Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  30 November 2020  

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This is it – our last newsletter of 2020 and what a year it has been.

A year full of resilience in smart cities during pandemic times, calls from our kitchens, dining rooms, cellars and an introduction to quite a few cats and small children, as online became the new normal.

But there was so much more to 2020. As a group, the smart cities learnt how to join hybrid events - either from afar or on-site - to discuss the issues of the day ranging from resilience to the future upscaling of the smart and sustainable solutions we are all working to achieve in Europe. We discovered that in this new online world it is possible in a single day to attend a conference on the energy grid, another on the European Green Deal and a third dealing with smart mobility, without putting on a coat and shoes. We also connected with a new and exciting crowd of people, who have thus far not been regulars to the many smart city events in Brussels, Barcelona or locally in the smart cities context.

We said goodbye to the Smart Cities Information System with a tear in our eye but are happy to see that it will be included in the Smart Cities Marketplace.

We keep our fingers crossed for a 2021 where we’ll be able to meet you all and discuss these new experiences in person. We missed you all in 2020 and wish you, your cities and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2021.

Your Smart Cities Marketplace team

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Shape & Deal – Smart Cities Marketplace takes part in Celsius Summit 2020

This year the Smart Cities Marketplace team will join the Celsius Summit and deliver a hands-on online workshop called the Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking Master Class! Facilitating the Heat Transition in South East Europe & Beyond!

Deal: New Deal Meetings available for Smart City Projects

Are you looking to match your project idea with financing? Submit your ideas before December 10th to get started with our Matchmakers and the Smart Cities Marketplace Investor Network.

Shape & Deal: Become a Master and join the Smart Cities Marketplace
If you want to attend one of our free masterclasses please send your request to
Explore, Shape & Deal: SCIS FINAL CONFERENCE: A BEGINNING – NOT THE END including a Smart Cities Marketplace matchmaking

The end of the Smart Cities Information System and the transition to the Smart Cities Marketplace was celebrated during a 2-day conference taking place on November 4th and 5th with nearly 200 participants, 19 sessions and 44 speakers from cities, businesses, research institutions and the financial sector. If you would like to catch up on the SCIS FINAL CONFERENCE and the matchmaking event – you can find a summary of the event including graphic images and the like under "More".

Explore, Shape & Deal: Out now: Smart Cities Marketplace Flyer

The first Smart Cites Marketplace flyer has been produced and we are proud to present it to you! Have a look and learn more about who we are, what we do, what we can do for you and how to get in touch with us. Download the flyer under "More".

News from the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore & Shape: Digital Financing Platforms for Cities: Contribute to summary paper
The Initiative City Financing Platforms, a part of the Action Cluster Business Models and Finance, is currently collecting information about digital finance platforms in operation or in development such as TrustEE or eQuad. If you run, develop or have heard about such platforms, just email
Explore & Shape: New Initiative on Regulatory Frameworks within the Integrated Planning, Policy and Regulation Action Cluster
Find out how the new Smart Cities Marketplace Initiative aims to support the transition towards regulatory and legal frameworks that enable the societal planning, implementation and management of smart and climate-neutral districts and cities.
Explore: & Shape: A series of profile interviews showcasing the achievements of Intelligent Mobility for Energy Transition Initiative (IMET)
We have not only interviewed senior executives and policy influencers, who reflect on the key learnings and successes from the initiative, but also 10 entrepreneurs with impactful projects that showcase what intelligent mobility is doing to improve energy systems, what are the socio-economic and environmental benefits for citizens and how their business models look like.
Explore: Cross-Border Flying - Cross-Border Rescue

Read about the "GrenzFlug” project that is integrated into the Urban Air Mobility initiative. The initiative of the Smart Cities Marketplace aims to accelerate the use of innovative aviation technologies and their implementation in urban and regional areas.

