Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  30 May 2022  

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Dear Smart Cities Marketplace Community,

Welcome to the Smart Cities Marketplace newsletter! The guest editorial below is from our friends of the Covenant of Mayors.

“There is a double urgency to transform Europe's energy system: ending the EU's dependence on Russian fossil fuels, which are used as an economic and political weapon and cost European taxpayers nearly €100 billion per year, and tackling the climate crisis.” This is with those words that the European Commission introduced the REPowerEU plan on 18th May.

Right afterwards, European Commission’s Vice President Frans Timmermans was meeting city leaders from the EU Covenant of Mayors Board to discuss emergency energy saving measures. Both VP Timmermans and EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, who also met Covenant of Mayors representatives the day after, insisted on the key role of cities in the REPowerEU challenge.

Covenant Board members reaffirmed their full support to make the EU Green Deal local in order to support Europe’s transition to climate-neutrality and energy independency, as well as to make Europe closer to citizens.

Fruitful discussions that led to immediate action, as on 19th May, the European Commission, the Covenant of Mayors – Europe and the Committee of the Regions launched “The Cities Energy Saving Sprint”. This joint initiative encourages cities to take measures that will immediately reduce their energy consumption and provides them with practical examples through a dedicated toolkit.

“Today, it is clearer than ever that the greenest energy is the energy we don’t consume, and in this period of war in Ukraine it is also the most ethical energy”, says Deputy Mayor of Brussels Benoit Helling, a signatory to the Covenant of Mayors.

Lots of cities are already taking action to save energy, as shown in the “city reports” of the Cities Energy Saving Sprint’s toolkit. We encourage all cities across the EU and beyond to act now to secure sustainable, affordable energy supply to all. Every gram of GHG avoided in the coming months will be an important step, not only for the climate, but also as an act of solidarity with Ukraine. We have a crucial role to play, municipalities have a crucial role to play. Join the Sprint!

Floriane Cappelletti, Heads of Communications, Covenant of Mayors

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Shape & Deal: The Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking activities in June

Be part of the next Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking – with activities at the SmartEnCity Final Conference on 14 to 15 June on-site in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain and online from 13 to 24 June.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Smart Cities Marketplace Forum 2022 - Key Facts & Figures

The Smart Cities Marketplace Forum, was organised as an on-site event at the Event Lounge in Brussels and featured high-level keynotes, three plenaries (Political, Innovation, Finance), six parallel sessions, a public Action Cluster BarCamp working on nine overarching topics.

Explore & Shape: Towards a Just and Clean Urban Transition - The Future of the Smart Cities Marketplace

Following Commissioner Kadri Simon’s keynote, emphasising how cities are crucial for the European Green Deal and how RePower EU will move the EU away from dependence on Russian fossil fuels towards more sustainable energy, the panellists discussed the way forward.

Shape & Deal: A Robust Innovation Ecosystem for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Following a comprehensive overview of the many offers of the EIC, based on the needs identified in the report of the same name as the session title, and the following comprehensive offer of support, the speakers' debate focused primarily on the importance of planning needed to create the basis for becoming climate neutral.

Deal: Innovative Technologies for Cities, Part 1

The importance of the role of innovation funding to develop new technologies was stressed in this session. The discussion was commenced by cities with the intent to install technologies as part of engagement with city procurement offices.

Deal: Innovative Technologies for Cities, Part 2

This session included practical examples like the City of Amsterdam that has several ambitious plans, including an energy transition roadmap and a circular strategy.

Explore: Smart Cities Marketplace Forum - Day 2 WELCOME & OPENING KEYNOTE

Eero Ailio emphasised the need for cities to be involved in the energy transition. We have to rethink how cities are working, break down silos and engage in green procurement, for example, by using an integrated approach.

News from the Community of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Shape: BarCamp Session 27 April 2022 - Join us for the Next Edition of the Smart Cities Marketplace!

The community of the Smart Cities Marketplace will undergo a major transformation in the coming months. Georg Houben (DG Energy) highlighted the main changes that are planned.

Shape & Deal: More than a half of the selected EU Mission 100 Cities are Scalable Cities!

After careful considerations and deep analyses, a 112 cities have been selected for the Mission for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities to go on the path and become climate-neutral by 2030 with 53 coming from among the Scalable Cities community.

