European Alliance for Apprenticeships

March 2024

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Dear Alliance members and supporters, 
In our first newsletter of 2024, we look to the activities in the year ahead. We have prepared a collection of engaging events, interesting updates and relevant resources from the world of apprenticeships. Dive into the information below to learn more. 


EAfA unveils 2024 action plan

Earlier this year, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) shared its 2024 action plan to strengthen the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships and to promote the mobility of apprentices across Europe. This is a comprehensive roadmap of the activities and topics that the Apprenticeship Support Services will implement in 2024. The plan focuses on three key areas: pledges, networking opportunities and knowledge sharing. 

EAfA publishes new factsheet on transversal skills in apprenticeships

A key learning tool from the 2024 action plan is our latest factsheet. It provides an overview of the concept of transversal skills and their significance in the current job market. It explores the potential challenges of integrating transversal skills into apprenticeship programmes. Through inspiring examples of developing transversal skills in vocational education and training (VET) and apprenticeships, it highlights opportunities for development and innovation. 

View the factsheet. 


EAfA toolkit on apprentice mobility now available!

Another learning tool is a toolkit which provides custom step-by-step guidance to engage in mobility opportunities, across the whole mobility lifecycle. It provides great added value to the main stakeholders involved in apprentice mobility. The EAfA toolkit offers helpful information, resources, good practice examples and self-assessment tools. It is also tailored to each type of stakeholder using the toolkit. 

EAN launches survey to address mental well-being of apprentices

Amidst the focus on practical training and skill acquisition, the mental well-being of apprentices often goes under the radar. Recognising this gap, the European Apprentices Network (EAN) has launched a survey. This survey delves into the mental health and well-being of apprentices. It encompasses the challenges they face, potential solutions and effective practices. All of which means, we encourage all EAfA members and other organisations interested in the topic to share the survey with their current and past apprentices. 

Take part in the survey by 19 April. It is also available in French, Greek, Italian and Spanish. 


Updates from the member-only EAfA Communities

The Community for Social Inclusion and Gender Equality, led by Fundació Catalana de l'Esplai, aims to create a repository for best practices in social inclusion and gender equality within apprenticeships. They will focus on themes like gender equality in upcoming months. 

The Community on the Role of Cities and Regions in fostering apprenticeships, led by the European Association of Regional & Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning, Fundación Bertelsmann, and the Metropolitan City of Rome, will conduct a survey, mapping cities and local authorities roles in national apprenticeships and dual learning systems. Best practice examples will be shared during each meeting. 

The Community on the Learning Mobility of Apprentices, led by Euro App Mobility, seeks to enhance European apprenticeship mobility. They engage in outreach and communication activities and plan to host thematic webinars soon after launching a LinkedIn group. 

The Community on the Green and Digital Transition, led by ESB Networks, explores how apprenticeships intersect with the green and digital transition. They will focus on topics like awareness, digital divide, and required skills. Short-term activities include sharing tools and materials, while long-term goals involve improving apprenticeships in these fields. 

Forward-looking projects from 2023 selected under Erasmus+ funding scheme

Launched in early 2023, the call 'Partnerships for innovation forward-looking projects vocational education and training (VET)aimed to find and support innovative projects in education and training. A total of 12 projects focusing on micro-credentials and 3 projects dedicated to enhancing the attractiveness of VET were selected. One of these projects has a special focus on apprenticeships – Supporting Traineeships and Employment Apprenticeship through Micro-credentials (STREAM). The project aims to define a set of competencies that VET trainers and company mentors should have in order to plan and manage quality work-based learning experiences. 

Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence

On 21 March, 15 new Erasmus+ Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) from the 2023 call for proposals were launched. The sectors covered by the projects are diverse and within industrial ecosystems with high growth and innovation potential. Some of these sectors are already covered by previously selected CoVEs such as hydrogen technologies, offshore energy, climate-smart agriculture, construction and tourism. Synergies between CoVEs in similar sectors will be promoted. Other sectors are new to CoVEs but are of high policy relevance: biodiversity, 3D printing, social inclusion, battery sector and data centre education. Read this article about the new projects. 

