Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0962
  13 August 2020  

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Calling out around the world/ Are you ready for a brand-new beat? Summer's here and the time is right/ For dancing in the street.

Well, do you have the melody of this classic in your ears now? ‘Dancing in the streets’ by Martha Reeves & the Vandellas is probably one of the biggest summer hits - and that already since 1964. It describes a lightness and exuberance that is probably only found at this time of year – normally.

But summer 2020 does also not remain unaffected by the influences of the coronavirus pandemic: Mass events and concerts are cancelled, many of us spend the holidays in their own countries and everything seems a little quieter than usual.

We are already looking forward to the beginning of September when the URBIS Smart City Fair will take place online and in Brno, Czech Republic. In this context, our next General Assembly will be delivered in hybrid format: most of the plenary discussions and meetings will be delivered in webinar or live-stream format.

As you can see, we take steps towards normality but with caution! It's not a rollicking dance but little by little, our steps will become safer. And with this attitude, we should also face the upcoming summer holidays: Enjoy them but be careful and look after each other! And if we maintain this attitude, we are confident that we will be dancing in the streets again in summer 2021.

Stay healthy and enjoy your summer!

Your EIP-SCC & SCIS teams

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Explore, Shape & Deal – Are you ready for our General Assembly?

On 2-3 September, the URBIS Smart City Fair & General Assembly of the EIP-SCC will be organised online and in Brno, Czech Republic. This year’s General Assembly will be delivered in hybrid format: most of the plenary discussions and meetings will be delivered in webinar or live-stream format. This, due to the travel restrictions of European Commission personal and to other restrictions applying in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

Explore & Shape: Project Intake Form – NOW ONLINE
The SCIS team has reviewed and amended the SCIS project intake form. The aim of this intake form is to collect smart city projects’ data to subsequently present it on the SCIS website.
Explore, Shape & Deal: Smart Cities Marketplace Charter
With a view on the transition towards a climate-neutral Europe, the aim of the Smart Cities Marketplace is to advance the market for smart and sustainable city solutions while ensuring a mutual level playing field for all smart city stakeholders within the European regulatory framework. With this aim in mind, we defined a basic set of principles for mutual collaboration and conduct.
Explore & Shape: Ready, set, market - How to make Smart City Projects bankable in times of COVID-19

As part of the EUSEW’s extended programme, the EIP team organised a panel discussion with leading investors. The focus of the session was to provide insights in replication and upscaling of Smart City solutions through external investment having the COVID-19 pandemic.

Explore & Shape: Webinar covered how cities can deliver smart solutions
Missed the webinar series of the EIP-SCC Marketplace? The first webinar was 'Looking for Investment – What to Expect: Smart City Project Due Diligence', the second webinar was ‘Facilitating project finance through standardised risk assessment’ and the third online seminar covered the ‘Delivery models, funding & procurement for smart cities’ alongside four different case studies.
News from the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore: A new heating and cooling initiative

Heating and cooling accounts for more than half of the EU’s energy demand, and its decarbonisation, particularly in urban areas, are still a major challenge. The newly launched heating and cooling initiative as part of the Action Cluster Sustainable Districts and Built Environment is run by Celsius, a support platform for cities in the heat transition co-funded by the European Commission.

Explore & Shape: Consultation of the EIP-SCC Space for Cities Initiative
Even if the immediate future may seem uncertain, the EIP-SCC initiative “Space for Cities” wishes to prepare for 2021 and make sure that we consider the best technologies for the most pressing needs of cities. They have prepared a questionnaire sharing nine stories of cities using data and signals from space to choose the topics of work for the “Space for Cities” initiative for 2021 and beyond.
Explore: Intelligent Mobility for Energy Transition: Interview with Friederike Kienitz

This interview with Friederike Kienitz, Vice President of Communications, Legal, External & Government Affairs at Nissan Europe, leaders of Intelligent Mobility for Energy Transition (IMET) initiative, established as part of the EIP-SCC’s Action Cluster for Sustainable Urban Mobility, kicks off a series of profile interviews showcasing the achievements of IMET. In the coming months, interviews with key IMET members will be published reflecting on the key learnings and successes from the initiative.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Shape & Deal: New EU Publication - Making Socially Responsible Public Procurement Work

Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. Procurement affects a large number of people, whether as users of public services, those involved in production and delivery or staff of the buying organisation. Beyond those directly affected, SRPP has the potential to influence the broader market on both the demand and supply sides.

Explore & Shape: What will be the future of the Covenant of Mayors? Have your say!
We're shaping the future of the EU Covenant of Mayors initiative. The Covenant of Mayors call on all regional and local authorities to help them shape it! 2020 stands out as a peculiar year for Europe.
Explore,& Shape: Announcement of selected ICC cities

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) received 130 Expressions of Interest from 192 cities in 20 countries in the European Union and the United Kingdom. We were pleased to see that so many cities are eager to become more sustainable, liveable and socially responsible by using advanced technologies. The full list of selected applicants and cities is available on the ICC website.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Urban Innovative Actions: €45 million of EU funds for 11 projects from EU cities

The Commission and the French Regional Council des Hauts-de-France, as managing authority of the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA), have issued the results of the 5th and last call for proposals. The winning projects coming from Brussels, Ghent and Leiedal (Belgium), Sofia (Bulgaria), Chalandri (Greece), Budapest (Hungary), Ferrara and Verona (Italy), Tilburg (the Netherlands), Košice (Slovakia), and Almería (Spain) will receive more than €45 million from the European Regional and Development Fund.

Shape & Deal: Funding and financing opportunities

The Covenant of Mayors - Europe Office develops publications that help cities and towns get a better understanding of the financing and funding solutions at their disposal and how they can make use of them.

Smart City Projects News
Explore: SPARCS City Forum webinar on Citizen Engagement

SPARCS organised an internal webinar for partners and stakeholders from Lighthouse and Fellow Cities in June. The webinar focused on Citizen Engagement, one of the key points of the project. First, Pieter Bult from Fraunhofer gave an introduction explaining the rise of awareness for Citizen Engagement in urban planning and the role it plays in the SPARCS project.

Explore: MatchUP E-Ink Panels and Blockchain-Based Services: New Smart Mobility Tools Tested in Spain

In 2020, Spain declared a national climate emergency. As mobility plays a big role in producing greenhouse gas emissions, Madrid and Barcelona are testing blockchain technology in transport services, while Valencia is studying innovative solar-powered e-ink displays in multimodal hubs.

Explore & Shape: IRIS Vehicle to Grid ecosystem at scale: Utrecht case study

Utrecht in the Netherlands is on track to deliver 2.600 electric charging points in the city by 2025 with many of them being bi-directional 'Vehicle to Grid' (V2G) enabled, making them part of a smart and sustainable ecosystem. This scalable solution for AC vehicle to Grid charging is a flagship policy in the city's energy transition and vision of healthy urban living.

Explore: Interviews with REPLICATE Project Partners

Their newsletters include a section with interviews of project partners in which different deployments are described. REPLICATE, coordinated by Fomento San Sebastian, is a demonstration project that has deployed energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and ICT & infrastructure solutions in the Lighthouse Cities of San Sebastian (Spain), Florence (Italy) and Bristol (England). The Fellow or Follower Cities of Essen (Germany), Nilüfer (Turkey) and Lausanne (Switzerland) look into replicating interventions in their cities.

Shape: Sharing Cities Webinar Series

Is your city interested in the digital social market, e-bikes, building retrofit, sustainable energy management system, smart lampposts, e-mobility or an urban sharing platform? Register yourself for the new series of webinars on each of these solutions.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Nordic Edge Expo Goes Digital
Nordic Edge has since the beginning worked for innovation, societal and business transformation. Along with the rest of the world the organisation is facing its biggest change to date. The 6th edition of the leading Smart City event in the Nordics is going digital in 2020. The EIP-SCC & SCIS will be represented with a digital presence and session. Follow the programme updates on the official website.
Date 23/09/2020
Venue online
Explore, Shape & Deal: SCIS Final Conference
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SCIS final conference will take place as an online event. Join in from 04 to 05 November 2020 to hear about the main achievements, experiences and future ambitions for the Smart City community. Registration will open in autumn 2020.
Date 04/11/2020 - 05/11/2020
Venue online
Explore, Shape & Deal: Only for 2020 – Smart City Expo World Congress transforms to Smart City Live
This year’s Barcelona Expo event becomes the Smart City Live, a virtual program of day-long broadcasting plus dedicated online workshops, sessions, and side events. The flagship event, Smart City Expo World Congress, will be back on 16.-18. November 2021. The EIP-SCC and SCIS teams will join the event with different online formats. Programme updates can be found soon.
Date 17/11/2020 - 18/11/2020
Venue online
Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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Catalogue number: MJ-AL-20-002-EN-N
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