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On January 4, 2024, EFRAG will publish for public consultation the European standards for sustainability reporting applicable to both listed and non-listed SMEs. These standards will be mandatory for listed SMEs reporting under CSRD starting from the financial year 2026. For non-listed SMEs a set of voluntary standards will also be proposed.

New legislative proposals and agreements

On 16th October, the Commission is proposing for the first time measures to prevent microplastic pollution from the unintentional release of plastic pellets. The proposal includes a proposal for a Regulation on preventing pellet losses which will now be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council. The Regulations introduces an exemption for EMAS registered companies and also recognises the possibility that EMAS environmental verifiers check the compliance with the requirements of the Regulation.

Issue 04 / December 2023

Dear EMAS Community, As winter settles in Europe and 2023 slowly comes to an end, please find below the main policy highlights and events from within and outside the EMAS community from the past three months.

Interinstitutional EMAS Days 2023

Let’s get more sustainable together – Welcome to the Interinstitutional EMAS Days. As it gets colder outside, we are getting warmer from the inside – by sharing sustainable strategies, plans, and initiatives between our institutions. Eighteen EU institutions and agencies (6 more than last year) are already committed and are registered by the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). Together they fight against climate change, increase environmental protection, and reduce greenhouse gasses. All to lead by example and help the European Union reach its ambitious climate neutrality target by 2050.

Latest trends and innovations in nature finance – Webinar on January 30th

As we witness unprecedented declines in nature and biodiversity, the financial sector is stepping up with groundbreaking solutions. The Kunming-Montreal GBF has ignited a surge of interest in nature-related financial mechanisms. The annual New Green Shoots webinar, a finance industry cornerstone since 2022, continues to lead the way by unveiling the latest innovative products in nature finance. Mark your calendars for January 30th at 14:00 CET, as the four finance sector webinar-partners present the 2024 New Green Shoots webinar. This event promises an insightful exploration of emerging trends in nature finance, spotlighting innovative products and mechanisms poised to scale the market.

Integrating Climate and Nature Action – Webinar on December 13th

The European Business & Biodiversity Platform is delivering a new webinar on December 13th together with its partners UNEP FI, the PRI and the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. The new webinar will be on the biodiversity-climate nexus. Join to discover how integrating biodiversity into climate change activities is a game-changer for risk management. Tailored for banks, institutional investors, and insurers, this webinar will help you to gain new insights, explore key concepts, and receive practical recommendations on incorporating nature into existing climate frameworks. Don't miss your chance to learn how to start your biodiversity-journey linking it to your climate-activities!

Align bears fruit in shaping the future of biodiversity measurement approaching its final stretch

Join us in celebrating a significant milestone with Align, the European Commission-funded project led by WCMC Europe and the Capitals Coalition, with partners Arcadis, ICF, and UNEP-WCMC. Over the past 2 years, Align has emerged as a transformative actor in the biodiversity measurement landscape, fuelled by a diverse community of over 500 engaged stakeholders. The 'Recommendations for a standard on corporate biodiversity measurement and valuation', published during last year’s COP15, has become a crucial guide for businesses navigating the evolving landscape of biodiversity measurement bringing alignment to a divergent space. It has been developed along with Align's engaged community, which includes 100 proactive business practitioners and 120 technical experts working together to shape a standardized approach to biodiversity measurement and valuation. As the project approaches its final stretch towards the summer of 2024, it has made available further guidance to help businesses to implement the recommendations at a site level, and across supply chains, as well as on how to assess ecosystem condition. Stay tuned to learn more about the next steps of Align in shaping the future of corporate biodiversity measurement practices. These include guidance on nature-positive, the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the integration of biodiversity into natural capital accounting and the identification of research, innovation and education needs to address biodiversity measurement challenges.

EU Clean Air Forum 2023

The EU Clean Air Forum was held from 23 to 24 November in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. The event showcased the development and implementation of European, national and local air policies, projects and programmes.

EU Flood risks areas viewer

The European Commission, along with the support of the European Environment Agency developed the EU Flood risks areas viewer with the aim to raise flood risk awareness.

Cedefop survey for cities on green skills

Cedefop, one of the EU’s agencies, launched a survey to gather information on how cities evaluate the impact of the green transition in the professional context and how they create policies in favour of green skills and jobs. The survey takes about 15 minutes. Your contribution will help raise the voice of cities among policy makers and provide inspiration on how to become greener in the future.

Opening the 2026 call for applications

The secretariat of the European Green Capital and Leaf Awards is ready to launch the new call for applications on 14 December 2023. More information will be available soon on our website.

Circular event pilot in Tallinn

Driven by its European Green Capital year, Tallinn introduced ‘Guidelines for Organising Sustainable Events’ in April 2023. These recommendations encompass multiple aspects, from materials and catering to waste management, transportation, energy efficiency and venue impact.

Citizen engagement in Tallinn reveals inspiring green stories

With Tallinn being the 2023 European Green Capital, it’s no surprise that its citizens are a rich source of inspiration in terms of sustainability. This article provides six green stories from Tallinn citizens covering arts, preservation of biodiversity, research and events organisation.

#EUCircularTalk: Circular Procurement

The ECESP Leadership Group on Circular Procurement and the Leadership Group on Biodiversity and Climate organised a #EUCircularTalk on the 20th of October 2023. During the session, synergies between circular procurement and biodiversity and climate were discussed, and experiences from municipalities on integrating circular procurement strategies, calculating scope 3 emissions, and using circular procurement to achieve their climate and biodiversity goals were presented.