Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  29 March 2022  

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Dear Smart Cities Marketplace Community,

Welcome to the Smart Cities Marketplace newsletter! The Smart Cities Marketplace aims to give many climate-neutral and smart city initiatives a voice and a platform. In that spirit, we have agreed to offer like-minded EC initiatives the opportunity to contribute directly to our newsletter by drafting a guest editorial. The first contribution is from the Scalable Cities secretariat.

Join Scalable Cities!

Cities are the main engines of economic growth, driving scientific and technological innovation, social mobility and climate-related issues. The adoption of smart solutions by all cities is paramount in our efforts to combat and mitigate climate change and address other key industrial or societal challenges. To help implement and replicate such actions and with the aim to create large-scale, long-term support for cities, the European Commission and CINEA are backing the creation of a long-lasting network of cities and their experts who participate in Smart Cities and Communities projects, Scalable Cities.

Scalable Cities is a city-led network of 120 cities that participate in 18 Smart Cities and Communities projects funded by Horizon 2020. Working in consortia with academia, industry, associations and experts, they implement more than 550 demonstrations of technological and social innovations in the areas of mobility and logistics, buildings, urban data and ICT infrastructure, citizen engagement as well as urban governance, achieving: more than 53% energy savings, up to 88% CO2 reduction, over 17 500 installed smart meters, over 1 million m2 floor space refurbished, more than 5270 e-vehicles introduced, nearly 500 e-charging stations installed, more than 260 000 citizens engaged.

Building on these achievements and supported by a strong governance structure, Scalable Cities are there to identify and promote impactful solutions and business models that can be scaled up and replicated across Europe and lead to measurable outcomes such as new jobs and energy savings. By enlarging the community of cities and fostering cross-collaboration between stakeholders across Europe, Scalable Cities will deliver tangible evidence on how smart actions can pave the way to achieve climate-neutral cities.

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Explore, Shape & Deal: Smart Cities Marketplace Forum

Join us for the Smart Cities Marketplace Forum on 26 - 27 April 2022 on-site in Brussels. This year’s Smart Cities Marketplace Forum will be organised in collaboration with other smart city initiatives and will include a welcome and opening keynote by the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Matchmaking Actions at the Smart Cities Marketplace Forum

Here are the matchmaking activities at the Smart Cities Marketplace Forum for you: EXPLORE: Expand your knowledge with input from use cases and sessions; SHAPE: Develop your ideas by booking a meeting with experts from the Smart City scene; DEAL: Submit your project ideas now and get connected with potential investors.

Shape & Act: Kickstart the future – with the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace

As part of our Smart Cities Marketplace Forum in April, we invite you to take part in our Action Cluster BarCamp! Bring your Smart City ideas, visions, and challenges – find inspiration, partners, and solutions.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Smart Cities Marketplace Masterclass in March - A Summary

The first Smart Cities Marketplace Masterclass of 2022 has taken place on 08 and 22 March. Participants were invited to discuss and present their smart city projects and learn how to make them bankable, mature, and successful.

Explore & Shape: SmartEnCity Project is Celebrating its Final Conference - Smart Cities Marketplace Takes Part!

After six years of joint efforts, our sister project SmartEnCity is coming to an end and celebrating its Final Conference on 14 – 15 June 2022 on-site in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.

News from the Community of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: Copernicus & Me Videos

Eurisy and the French space agencies have produced some videos and case studies on how cities, regions and SMEs use data from the Copernicus satellites.

Shape: Become a Forerunner City

The Celsius Initiative is about to kick off its Forerunner Groups for a new term. The groups are aiming to support cities in their energy transition to carbon-neutral heating and cooling systems.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Shape: Act!onHeat Support Facility is Live

The Act!onHeat Project is offering local energy planners hands-on support to establish or improve their H&C infrastructure through strategic heating & cooling planning.

Explore: Adapting to Climate Change in European Cities

Towards smarter, swifter & more systemic action: the new EU Strategy and this historical juncture with the COVID-19 pandemic make this a timely moment to ‘build back better’ and consider where local and regional governments should best direct their efforts for a more resilient future.

Shape: Meet ENCLUDE and its Academy for Energy Citizen Leadership

ENCLUDE addresses the need to better define, contextualize, and integrate energy citizenship into decision making processes.

Smart City Projects News
Shape: IRIS Case Studies – Vaasa

Finland has a lot to be proud of in terms of innovation. This year, the country ranked 8th globally in Bloomberg’s innovation index of world economies.

Explore: Energy Trading Platform for Local Markets by Volue

Trondheim ICT company and +CityxChange partner Volue have developed and now deployed an innovative trading solution for energy, capacity, and system services.

Explore & Shape: Start Guide on Positive Energy Districts – Coming soon!

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is launching a E-learning platform on Positive Energy Districts, as part of the ATELIER project. This platform is meant for all professionals who are actively involved in a European PED project and others who are interested in smart city solutions.

Explore: Nordic Edge 2022
Mark your calendar for a new physical version of Nordic Edge Expo in Stavanger, Norway.
date 10/05/2022 - 11/05/2022
Explore: Decarb Cities Conference 2022
The DecarbCities conference will showcase how cities can succeed in this challenge and define clear delivery pathways for future-proof urban heating and cooling solutions.
date 11/05/2022 - 12/05/2022
Explore: The European Energy Transition Conference
This conference will address the issue of energy sobriety through the theme “Less for more!”. LESS fossil fuels, pollution, CO2 emissions, resources consumed, energy insecurity for MORE renewable energy, well-being, quality of life, innovation and local jobs.
date 31/05/2022 - 04/06/2022
Explore: Moving from Solutions to System Change
Cities of all sizes need to accelerate their transformation to climate-neutrality in 2050. The sense of urgency and pressure has never been higher.
date 01/06/2022 - 02/06/2022
Explore: Urban Future Global Conference
Helsingborg – a mid-sized city in Sweden – is one of the most innovative and fastest transforming cities we know. The municipality has completely changed its mindset and way of collaborating with citizens, businesses, academia, and other stakeholders in order to really make change happen.
date 01/06/2022 - 03/06/2022
Explore: Urbis Smart City Fair 2022
Urbis Smart City Fair brings a combination of a trade fair and an exclusive conference programme, where leaders in the field of Smart City will be introduced.
date 02/06/2022 - 04/06/2022
Explore: SmartEnCity Project Final Conference
After six years of joint efforts, our sister project SmartEnCity is coming to an end and celebrating its Final Conference on 14–15 June 2022 on-site in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
date 14/06/2022 - 15/06/2022
Explore: World Urban Forum
The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanisation. WUF11 will be held in the Polish city of Katowice. This will be the first time that the WUF, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will take place in Eastern Europe.
date 26/06/2022 - 30/06/2022
Explore: EUSEW - Going Green and Digital for Europe’s Energy Transition
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient energies.
date 26/09/2022 - 30/09/2022

Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Photo credits in order of appearance: Smart Cities Marketplace, Tim Gouw (Unsplash); Antonio Janeski (Unslash), Smart Cities Marketplace, SmartENCity, Copernicus, Celsius Initiative, Covenant of Mayors, ENCLUDE, Act!onHeat, volue, Gia Oris (Unsplash)

Catalogue number: MJ-AL-22-002-EN-N

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