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Dg Energy

Weekly oil bulletin

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EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2111, prices at 08/08/2022 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2111 prix au 08/08/2022 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2111, preise am 08/08/2022
DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, Diesel, and LPG calmed a bit due to decrease of oil price on global markets. The heating oil prices went down also due to end of the heating season for some (northern) Member States. Croatia relaxed its administrative price cap for Euro Super 95 and Diesel and was joined by Hungary from 15/11/2021 and Slovenia with price cap on Heating oil from 15/11/2021. Greece has floating Other indirect taxes that change every week. New VAT of 25% on all fuels introduced by Sweden from start of 2022. New excise taxes from start of 2022 enacted by Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. New Other indirect taxes enacted by Belgium, Latvia, Cyprus, Ireland, Hungary and Portugal. Poland reduced VAT to 8% and Slovenia reduced excise taxes from February. Spain and France introduced rebates on retail price up to 15% from April 1st. Italy increased temporarily Excise Duty to Gasoil and Carbon Tax to Gasoil & Fuel Oil from 1 May 2022. Sweden reduced excises on gasoline and diesel. Slovenia reintroduced price caps for Eurosuper 95 and Diesel. Portugal lowered further excise tax on Eurosuper 95 and Diesel. Czechia lowered further excise tax on Eurosuper 95, Diesel and Heating oil. Croatia and Portugal further reduced excise taxes from June. Germany introduced temporary lowering of excises on Eurosuper 95 and diesel. Slovenian reduction of other indirect taxes (CO2 tax obligation) from 21.6.2022 for Diesel, EuroSuper and Heating Gas Oil ended on 2.8.2022.

Dear Correspondents,

Please find below the link to the 'Oil Bulletin' on the Observatory website.

PDF files (prices with and without taxes):

xlsx files (prices with and without taxes):

xlsx tabular format (prices with and without taxes):

Historical data from 2005 onwards are available on Oil_Bulletin_Prices_History.xlsx .

UK ceased to be the member of EU on 31/01/2020

Ante Babic

NB: To modify your subscription, please
- edit your profile (Profile )


Chers Correspondants,

Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le lien vers le 'Bulletin pétrolier' sur le site de l'Observatoire.

Fichiers PDF (prix avec et sans taxes):

Fichiers xlsx (prix avec et sans taxes):

Fichier xlsx en format tabulaire (prix avec et sans taxes):

Les données relatives au bulletin hebdomadaire depuis 2005 sont également disponibles à l'adresse: Oil_Bulletin_Prices_History.xlsx.

Le Royaume-Uni a cessé d'être membre de l'UE le 31/01/2020

Ante Babic

NB: Pour modifier votre souscription, veuillez
- éditer votre profil (Profil )

Sehr geehrte Korrespondenten,

Nachstehend finden Sie den Link zum 'Oil Bulletin' auf der Website der Energie Markt Beobachtungsstelle.

PDF files (preise mit und ohne Steuern):

xlsx files (preise mit und ohne Steuern):

xlsx tabular format (preise mit und ohne Steuern):

Historische Daten ab 2005 sind verfügbar unter Oil_Bulletin_Prices_History.xlsx .

Das Vereinigte Königreich ist nicht mehr Mitglied der EU seit 31/01/2020

Ante Babic

NB: Ihr Abonnement Zum ändern, bitte
- bearbeiten Sie Ihr profil(Profile )

This is the weekly oil bulletin published by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, B-1049 Brussels.

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