Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  30 September 2020  

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Leaves are turning, we turn around and it is autumn. We would never have thought that nearly 10 months into 2020 we are still partly working from home, not travelling and exploring online events instead of meeting each other in Stavanger, Barcelona or at any other place where the smart city community (or should we call ourselves the climate neutral city community?) meets. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed us, our communities and the way we work, love & live.

There is another change that we want to make our readers aware of: The Marketplace of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities will from October onwards be called the Smart Cities Marketplace. The new name symbolises the anticipated merger of the EIP-SCC Marketplace with the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS). We aim to gather all actors in the European Smart City community to help citizens, cities, research institutions and industry delivering more sustainable, resilient and smart urban areas.

The Smart Cities Marketplace is an initiative for those looking for inspiration, knowledge-exchange or investment to deliver Smart City solutions in any of the areas of ICT, Energy or Mobility & Transport. The initiative is supported by the European Commission’s DG Energy, DG Move and DG Connect!

Stay healthy and enjoy the turning of the leaves!

Your Smart Cities Marketplace team

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Explore, Shape & Deal – Looking back at our General Assembly?

The General Assembly in a nutshell: more than 300 participants joined online in addition to participants on-site in Brno, 100 one-on-one networking meetings, 20 sessions ranging from interviews to 3.5 hours workshops covering everything from data platforms to business models – with a total number of 70 speakers, our Smart City Matchmakers received Smart City proposals at a total value of EUR 121 million.

Explore & Shape: the SCIS Final Conference
Our final conference is the highlight finalising the activities realised under the umbrella of the Smart Cities Information System – and we will answer the burning question “What is next?” – join us 4th and 5th November for the SCIS Final Conference – A Beginning not the End.
Explore, Shape & Deal: Upcoming Smart Cities Marketplace Masterclass helps

The Smart Cities Marketplace offers insight in European smart city good practice, allowing you to explore which approach might fit your smart city project. The Marketplace represents a community of experts that can help you in shaping your smart city project so that you get your plan and business case ready for financing and can present it to investors. Pre-register for the next Masterclass under

News from the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: The Urban-Air-Mobility-Initiative Ingolstadt, Germany, receives 100K € governmental funding

Building upon the decision of the Bavarian Council of Ministers, the Urban-Air-Mobility-Initiative (UAM) in Ingolstadt will receive €100,000 funding. This is a strong signal for the region of Ingolstadt, states Lord Mayor of the city Christian Scharpf.

Explore & Shape: AVERE's contribution to E-Mobility and the Cities of the future

AVERE Secretary General Philippe Vangeel speaks in an interview with Intelligent Mobility for Energy Transition (IMET) Initiative about his vision of the cities of the future and the contribution of AVERE to foster the uptake of mass e-mobility in local realities.

Explore & Shape: The SEEV4City Project: Developing Smart Charging and V2X Business Models

In his interview with IMET, Jayson Dong, Policy Manager at AVERE and partner at the SEEV4City Project, speaks about the lessons learned from the completed project and what is needed to replicate successful business models across Europe.

Explore & Shape: Integrated Planning, Implementation of Smart and Energy-efficient Solutions in Cities

Looking back at the Smart Sustainable Planning of Cities and Regions 2019 Conference in Bolzano, a wide range of key stakeholders around integrated planning and implementation of smart and energy-efficient solutions in cities came together.

Explore & Shape: Opportunities for Open Earth Observations for Sustainable Urban Development

Cities are central in terms of closing the gap towards international development and environmental policy goals (such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda (NUA), the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement), beyond existing local and national ambitions.

Explore & Shape: HELLO accelerates the transition to sustainable mobility

HELLO (High-volume ELectric VehicLe PrOcurement) is a co-funded project by ELENA from the EIB and focusses on the electrification of public and private fleets. It includes both EV charging infrastructure as part of the integrated infrastructure cities and the transformation of fleets using e-Mobility-as-a-Service solutions.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore & Shape: City-zen and the tale

A Tale of Two Cities is an interactive pdf booklet which summarize the 5-year City-zen project in 25 pages. It has information on the pilot projects in Amsterdam and Grenoble and the scientific work of the consortium to guide these pilots. If the reader wants more information, QR codes lead the way to additional information.