The 2024 call for proposals to apply for CoVEs, with a budget of 56million, is open until 7 May 2024. 

Help us spread the word!

During the European Year of Skills (EYS), we created the Real People Real Skills initiative, which is a platform dedicated to spotlighting the inspiring stories of individuals who have transformed their careers and lives through upskilling and reskilling. With a focus on the human aspect of skills journeys, this project is poised to resonate deeply with our audience. 

We will share the content from the project on our X, LinkedIn, and Facebook channels, and we encourage you to share it on your social media accounts. Do not hesitate to use our EYS communication toolkit as well for the branding of your activities and events.Please use the #EuropeanYearofSkills hashtag when you share. 

Upcoming events

Webinar: Journey to sustainability – the role of apprenticeships in supporting tourism and hospitality

On 19 April 2024, from 10:30 to 12:00 CET, EAfA is holding a webinar to explore how apprenticeships can support the tourism sector's transition towards sustainability. The webinar will bring together experts, social partners, industry stakeholders and representatives from the European Commission to explore how apprenticeships can support the tourism sector’s transition towards sustainability. 

Save the date: EAfA’s High-Level and Get Together events

EAfA’s High-Level Event is taking place on 17 and 18 June 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. A 2023 Employment and Social Development (ESDE) Report underscored the persistent and escalating nature of labour shortages across various occupations within the EU. This year’s High-Level Event responds to this critical challenge. It will explore effective policy measures and collaborative strategies. It will look into how these can be implemented through apprenticeship programmes to provide learners with the skills that employers need, while guaranteeing them better job opportunities. 

Sounds interesting? If so, join us to advocate for quality apprenticeships, foster collaboration among stakeholders, renew commitments, and showcase efforts towards quality apprenticeships. Following the main event, the Get Together Event on 18 June will offer members the opportunity to network and explore cooperation opportunities. 

Stay tuned for registration details and further information! 

‘The European Year of Skills – what comes next?’ event

The European Year of Skills – what comes next?, the closing event of the EYS, is a large-scale conference where hundreds of participants will come together to share successful skills stories and discuss the legacy of the EYS. During the event, we will look back at the achievements of the Year and reflect on the road ahead. After all, the EYS does not really end here – connecting the dots and delivering in practice remain a top priority. 

The conference will feature prominent political and stakeholder panels, inspiring speeches, insightful conversations and interactive discussion groups on specific topics such as skills-first approaches, better skills intelligence and smarter use of it, upskilling and reskilling approaches, and agile funding approaches for public-private partnerships. 

The event is taking place on 30 April in Brussels, Belgium. Online participation is open to all and will be available from 9:30 to 12:30 and 16:00 to 17:30.  

Register today! 

Online library

This policy brief enhances comprehension of NQFs by examining their key features, reach, impact, and utilisation. 

This paper, the third report of the ESCO/EQF Member States Working Group, presents new terminology for transversal skills and competencies. 

This report gathers data on policies and practices supporting guidance for transversal skills and competencies, as well as validation of non-formal and informal learning in Europe. 

This guide presents a standardised TCF for European Member States. It covers 12 key skills and offers a monitoring framework to evaluate the skill levels of VET students across EQF levels 1 to 8. 

This report explores the framing, conceptualisation, and definition of creativity, offering an overview of existing concepts and practices. It also discusses the relationship between creativity and key competencies for lifelong learning. 

This working paper from the Education and Training Board of Ireland outlines guidelines for education providers to incorporate transversal skills into their curriculum and training programmes. 

This study offers a summary of research conducted since 2010 on transversal skill acquisition in VET. It highlights key areas within transversal skills and emphasises the growing importance of upskilling students in these competencies to meet labour market needs. 

This study examines mentoring within educational and economic contexts, focusing on its nature and potential applications in education and the workplace. 

As part of its Future of Education and Skills 2030 initiative, the OECD created a toolkit emphasising social and emotional skills like empathy and respect. The toolkit includes video discussions, the OECD learning compass for 2030, and a detailed forecast for transversal skills in 2030. 


