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Equality Platform meetings
4th Equality Platform Meeting
Save the date for the 4th Equality Platform Meeting, planned in Brussels on 26th of September.

More details regarding the meeting will come soon in e-mail communication from the Platform secretariat.

Making workplaces more diverse
Making workplaces more diverse and inclusive means addressing all types of discrimination. In the third meeting of the Equality Platform for the Energy Sector, the members and signatories met in April in Brussels to discuss anti-discriminatory and anti-racist practices in attracting, managing, and retaining talent in the energy sector. The avid engagement of the participants showed there is a willingness and a need to learn more about the topic and to devise concrete strategies aiming at increasing ethnic diversity and eliminating racial discrimination in workplaces.
document Equality Platform_3rd meeting ...  (147 KB)
News from Equality Platform Members
Energ’Ethic podcast
Listen to a podcast by Marine Cornelis from Next Energy Consumer. Energ’Ethic focuses on people acting for climate, the energy transition and sustainability. It aims to better understand the challenges these people face in their industries and the opportunities they perceive. It also enables them to share their experiences and their good ideas with as many people as possible – in other words, to create an inspiring and inspired community.
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GWNET Article
GWNET recently published an article about a study tour for 23 mentees in two of their mentoring programmes. If you are interested to see how GWNET develops its mentorship programmes, check GWNET website or the Equality Platform Wiki.
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Did you know…?
LUCE Awards 2023
The Lights on Women initiative at the Florence School of Regulation, in collaboration with partner Landwärme, announced the winners of the LUCE Awards at the European University Institute: Clara Poletti for Legacy Women, and Onyinye Anene-Nzelu for Emerging Talent. The LUCE Awards are meant to further the just transition’s gender mainstreaming objectives while highlighting the contributions and achievements of women of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds working in energy, climate, and sustainability.
Second edition of WomenTechEU
In April 2023, the European Commission announced the results of the second WomenTechEU call, targeting innovative European deep-tech companies founded by women. Almost three times as many companies have been selected this year compared to the pilot. The Women TechEU pilot scheme launched on 13 July 2021 as a new EU scheme supporting deep-tech start-ups led by women and helping them grow into tomorrow’s deep-tech champions. Under the Women TechEU pilot call, 50 promising deep-tech start-ups from the EU Member States and Associated Countries will receive targeted funding and first-class coaching and mentoring.
Interesting reading
Interesting reading
Europe’s Energy Transition: Women’s Power in Solving the Labour Bottleneck

Europe’s Energy Transition: Women’s Power in Solving the Labour Bottleneck is a report arguing that a key strategy to address skills shortages is to attract more women to the energy sector and to support them better once they are there. It also provides recommendations for various stakeholders on how to ensure a gender-just energy transition that benefits from the talents of both women and men. Read the full report, prepared by FES Just Climate and GWNET, here.

Equality Platform for the Energy Sector
How to join the Platform
The following stakeholders in the energy sector are welcome to apply for membership: national, regional and local authorities in EU countries, EU institutions and agencies, and international organisations; companies, federations, associations, foundations, non-governmental organisations, trade unions, universities, research institutes, law firms and consultancies based in an EU country.

Energy stakeholders can join the equality platform as full members by filling in the application form, signing the platform’s declaration and submitting examples of specific actions to promote equality in their workplace as signatories by filling in the application form, signing the platform’s declaration and committing to submit within a year examples of specific actions to promote equality in their workplace 

For more information, please visit our website or contact us at

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