Shape: Citizen Data-Smart Cities

The Citizen’s Control of Personal Data Initiative within the Smart Cities Marketplace is working with other initiatives to provide a joint approach to tackling the highly significant task of helping a smart city utilise the personal data of its citizens in a way that is beneficial and safe for all.

Shape: District heating and cooling helping cities reach their climate and energy goals - Results of the EU level survey

The stakeholder survey "Urban Heating and Cooling Transition" was launched in January 2022. Its results were presented and discussed at the REWARDHeat-Celsius policy workshop on 17 March in Brussels.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: Positive Energy Districts Conference

Are you a civil servant, policymaker or researcher with an interest in positive energy districts? Join the two-day conference in Amsterdam (June 23-24) to visit PED projects, exchange experiences, share ideas and develop new insights with like-minded professionals.

Deal: The European Capital of Innovation Awards

The 8th edition of the European Capital of Innovation Awards (iCapital) is open for submissions until 30 June. The Awards recognise the role cities play in shaping the local innovation ecosytems and promote innovation.

Deal: European Innovation Procurement Awards

The second edition of European Innovation Procurement Awards (EUIPA) is open for submissions until 22 June. The European Commission will recognise best Innovation Procurement practices in three categories – strategy, societal challenges and leadership.

Explore: The EU takes on fresh voluntary commitments to the New Urban Agenda

The EU and its Member States pledge three new commitments taking sustainable urban development forward and accelerating the delivery of the UN New Urban Agenda.

Shape: Circular Cities and Regions Initiatives (CCRI) - Applications Open to Become a Pilot or Fellow!

Launched by the EU as part of the Circular Economy Action Plan, the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI) focuses on implementing the circular economy across Europe’s cities and regions.

Shape: procuRE Selects 3 Innovative Approaches

procuRE launched the first out of three phases towards reaching its goal to develop innovative solutions to achieve 100% Renewable Energy Supply in existing public buildings.

Smart City Projects News
Explore: SPARCS and POCITYF Organise Joint EU Green Week Partner Event

SPARCS and POCITYF are announcing a joint event as part of the Green Week 2022 to present the importance of smart cities to the green transition.

Explore, Shape & Deal: MatchUp - Learning by Watching, Improving by Replicating

Innovating in urban energy and transport is complex and risky, but the successes and failures of others can help cities navigate their own way to becoming smart and sustainable.

Explore: Deep Retrofit Community of Practice - Highly ambitious regions and projects across Europe
This online seminar brings together ambitious regions and already running renovation and one-stop-shop EU funded projects, to offer a complete outlook for the sector: from up-skilling, policy, implementation, examples, to future development.
date 02/06/2022 - 02/06/2022
Explore: Urban Future Global Conference
Helsingborg – a mid-sized city in Sweden – is one of the most innovative and fastest transforming cities we know. The municipality has completely changed its mindset and way of collaborating with citizens, businesses, academia, and other stakeholders in order to really make change happen.
date 01/06/2022 - 03/06/2022
Explore: Moving from Solutions to System Change
Cities of all sizes need to accelerate their transformation to climate-neutrality in 2050. The sense of urgency and pressure has never been higher.
date 01/06/2022 - 02/06/2022
Explore: Urbis Smart City Fair 2022
Urbis Smart City Fair brings a combination of a trade fair and an exclusive conference programme, where leaders in the field of Smart City will be introduced.
date 02/06/2022 - 04/06/2022
Explore: SmartEnCity Project Final Conference
After six years of joint efforts, our sister project SmartEnCity is coming to an end and celebrating its Final Conference on 14–15 June 2022 on-site in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
date 14/06/2022 - 15/06/2022
Explore: World Urban Forum
The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanisation. WUF11 will be held in the Polish city of Katowice. This will be the first time that the WUF, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will take place in Eastern Europe.
date 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
Explore: EUSEW - Going green and digital for Europe’s energy transition
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient energies.
date 26/09/2022 - 30/09/2022
venue Hybrid (online and onsite in Brussels)

Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Photo credits in order of appearance: Medienstürmer (Unsplash), Smart Cities Marketplace, Smart Cities Marketplace, Smart Cities Marketplace, Smart Cities Marketplace, Smart Cities Marketplace, Scalable Cities, Campaign Creators (Unsplash), European Innovation Council, European Innovation Council, European Commission, CCRI, procuRE, pxhere, Pau Sayrol (Unsplash), MatchUP

Catalogue number: MJ-AL-22-003-EN-N

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