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  March 2024  
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Your voice matters: Citizens' Engagement Platform

The Citizens' Eng​agement Platform is an online space for people to engage with and debate EU policies affecting us all. Providing feedback is a vital part of the EU's policymaking process. The Platform's inaugural debate was on energy efficiency.

Illustration of the European Citizens´ Platform.

EURES celebrates it´s 30th anniversary

The European network of employment services (EURES) connects jobseekers with employers and provides information on living and working conditions across the EU. In 2022, over 3.4 million people used EURES.

EURES 30th year anniversary illustration.

Learn more about national social protection systems

The Mutual Information System on Social Protection, has just released insights on social protection systems across Europe.

Missoc program illustration. A woman is waiting for a train to arrive to the train station.

How EU funds help

Public consultation on the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)

Help the EU evaluate the support provided by FEAD during the 2014-2020 funding period. The online public consultation is open until 8 May.

Take part in the public consultation on EU funds

Poland gets access to EU funding

The Commission has approved two legal measures facilitating Poland's access to €137 billion in EU funding. These acts acknowledge Poland's rule of law reforms and recent efforts to bolster judicial independence.

EU and Poland flags in a Pro-EU demonstration in Poland

Supporting mobility for disadvantaged youth

More than €11 million have been awarded to 28 ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) projects that help disadvantaged young people.

Illustration of ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) projects. Two men with cooker uniforms are holding a tray with food.

€1.9 million to support dismissed workers in Denmark

The Commission has proposed using the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers to support 390 workers dismissed in Denmark's meat processing sector. The support package includes advisory services, job search assistance and training.

Danish Meat industry worker doing his job.

€3 million to support dismissed steel workers in Germany

The Commission has proposed using the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers to support 835 workers dismissed in the German steel industry. The support includes counselling, job search assistance, and training offers.

A steel worker next to a fire.

Des solutions innovantes pour sortir du chômage de longue durée

La «conciergerie sociale» de Liège fait partie des 17 projets soutenus par le Fonds social européen plus qui visent à créer des territoires zéro chomeurs de longue durée. Inspiré des modèles français, autrichien et néerlandais, il implique les autorités locales, les associations, les entreprises et les résidents.

Speaker giving a lecture about the“social conciergerie” of Liège, one of the 17 projects supported by the European Social Funds, aiming to create “zero long-term unemployment territories
See also English version





Innovative ways to address long-term unemployment in Europe

The report ‘Towards zero long-term unemployment in the EU’ highlights promising initiatives across Europe that could be expanded to tackle long-term unemployment.

See also Webinar: Towards zero long-term unemploy...

Making the labour market more inclusive

This report examines strategies to help people with disabilities find work and emphasises the role of employers in providing reasonable accommodation. The goal is to create an environment where everyone can participate fully.

Diverse group of workers, both with and without disabilities pose for a picture with their work equipment.

Handbuch zu barrierefreien Dokumenten in Lernkontexten

Deutschland hat eine neue Fassung seines Online-Handbuchs über zugängliche Dokumente in Lernkontexten veröffentlicht.

Computer with a generic graph and a hand holding a calculator.
See also English version

Court of Justice of the EU and EFTA Court decisions: legal report for 2023

This report aims to promote better alignment and use of legal mechanisms to facilitate smoother cooperation in social security matters between the EU and the European Economic Area.

Publication cover: The CJEU and EFTA Court decisions in a comparative perspective: MoveS legal report 2023


The European Year of Skills: What comes next?

Register now to attend the closing event of the European Year of Skills on 30 April. This closing event will provide a platform to reflect on the achievements of the past year and chart the course ahead.

date 30/04/2024

Registration now for the Pact for Skills Forum

The Skills Forum, scheduled for 21 and 22 in Brussels and online aims to showcase the achievements of the Pact thus far and present its vision for the future.

date 21/03/2024 - 22/03/2024

AccessibleEU events in March

Find more about this month´s AccessibleEU events taking place in Bulgaria, Germany, Luxemburg, Malta and Poland.

Accessible EU title. A woman in a wheelchair closes a laptop


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441