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Covenant of Companies

for Climate and Energy

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In the spotlight

Dear readers,

👋 Welcome to the seventh and last edition of the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy Newsletter.

After a thrilling two-year journey supporting enterprises from across Europe on their path to decarbonisation, the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy pilot initiative has come to an end.

From the companies that have proudly joined the Covenant as pledgers to the distinguished members of our Steering Committee, as well as the partners and enablers that have helped us spread the word about the need to decarbonise, we want to thank our community for its unwavering commitment to our shared cause.

As we transition towards a clean energy future, the Covenant of Companies has made it possible for EU companies to be active players in the mission towards achieving a net zero economy. Going forward, the Covenant of Companies beneficiaries now have the knowledge needed to effectively reduce their emissions.

Now that we approach the end of the project, the Covenant of Companies website will soon be archived, while the Covenant of Companies Futurium site will be closed down. Nevertheless, if you still want to benefit from the Covenant of Companies resources, rest assured that they will remain available on the archived website.

🚀 Now, without further delay, we wish you a pleasant read of the final edition of the Covenant of Companies newsletter!

Towards a net zero future: Reflecting on the Covenant of Companies’ successful journey


Europe has set the goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Thanks to the European Green Deal and its net-zero ambitions, future generations will inherit not only a healthier planet, but also a more modern, efficient, resilient, and competitive European economy.

All sections of society must pull together to make these ambitious goals reality – and we are aware of the importance of not leaving any section of society behind in this transition. This is particularly true for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent 99% of all businesses in the EU. SMEs are not only the backbone of Europe’s economy, but also the cornerstone of the clean energy transition. 

It was in this context that the Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy (CCCE) was set up two years ago, in January 2022. What started as a pilot initiative has since transformed into a reference point for how to effectively bring EU clean energy policies into the local business sphere. Since the CCCE’s launch over 50 companies and enablers from across the EU have benefited - gaining access to one-to-one technical assistance, advice on energy saving costs, guidance on how to measure carbon footprint, and support to boost sustainability measures.

As the Covenant comes to an end, we are proud to see that the foundational goals of the initiative have been met. Thanks to the Covenant, a wide range of EU companies are now one step closer to climate neutrality and have learnt not only how to navigate their journeys towards sustainability, but also how to benefit from the green transition.

Pilot initiatives are, by definition, pioneering, and the CCCE has been no different. As the first initiative of its kind, the Covenant has laid the foundation for a community of like-minded EU businesses committed to embracing climate action and contributing towards a greener and sustainable future.

We look forward to seeing how the EU will continue to lead the way towards a net-zero future, both in collaboration with the European enterprise ecosystem and with the support of future initiatives carrying on the Covenant of Companies’ legacy.

Georg Houben

Directorate-General for Energy, Unit B1 - Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition

Hints and tips…

Unlock the path to net zero emissions: New Guide on Clean Energy Transition

Our new guide on Clean Energy Transition has been published! From developing clean energy transition plans to addressing sector-specific challenges for SMEs, this newly published guide provides a comprehensive roadmap to identify, assess and implement emissions reduction measures successfully.

Read and download the guide here.


Clean energy support schemes: An overview of Belgium

Belgium is not only the country currently holding the rotating EU Presidency but is also a land of opportunities for Belgian companies seeking to start their decarbonisation journey.

In the new Covenant of Companies’ guide focused on Belgium, we provide an overview of the financial and non-financial support schemes available in the country for clean energy projects and R&D&I in clean energy.

Belgian companies – this is your call to dive into clean energy projects!

You can read the guide here.


Policy news

EU steps up renewable energy cooperation with Azerbaijan

The second Ministerial Meeting of the EU-Azerbaijan Green Energy Advisory Council took place in Baku earlier this month, co-chaired by the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson.

The meeting was an important moment for strengthening the EU-Azerbaijan partnership in the field of renewable energy, bringing a new dimension to the overall energy relations on both sides.

Read more at the European Commission’s DG ENER website.


Source: European Commission

A high-resolution energy consumption atlas to shape future EU energy infrastructures

Zooming in on areas as small as 1x1 km, this new atlas provides data on energy demand and looks into energy scenarios until 2050. It makes for a powerful tool for policymakers and infrastructure planners working on the energy transition.

Read more at the European Commission’s DG ENER website.


Source: Energy and Industry Geography Lab (EIGL)

Stakeholders invited to submit feedback to a call for evidence on innovative forms of solar deployment

The European Commission has published a call for evidence as part of the preparation for recommendation and guidance on innovative forms of solar energy deployment. Interested stakeholders are invited to submit their feedback until the call closes on 2 April 2024.

Read more on the European Commission’s DG ENER website.


Source: European Commission

Watch again

Masterclass: Adopting Solar Photovoltaics (PV)

Adopting Solar Photovoltaics (PV) offers companies cost savings through reduced energy bills, environmental benefits through lowering their carbon footprint, as well as energy independence and long-term investment potential.

If adopting Solar Photovoltaics interests you but you’re not sure how to get started, we’ve got you covered!

The Covenant of Companies’ Masterclass on “Adopting Solar Photovoltaics (PV) covers the main aspects of the process, from the motivation and benefits behind it to the technological aspects, as well as implementation considerations. 

This Masterclass is just one of a wide range of resources from the Covenant of Companies that will remain available for European enterprises. 


Covenant of Companies for Climate and Energy – European Commission.

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ISSN: 2443-6240 | Catalogue Number: MJ-AY-24-001-EN-N