New Members

We are pleased to welcome the following new EAfA members since November 2023: 


  • Bloomer House Training, Research, Consultancy LTD STI (Türkiye) 

  • CY ILEPS - CY Paris University (France) 

  • Denizli Chamber of Commerce (Türkiye) 

  • DLR Projektträger (Germany) 

  • Elektrik Dağıtım Hizmetleri Derneği (Elder) (Türkiye) 

  • ENGIM Ente Nazionale Giuseppini del Murialdo (Italy) 

  • Irish Hairdressers Federation (IHF) (Ireland) 

  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (Türkiye) 

  • Kimitisik B.V. (Netherlands) 

  • Landssammenslutningen af Handelsskoleelever (Denmark) 

  • Ordem dos Engenheiros - Região Norte (Portugal) 

  • Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete (Greece) 

Past Events

EAfA webinar: Integrating mobility in apprenticeships – from theory to practice

The EAfA webinar, held on 14 December 2023, (complementing the toolkit above on the same topic) addressed the integration of mobility into apprenticeship systems across Europe. While mobility offers apprentices valuable skills and cultural experiences, participants agreed that there are still challenges, such as navigating legal systems, setting up mobility programmes, and raising awareness among apprentices. They identified a few key steps to improve mobility opportunities such as providing practical information, fostering employer engagement, embedding mobility in company missions, and promoting peer learning. 

‘Meet the Champions of Excellence’ event

The Meet the Champions of Excellence event, as part of the EYS, took place on 23 February 2024 in Brussels and was jointly organised by the European Commission and European Economic and Social Committee. 

The event brought together over 400 young people from all over Europe to highlight the value of VET and encourage them to choose VET as an effective learning and/or career path. ​ 

Around 35 EU Champions from international skills competitions like WorldSkills, EuroSkills and Abilympics, from more than 20 disciplines ranging from mechanical engineering to health and social care, showcased and shared their experiences and achievements with the participants. ​ 

The event also showcased 20 interactive stands and skills demonstrations, including mechanical engineering, robot system integration, a car painting simulator and floristry. ​Other stands displayed were: CoVEs (hospitality and tourism; arts and crafts sectors), ETF, Cedefop, Erasmus+, Hydrogen machine, EAN, European elections, civil society organisations, the European Economic and Social Committee, EYS, de-mining robot, Wall of ideas, and Meet the Champions area.​ 

Participants could also attend parallel workshops on:​ fighting gender stereotypes in VET​, opportunities for learning mobility abroad​, skills for today's and tomorrow's opportunities in the EU, and skills for the digital and green transitions. ​ 

Peer-learning activity on micro-credentials for the labour market – a sectoral approach: manufacturing and retail

A peer-learning activity on micro-credentials was jointly organised by the European Commission and Cedefop on 29 January 2024. The event offered insights into the European policy framework on micro-credentials, Cedefop’s latest research in this field, as well as examples of the use of micro-credentials in two labour market sectors. A variety of speakers and around 200 participants discussed the challenges and opportunities in manufacturing and retail. 

Watch a discussion on maximising synergies between Pact for Skills and EAfA

On 21 and 22 March 2024, prior to the High-Level Event in June, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion hosted the highly anticipated Pact for Skills Forum at les Ateliers des Tanneurs in Brussels. The hybrid event featured several speakers and a variety of interesting sessions. Among these, one stood out with its direct focus on apprenticeships: ‘Maximising synergies between Pact for Skills and EAfA. 

Watch the recording. 

Visit the EAfA website and LinkedIn Group!

Don’t forget to visit the EAfA website to stay on top of everything the Alliance and the European Commission do to strengthen the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships across Europe. 

Make sure to also join the EAfA LinkedIn group and share your ideas, upcoming activities and useful resources on apprenticeships. In this group, you will find a network of friendly and supportive professionals from across Europe, including government representatives, VET and apprenticeship providers, and other experts. 

European Alliance for Apprenticeships

This email has been sent by Ecorys on behalf of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.

DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Unit B.3 - Vocational Education and Training, Rue de Spa 3 - Office 2/30, B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

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