Explore & Shape: A talk about concrete uses of satellite data and services to support cities
On October 27, Eurisy (lead organisation of the Geospatial Cities initiative) organised the online workshop “From innovation to operation: a talk about concrete uses of satellite data and services to support cities’ resilience and sustainability”. Over 80 attendees tuned in to follow the live discussions on how to turn innovative satellite services into urban practices to make our cities healthier, cleaner, safer, and more efficient.
Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore & Shape: Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies
The Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies is a policy-learning tool that helps cities and managing authorities in designing and implementing integrated urban strategies under the EU’s cohesion policy.
Explore & Shape: Have your say on sustainable mobility transition in COVID19 times!
At EIT Urban Mobility, they are working hard to understand the main challenges and strategies as well as the external factors (threats) influencing the design of urban mobility projects before the crisis. They have designed a survey to gather insights on the effects the crisis had on these strategies and priorities and which measures have been taken to react to the current situation.
Explore & Shape: Future of the Covenant of Mayors in Europe: Climate neutrality, fairness, inclusiveness
The Covenant of Mayors conducted an online survey during the summer 2020 aimed at collecting local and regional authorities’ views and suggestions on the future of the Covenant initiative in Europe. The outcome will be used to position the initiative in its new (policy, social, economic) context and transform it in order to best support the fight against climate change.
Smart City Projects News
Explore: Test the Making-City Stakeholders’ Map!

The final version of the MAKING-CITY stakeholders’ map is now ready and it’s time to play with it! To be able to understand the panorama in relation to Sustainable Cities and Communities, this map has been drafted where all the actors -or parties- are identified and characterized in terms of the type of organization, their area of work and their connection with projects.

Explore: ATELIER publishes first flyer and second newsletter

ATELIER project has published its first flyer to inform about the project objectives, involved Lighthouse- and Fellow Cities and its partners. Moreover, the project has published the second issue of its newsletter, informing about recent activities in Amsterdam, Bilbao and more.

Explore: City Labs co-creation interviews in SPARCS Fellow City of Reykjavik

On 16 September 2020, the first SPARCS city lab assessment week started with the Fellow City of Reykjavik in a virtual format. The planned interviews and on-site visits were replaced by online videos and documentaries that capture the essence of some of the most important spots and places in Reykjavik.

Explore: Sharing Cities publishes 10 booklets on smart city solutions

Smart cities encompass a large array of measures, from energy efficiency to e-mobility, by way of new digital tools. The Sharing Cities project helps you navigate through all these measures with 10 booklets.

Explore: IRIS - Students deep-dive in smart city projects

Eight Utrecht University School of Economics (USE) students used their masters’ theses to take a deep dive in smart city solutions and their impact. Interesting takes from the next generation!

Explore: The REPLICATE project presented at the Sustainable Places

The REPLICATE Project was represented by Fomento San Sebastian in THE SUSTAINABLE PLACES EVENT and introduced different actions carried out regarding Smart City technologies in energy, transport and ICT. At the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities Bristol City Council represented the REPLICATE project in the Green Cities by Co-Design workshop.

Explore & Shape: 2nd OECD Roundtable on Smart Cities and Inclusive Growth
As part of the OECD Programme on Smart Cities and Inclusive Growth, this 2nd Roundtable will bring together key stakeholders from cities, regions, national governments, the private sector, civil society, academia, philanthropy and international organisations. Find out more and register under "More".
Date 03/12/2020
Venue online
Explore: Amsterdam Drone Week 2020
Amsterdam Drone Week is the global platform for sharing knowledge on current air solutions, potential innovations and vital regulations. A top-level meeting point where all key players, big and small, commercial and non-commercial, from various industries, knowledge institutes and authorities, gather to co-create and co-operate. Creating urban air solutions together. Find out more and register under "More".
Date 01/12/2020 - 03/12/2020
Venue online
Shape & Deal: How to finance local climate and energy actions, what is missing? A dialogue between cities and investors on how to bridge the finance gap
The Covenant of Mayors and the Smart Cities Marketplace share the common objectives to advise and support cities to access financing opportunities in order to ensure sustainable solutions for climate and energy actions. In this online webinar (10.00 – 11.15 (CET)), the two initiatives join forces to encourage the dialogue between investors and cities and highlight how they can support you in this process. Register under "More".
Date 11/12/2020
Venue online
Shape & Explore: SAVE-THE-DATE: ICLEI World Congress
Every three years, ICLEI hosts the ICLEI World Congress to showcase how cities, towns and regions across our network are advancing sustainable urban development worldwide. The ICLEI World Congress connects local and regional governments with their peers and strategic partners, and provides a platform for discussions that will inform and enhance their work.
Date 12/04/2021 - 16/04/2021
Venue online
Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Catalogue number: MJ-AL-20-004-EN-N
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