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January 2022


Smart Readiness Indicator


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Apply to join the SRI platform Working Groups
The SRI platform was officially launched on 16th December 2021.

In case you missed the event, it is possible to watch it again here. Presentations as well as a report of the event are also accessible in the CIRCABC shared folder dedicated to SRI which is here.

The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) platform contributes to the promotion of the SRI and related best practices. It acts as an exchange forum, involving all interested stakeholders and EU countries, as well as a forward looking discussion hub for technical, regulatory and implementation aspects of the SRI. The SRI platform will also support working groups focusing on the following specific elements of the SRI:

  • Member State SRI test phase
  • Maintenance & potential extension of the SRI calculation methodology
  • SRI value proposition and supporting measures

You are now invited to apply to join the SRI Platform Working Groups by completing the online form at

Deadline to submit your application: 31 January 2022.

SRI certificate design survey
To support Member States to design their SRI certificates an online survey is currently ongoing.

This survey is seeking the input of building sector professionals to evaluate certificate design concepts. Please complete it and circulate it to those in your network. Input from Facility Managers, EPC/HVAC assessors, or estate agents is especially welcome.

Complete the EUSurvey at

Deadline (extended) to submit your input: 31 January 2022.

SRI Introductory Video
The Smart readiness indicator (SRI) is introduced in this short video. Watch it and share it !

Watch the video at this link. We also warmly invite you to bookmark the playlist of SRI-related videos here.

News and updates on the implementation of the smart readiness indicator (SRI) under the energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD).

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Catalogue number: MJ-AS-22-001-EN-Q

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