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LIFE Programme


European Commission
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Climate Action project applicants seek nearly €200 million from LIFE

Applicants have submitted 124 proposals for traditional projects under the Climate Action sub-programme in the 2018 funding round. Proposals come from organisations in 21 EU Member States, with up to 27 countries benefitting in total.

Improving the state of our seas

From boosting biodiversity to stopping marine litter, LIFE is making a big contribution to EU efforts to achieve 'good environmental status' for marine waters. Now these success stories have been brought together in one publication: LIFE and the marine environment.

LIFE and Marine Environment
Helping new volunteers support Natura 2000

Have fun, hone your skills, help nature. There are so many good reasons to take part in LIFE preparatory projects for the European Solidarity Corps. Find out what some of the first volunteers get from the experience in this selfie video compilation.

Wanted: green business pioneers for EU Industry Days 2019

We are looking for business pioneers in industry who work on low-carbon and circular economy solutions. Propose an ‘industry and sustainability’ stakeholder session by 30 September and be part of #EUIndustryDay next February!

Green business for EU Industry Day

20/09/2018 - 24/09/2018

A taste of LIFE at Terra Madre Salone del Gusto

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is the most important international event dedicated to food and gastronomy, attracting around 1 million visitors every two years. Nine LIFE projects will be participating, around the theme ‘Food for Change’.

Salone del gusto

08/10/2018 - 09/10/2018

LIFE platform meeting on food waste: effective solutions for prevention and treatment

One third of all food for human consumption is lost or wasted. This meeting brings projects, policymakers and other stakeholders together to shine a light on what can be done to tackle food waste at regional and national level.

LIFE Platform meeting on food waste


Apply to host the opening event of EU Green Week 2019

The European Commission is looking for a partner or partners to co-organise the official opening event of the next #EUGreenWeek on 13 May 2019. Think your organisation fits the bill, then click 'read more' to apply by 31 October.



Financing green and circular economy businesses: opportunities under the EU LIFE programme – ECOMONDO 2018

LIFE will host a session on financing green and circular economy businesses at ECOMONDO 2018. This will include an overview of the programme, inspirational projects and support for close-to-market solutions.

Project news
Waste sludge finds new life as biofuel

Treating wastewater from industrial plants is an expensive business, requiring a lot of energy and generating high carbon emissions. EffiSludge for LIFE has a solution – converting waste sludge from the process into biogas.

Photo: EffiSludge for LIFE
New app for greener travel by public transport

Public transport use is relatively low in Greece. LIFE GreenYourMove is hoping to change this with its new web platform and smartphone applications, designed to help users make the most environmentally-friendly journeys on public transport, and so cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Photo: Phil Richards/CC BY-SA 2.0
Enabling invertebrates to play an essential role in ecosystems

Bees, beetles, snails and other invertebrates make up 80% of the animal kingdom. Without them - and their crucial services like pollination and pest control - our ecosystems would collapse. LIFE is a cornerstone of EU invertebrate conservation work, supporting more than 230 projects to date.

Photo: Carlina Hmouret
About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment and the Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

Visit the LIFE programme website at: http://ec.europa.eu/life

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