019

Team up with EU Green Week: organize a partner event!

Is your organisation planning activities around the 2019 EU Green Week? Calls are now open to submit proposals for workshops, sessions and other partner events.


03/06/2019 - 04/06/2019

Join the expo of the World Circular Economy Forum

The World Circular Economy Forum 2019 in Helsinki will bring into the spotlight selected circular economy solutions from around the world. Do you want to be one of the few chosen stand hosts in the forum’s exhibition area?

Project news
Influencing environmental law through better access to justice

The LIFE project ATOJ EARL and its network of environmental lawyers are empowering EU citizens to use their rights under international law. They are building tools to help challenge lawbreaking through courts.

Cross-border cooperation boosts the great bustard

A series of LIFE projects in central Europe have worked with stakeholders to improve semi-natural grasslands and stop birds from colliding with energy infrastructure. This joined-up conservation is increasing great bustard populations, with benefits for a host of species.

Measuring and protecting Andalusian coastal carbon sinks

The LIFE project Blue Natura aims at protecting the threatened Andalusian coastal carbon sinks that play a vital role in mitigating climate change since they keep significant reserves of carbon out of the atmosphere.

About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

Visit the LIFE programme website at: http://ec.europa.eu/life

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© European Union, 2018. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged