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  28 May 2020  

Smart Cities Marketplace


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We have come to a grinding halt, as different countries are in different stages of this worldwide pandemic. European countries are struggling from the impact and some are carefully putting a toe in the water of the new normal.

However, discussions have started around resilience & recovery. Carbon emissions have dropped, traffic patterns have changed – there are a lot of lessons to be learnt from our current situation. Lessons that we can take forward when it comes to shaping our joined future and lessons when it comes to resilience of urban conurbations. There are some interesting reads on our website!

Smart cities are also just cities – across Europe, urban dwellers have come together, supported the frontline staff, and stayed together while staying apart. This kind of solidarity has also been felt in the European Smart Cities where projects and cities are adapting to the new reality and looking forward.

Back on the home turf, we have spent a considerable amount of time to prepare the merger of the EIP-SCC with SCIS into the Smart Cities Marketplace. The first major step will be announced in early summer when the new initiative will be launched by the European Commission.

Stay smart, stay resilient, stay healthy!

Your EIP-SCC & SCIS teams

Smart Cities Marketplace News
Shape & Deal: Call for Projects & Investor Network – NOW LIVE

Our Matchmaking specialists are continuously looking for projects in need of finance, to match them with the financing available through our Investor Network members. Log your project in our intake form online and explore the members of the EIP-SCC Investor Network here.

Explore, Shape & Deal: Commitment remains strong to invest in sustainable urban solutions!

At all levels of Government, from the European to the local, commitment to place the green transition at the centre of the recovery following the COVID-19 crisis is strong. Read an assessment of the current situation from an investment standpoint here.

Explore & Shape: Building Retrofit & Citizen Engagement Solution Booklets

The number of solution booklets on the SCIS website keeps growing and growing. So if you are interested in building retrofit or working on citizen engagement – the two new booklets will help you explore the issues involved and will set you on a good path. You can find both new solution booklets here.

Explore & Shape: Call for Smart City Insights

The EIP-SCC Marketplace is opening a call for ‘Smart City Insights’. The aim is to contribute to the ongoing discussion about smart cities and communities and foster the wider spread of sustainable solutions in urban areas – can you help? Find out more here.

Explore & Shape - We have an updated SCIS self-reporting guide

The team has updated the SCIS self-reporting guide that will lead you step by step through the data provision process on the Smart Cities Information website. You can find it here.

Explore & Shape: Out now: EIP-SCC Marketplace Flyer

The first EIP-SCC Marketplace 2020 flyer has been produced and we are proud to present it to you! Have a look and learn more about who we are, what we do, what we can do for you and how to get in touch with us. You can find it here.

News from the Action Clusters of the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore & Shape: Citizen-oriented Energy Transition: The Citizens Energy Community

Learn more about “Citizen Energy Communities” in the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (North Eastern IT). The common objective was to seize the opportunities and measures of Green Deal that Europe will put in place to transform the economy and society, starting with energy. Read more here.

Explore: Cities are becoming digital – Urban Data Platforms enable it

A new study from the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics (NL) – involving more than 100 respondents from European cities that all seek to exploit data to monitor and improve city infrastructure and services – highlights the four main reasons cities see the value from implementing Urban Data Platforms (UDP). Find out more here.

Explore & Shape: Consultation of the EIP-SCC Space for Cities Initiative

Even if the immediate future may seem uncertain, the EIP-SCC initiative “Space for Cities” wishes to prepare for 2021 and makes sure that we consider the best technologies for the most pressing needs of cities. They have prepared a questionnaire sharing nine stories of cities using data and signals from space to choose the topics of work for the “Space for Cities” initiative for 2021 and beyond. You find the questionnaire here.

Beyond the Smart Cities Marketplace
Explore & Shape: Commission launches online public consultation to gather stakeholder views on EU 2030 climate ambition increase

The Commission invites all stakeholders and citizens to submit views on the EU’s 2030 climate ambition increase and, on the action, policy design necessary for deeper greenhouse gas emission reductions. As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission will put forward a comprehensive plan to increase the EU’s 2030 climate target in September this year. Find out more here!

Shape & Deal: 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge & the COVID-19 Crisis

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) organises a series of activities in view of the COVID-19 crisis as part of the 100 Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC). Find our more here.

Explore, Shape & Deal: The 2020 call for energy efficiency is now open!

Around €64 million of EU funding is now available for energy efficiency innovation and market uptake projects. The deadline for applications is 10 September 2020 (17:00 hours Brussels time). The funding is available for proposals submitted under 10 topics addressing 5 main areas: buildings, innovative finance, public authorities, consumers and services. You can find out more here.

Explore, Shape & Deal: European City Facility announces the first call of proposals!

During its Launch Webinar on 7 April, the ground-breaking initiative that will support municipalities (local authorities) and their groupings from the EU-27 and UK to develop investment concepts for accelerating the implementation of their energy and climate action plans, announced its first call for proposals: 25 May 2020 - 2 October 2020. Find our more here.

Explore: Solar Decathlon & the Symbiotic Urban Movement, TU Delft

The Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) aims to achieve a mutual and beneficial relationship between the user, the community and the environment: a symbiosis. A team of the TU Delft will use the platform of the Solar Decathlon Europe competition which will take place in Wuppertal, Germany in 2021 to accelerate this vision. Read more about SUM and the Delft team behind it here.

Smart City Projects News
Explore: STARDUST - When clean energy becomes a reality

The Pamplona City Council has recently installed a Plug & Play solar roof on the building of the Municipal Police. This is one of the first smart solutions developed within the EU-funded project STARDUST to be implemented in the city. Read more about this exciting initiative here.

Explore: MAtchUP - Covid-19 crisis: a stress-test for smart cities

The Covid-19 emergency is trialling our technologies, infrastructure and laws. In this context the EU has released a common toolbox for contact tracing apps to support gradual lifting of confinement measures. From the frantic race against time to fight off the coronavirus, we will inherit scientific and technological knowledge that could make our cities smarter and better equipped to face such global crisis in the future. Find out more here.

Explore & Shape: Open the curtain for the new websites ATELIER & SPARCS

The latest SCC1 projects ATELIER and SPARCS have just released their project websites. You can find them here ATELIER and SPARCS.

Explore: REMOURBAN finishes with ‘Best Practices e-book’

The REMOURBAN project - the third Smart Cities and Communities project funded by Horizon 2020 to finish - is drawing to a close and now sharing the key lessons learnt throughout the project through a best practice booklet that you can find here!

Shape: Replication in practice

Event date: 09 June 2020 14.00 – 15.30 CEST

During this webinar, the Smart Cities Information System will explore SCC01 fellow cities’ replication processes. The goal is to have a closer look at their practical experience of replication. You can register here.

Shape: Open data making transportation, energy provision and waste management services in cities smarter and climate-proof

Event date: 10, 17 and 22 June 2020

This webinar series is part of the "Baltic Dialogue Platform on Smart Cities for Climate Mitigation" that intends to foster European dialogue and learning on smart cities for climate mitigation. You can find out more here.

Shape: Delivery models, funding & procurement for smart cities!

Event date: 18 June 2020 10:00 - 11:30 CEST

Organised by EIP-SCC in partnership with ICLEI we are exploring how to choose the right delivery model(s) for your smart city ambitions? Find more information on the webinar and the registration link here.

Online Matchmaking Event - Deliver resilience with your smart city project in times of COVID-19
This is the second event of a series of matchmaking activities, but the first that takes place fully online. Just as in our first event, taking place in Brussels back in February 2020, it offers a unique opportunity for the persons in charge of policy-making, representing cities / regions or offering advice to cities to learn from best practices, to present projects and to find investors.
Date 15/06/2020 - 17/06/2020
Venue online
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 ONLINE
The EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 is coming to you live wherever you are! The digital Policy Conference will run online from 23 to 25 June 2020. Registration will launch in June!
Date 23/06/2020 - 25/06/2020
Venue online
Energy Days of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 Online
On 30 June, SCIS and EIP-SCC will join the Energy Days flanking the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 with two virtual sessions. The Energy Days are digital activities and events organised by local public and private organisations across Europe to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. They are a key component of the EU Sustainable Energy Week taking place in May or June 2020. Registration for both the SCIS and the EIP-SCC session starts now!
Date 30/06/2020
Venue online
A Smart City conference with all the trimmings – including the general assembly of the EIP-SCC, an EIP-SCC Matchmaking and all the Action Cluster members and SCC1 projects that are invited to our joined stand!
Date 02/09/2020 - 03/09/2020
Venue Brno Exhibition Centre, Czech Republic
Nordic Edge Expo Goes Digital
Nordic Edge has since the beginning worked for innovation, societal and business transformation. The 6th edition of the leading Smart City event in the Nordics is going digital in 2020.
Date 22/09/2020 - 24/09/2020
Venue online
Smart Cities Marketplace. An initiative of the European Commission. Contact us under

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