Explore & Shape: The Economic Case for Greening the Global Recovery through Cities

This paper demonstrates how national government decision-makers and key urban stakeholders can shape fiscal stimulus packages for a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery in the aftermath of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Explore & Shape: TEDxCountdown Global Launch

To make progress on climate action we need to collaborate on a global scale - and your community has an important role to play. On October 10th 2020, Countdown will launch globally with a virtual event, and we invite you to join us. Watch online at home with your family and friends, or sign up to host a TEDxCountdown event of your own with your community, in your language, for your time zone.

Explore & Shape: Award Time - No City should miss out!
The prestigious title of European Green Capital is awarded every year to a European city of 100,000+ inhabitants for its commitment to environmental, social and economic sustainability. The European Green Leaf Award 2022 is also underway, for smaller cities with 20,000 to 99,999 inhabitants.
Smart City Projects News
Explore: Smart Cities celebrated the European Mobility Week with the hashtag #WeMoveSmart

During the EU Mobility Week, having taken place from the 16th to the 22nd of September, 17 smart cities projects launched a virtual flash mob #WeMoveSmart to raise the issue of sustainable mobility in cities. The transport sector is one of the main causes of air pollution in urban areas and shifting to green mobility is fundamental to guarantee a good quality of life to cities’ inhabitants.


With the name MOBIbike, Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe (DVB) is launching the new bike-sharing system in Dresden. DVB and its partner, the Leipzig-based company nextbike GmbH, are providing a total of 1,000 brand new bicycles for the system.

Explore & Shape: REMOURBAN and mySMARTLife on EURONEWS

The cities Palencia and Valladolid are introduced in a recent EURONEWS' video (Sept 11th) report as exemplary smart cities. The EU has a goal: Make one hundred cities carbon neutral by 2030 as part of its Horizon Europe program starting next year. The cities Valladolid and Palencia are introduced in a short video as Lighthouse Cities.

Explore: How Smart City project GrowSmarter integrates Intelligent Mobility

Read the full interview with Anna Domènech, Lead of Intelligent Mobility for Energy Transition (IMET) initiative, Section Manager for External & Government Affairs at Nissan Europe about how GrowSmarter integrates Intelligent Mobility under "More".

Explore: European week(s) of Cities and Regions, most of October starting on 5 October
The annual event is online this year and includes a session of the Marketplace on 14 October 17.30-18.30 CEST and a session with several Smart Cities projects.
Date 05/10/2020 - 22/10/2020
Venue online
Explore: Workshop - Space for cities: from innovation to operation
An online workshop about concrete uses of satellite data and services to support cities’ resilience and sustainability. The workshop is organised by Eurisy as a contribution to the Geospatial Cities initiative of the EIP-SCC.
Date 27/10/2020
Venue online
Explore, Shape: JPI Urban Europe Policy Conference 2020 - Driving Urban Transitions
Since 2019, participants from over 40 different countries and six continents have gathered in JPI Urban Europe knowledge hub events. It is now high time to register to JPI Urban Europe’s fifth Policy Conference to take place online on the 12th of November 2020.
Date 12/11/2020
Venue online
Explore, Shape & Deal: Only for 2020 – Smart City Expo World Congress transforms to Smart City Live
This year’s Barcelona Expo event becomes the Smart City Live, a virtual programme of day-long broadcasting plus dedicated online workshops, sessions, and side events. The flagship event, Smart City Expo World Congress, will be back on 17.-18. November 2021. Programme updates will be published soon.
Date 17/11/2020 - 18/11/2020
Venue online
Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Catalogue number: MJ-AL-20-003-EN-N
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